OT - Jack Cochran officially out as Harding football coach | Page 2 | The Boneyard

OT - Jack Cochran officially out as Harding football coach

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Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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gars44 said:
Whaler, I totally agree. Moving past the Jack Cochran issue specifically, this program and this administration needs a dramatic reversal in attitude if it has any hope of rising out of this quicksand we're stuck in. Dramatic in the sense of people who are willing to risk investigation and possible sanctions, like Louisville, Boise State, Florida State, da U, and a lot of other places who wanted to get ahead and weren't going to take no for an answer. Because there is not a chance that this program, in this state, in this region of the country, in this conference, is ever going to be able to recruit the kind of athletes we need to become relevant nationally playing within the rules. I'm not saying that we go out and get the death penalty, but we need imaginative thinkers of the kind that will try and get the Nate Miles' of the world in here, people that don't just go up to the border line. Going up to the border line means that you're going to misstep every now and again, and you slip over. Just like USC, Ohio State, Tennessee, Auburn, Oregon, Texas, Oklahoma State, virtually every name program straddles that fine line, lives in the grey area, spends half its time on the wrong side. This should not be controversial. This is how Jim Calhoun played the game. I'm all for it.

No argument here.

I'd start with the nonsensical idea that decreased football player academics somehow diminish the overall university.

As far as college football coaches go Edsall fell way on the academic side compared to his peers and it's clear he knew it had to be loosened.
Aug 27, 2011
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Whaler, I totally agree. Moving past the Jack Cochran issue specifically, this program and this administration needs a dramatic reversal in attitude if it has any hope of rising out of this quicksand we're stuck in. Dramatic in the sense of people who are willing to risk investigation and possible sanctions, like Louisville, Boise State, Florida State, da U, and a lot of other places who wanted to get ahead and weren't going to take no for an answer. Because there is not a chance that this program, in this state, in this region of the country, in this conference, is ever going to be able to recruit the kind of athletes we need to become relevant nationally playing within the rules. I'm not saying that we go out and get the death penalty, but we need imaginative thinkers of the kind that will try and get the Nate Miles' of the world in here, people that don't just go up to the border line. Going up to the border line means that you're going to misstep every now and again, and you slip over. Just like USC, Ohio State, Tennessee, Auburn, Oregon, Texas, Oklahoma State, virtually every name program straddles that fine line, lives in the grey area, spends half its time on the wrong side. This should not be controversial. This is how Jim Calhoun played the game. I'm all for it.

Look at the penalties when they get caught. Slaps on the wrist. If I'm an AD and my coach says he's not cheating, I'm asking him why not?
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