OT-Jon Jones busted for steroids. | The Boneyard

OT-Jon Jones busted for steroids.

Jan 2, 2017
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I'm now convinced he cannot beat DC without cheating. I was on the JJ bandwagon way before he became the guy, but this is disappointing.

White: Jones failed drug test from UFC 214

Nonsense. He is the better fighter. Which is all the more reason why I'm confused that he's getting caught. He doesn't need to dope. I don't think anybody can beat the guy right now and he's still testing positive? It's not like he stopped Cormier with a punch, he kicked him in the head with his shin. Anybody can drop anybody doing that. Why cheat?
Aug 26, 2011
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Nonsense. He is the better fighter. Which is all the more reason why I'm confused that he's getting caught. He doesn't need to dope. I don't think anybody can beat the guy right now and he's still testing positive? It's not like he stopped Cormier with a punch, he kicked him in the head with his shin. Anybody can drop anybody doing that. Why cheat?

I believe Jon Jones is the GOAT, but this is twice now. If HE doesn't believe he needs it why is he taking It?

Not buying it. DC was giving him the hands till he got head kicked. Knocked his mouthpiece clear out his mouth. Juice Jones.


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Aug 25, 2011
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This just delegitimizes the guy. He's a great fighter but he could have been considered the all time best. Instead his championship runs have asterisks next to them.


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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Nonsense. He is the better fighter. Which is all the more reason why I'm confused that he's getting caught. He doesn't need to dope. I don't think anybody can beat the guy right now and he's still testing positive? It's not like he stopped Cormier with a punch, he kicked him in the head with his shin. Anybody can drop anybody doing that. Why cheat?

He certainly thinks he needs to.

Whatever you think he is, he is because of steroids.

If two guys fight and one of them keeps testing positive for steroids, I'm not calling that guy the better fighter because he clearly is a product of what he's taking.
Aug 26, 2011
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He certainly thinks he needs to.

Whatever you think he is, he is because of steroids.

If two guys fight and one of them keeps testing positive for steroids, I'm not calling that guy the better fighter because he clearly is a product of what he's taking.
Ding, Ding, ding. Jones would have been great without it, or may be not. The two times he has popped positive have been after DC fights, though the 1st may have been after the St. Preux fight.

I'm any event this last fight should be reversed to a no contest. Roid Rage finish.


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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Ding, Ding, ding. Jones would have been great without it, or may be not. The two times he has popped positive have been after DC fights, though the 1st may have been after the St. Preux fight.

I'm any event this last fight should be reversed to a no contest. Roid Rage finish.

When someone flunks a drug test, generally it's because they've screwed up trying to cover up the drug use. It's not plausible to think that we're catching all these people on the very first time they've used steroids; it's just that they've made a mistake in their timing or their dosage and they got tripped up.

For a guy to get caught twice like this, you have to believe that he is on a constant cycle of steroids or whatever and that he's just very bad at it. Whatever he's done in his career, he's had chemical help all along the way.
Jan 2, 2017
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Yea, I'm certainly not going to defend him because I'd find it just as despicable like you guys do. And I agree, last fight would be a no contest and the belt would go back to Cormier, deservedly so. It's just so mind boggling to look at.. It's not like he has close fights. Jones just runs through people and man handles them. So what's the point?? Cormier looked way better this past fight, but I think anyone can agree that watching the fight, Jones never looked like he was on the ropes and then he landed that high kick and it was all over. Just one of those head scratchers where you go, "Really?!? Why though...??" Guy throws elbows and kicks, not like steroids are going to make your shins harder :-/
Aug 27, 2011
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Yea, I'm certainly not going to defend him because I'd find it just as despicable like you guys do. And I agree, last fight would be a no contest and the belt would go back to Cormier, deservedly so. It's just so mind boggling to look at.. It's not like he has close fights. Jones just runs through people and man handles them. So what's the point?? Cormier looked way better this past fight, but I think anyone can agree that watching the fight, Jones never looked like he was on the ropes and then he landed that high kick and it was all over. Just one of those head scratchers where you go, "Really?!? Why though...??" Guy throws elbows and kicks, not like steroids are going to make your shins harder :-/

No it doesn't make your shins harder but it gives you added strength and stamina. Not sure how you can come to the conclusion that Jones would win without juicing. He might, but he might not. Unfortunately we'll never know because Jones is finished.
Jan 2, 2017
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I feel for DC too. Just has been waiting for almost 3 years since that first fight for another go, then they had the last one cancelled and now this. Absolutely zero closure for the guy and like you guys, he sitting there wondering if Jones was clean if DC could beat him.
Jan 2, 2017
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No it doesn't make your shins harder but it gives you added strength and stamina. Not sure how you can come to the conclusion that Jones would win without juicing. He might, but he might not. Unfortunately we'll never know because Jones is finished.

100% agree. I'm more looking at it from the point of view, his style is a lot of landing vicious strikes. Like an elbow or shin is going to knock somebody out regardless. Or to land a punch on the chin. You don't need steroids for that.. so what was going through his head?

Like you mentioned, it's going to increase strength and stamina. You'd think somebody who's game is spent 90% of the time on the mat would be helped more than somebody trying to land strikes. I guess he just didn't want to leave any stone unturned?? Just a crazy turn of events.
Aug 28, 2011
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The PEDs would certainly make the force behind the punch or kick significantly more damaging. So yeah, you don't need the 'roids to land the strikes, but if you want them to cause more damage than they otherwise would...... it's obvious.

Your argument is similar to those who defended Barry Bonds (not that you're defending Jones). Barry didn't need roids to hit the baseball, which he did quite well. But the power behind the swing was obviously improved. So those fly balls the the warning track became home runs.

Jones' punches and kicks that would definitely hurt, possibly stun DC, became knockout strikes.
Jan 2, 2017
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The PEDs would certainly make the force behind the punch or kick significantly more damaging. So yeah, you don't need the 'roids to land the strikes, but if you want them to cause more damage than they otherwise would. it's obvious.

Your argument is similar to those who defended Barry Bonds (not that you're defending Jones). Barry didn't need roids to hit the baseball, which he did quite well. But the power behind the swing was obviously improved. So those fly balls the the warning track became home runs.

Jones' punches and kicks that would definitely hurt, possibly stun DC, became knockout strikes.

Yea, not trying to defend him at all haha. I wasn't trying to say steroids would have no effect either, so if that's how it came across then that's my bad. I guess using your Bonds example... if Bonds had like 20 HRs and had another 20 fly-outs to the warning track and he juiced for more power, you'd think "Man that's dirty as hell, but I see why he did it. It's definitely not right, but I understand his motivation to do it." But if Bonds was hitting 40 HRs and then had like 3 flyouts to the warning track and he did it, you think to yourself.. "Man, was that really worth that risk for 3 HRs? What a dummy." That's kind of the point I was trying to make. I feel like he had the knockout power and all the skills needed already. So why would you risk getting caught? (I know why, just for the sake of discussion) Granted, now we have no idea for how long this has been going on in his career, because now it's tainted. Could have been just these two times or it could have been forever. Especially when a lot of the fights get stopped from a stun punch and then when the guy overwhelms his opponent with punches after that, the ref steps in to stop the fight. So a lot of times you don't have to knock the guy out cold. I guess we have to see what the appeal brings, but what a stupid stupid decision if it holds up. You'd think someone in his camp would step up and say something to him.
Aug 28, 2011
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I see what you're saying. My guess is although the guy comes off cocky as hell and thought he could get away with it and/or thought he needed it because he was scared to death of losing. There's a ton of money at stake for these guys, and they have typically short careers. I think he wanted to be sure he won so he could set up a mega-fight with Lesnar and try and get a payday similar to MacGregor/Mayweather.

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