OT: Isaiah Stewart commits to Washington | Page 2 | The Boneyard

OT: Isaiah Stewart commits to Washington

Sep 16, 2011
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Wow. UCONN fans seem to hate Syracuse. Why the hatred? I am guessing it is because they are in a better league and have a better future in the ACC but hatred usually means jealousy. I respect UCONN's National Championships and respected Calhoun but seems like things are a mess there now. At least Hurly has some passion and has gotten decent recruits but the ship seems to be sinking unless the next 3 years or so show a resurgence, which it might. As a CT native, I hope they stay relevant but don't seem to be now and now with news about the athletic program losing millions, seems ominous but not yet dire because of Hurley. And for the haters, this is not a hater comment...I just notice the vitriol toward the Orange seemingly for no reason.
I know. it's so strange especially considering your fans love UConn so much. You guys have a solid program with only 1 less championship than Tyler Olander. By the way wonderful post Krayeske, keep them coming.
Nov 27, 2015
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I know. it's so strange especially considering your fans love UConn so much. You guys have a solid program with only 1 less championship than Tyler Olander. By the way wonderful post Krayeske, keep them coming.
Wow. I can see the vitriol runs deep and obviously I am not an insider as I have no idea about a reference to a Krayeske. I posted an honest comment, didn't bash anyone and the result is a comment like yours. Yes, I am an SU fan but, like I said, also from CT so have been torn many years but now that they are in different conferences I just don't see the reason for the hate. And I am not a representative of all SU fans..I am sure a ton loathe UCONN, mainly out of jealously =for the Cahmpionships, but there really is no reason for you or anyone else to be rude. Speaks more about your character than anything else.
Nov 27, 2015
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Syracuse fans hate UConn too. Do you have an illogical rant to describe why they hate us?
yes, they are jealous but UCONN has 4 National Championships just like UCONN fans seem jealous that SU is in a better conference and therefore has a higher likelihood for future success, financially and on the court. That certainly is not set in stone but also it all seems true. I call it like it is and am never intending to be rude or condescending.
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
yes, they are jealous but UCONN has 4 National Championships just like UCONN fans seem jealous that SU is in a better conference and therefore has a higher likelihood for future success, financially and on the court. That certainly is not set in stone but also it all seems true. I call it like it is and am never intending to be rude or condescending.

We are undoubtedly extremely bitter about CR. There are a lot of situations we are jealous of. I don't think Cuse has a very promising future at this point.


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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No one besides folks who went to Cuse or live in a 10 mile radius of the campus likes Cuse
There is nothing to like - their coach is an arse wipe, it snows 100 plus inches of snow and and they have won nothing w/o rent a Melo


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
Wow. UCONN fans seem to hate Syracuse. Why the hatred? I am guessing it is because they are in a better league and have a better future in the ACC but hatred usually means jealousy. I respect UCONN's National Championships and respected Calhoun but seems like things are a mess there now. At least Hurly has some passion and has gotten decent recruits but the ship seems to be sinking unless the next 3 years or so show a resurgence, which it might. As a CT native, I hope they stay relevant but don't seem to be now and now with news about the athletic program losing millions, seems ominous but not yet dire because of Hurley. And for the haters, this is not a hater comment...I just notice the vitriol toward the Orange seemingly for no reason.

Syracuse and UCONN are arch rivals. Have been for years. You hate your arch rival. That's how it's done.

Cuse had Gtown waaaaay back when, but it's been UCONN for 25 years now and vice versa.

How can you be a fan of Cuse and not know that?


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
And yet I posted an honest comment and have been instantly bashed. Speaks volumes.

Yes. We hate Cuse and their fans. Fans first and foremost, but the entire program as well.
Nov 27, 2015
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Syracuse and UCONN are arch rivals. Have been for years. You hate your arch rival. That's how it's done.

Cuse had Gtown waaaaay back when, but it's been UCONN for 25 years now and vice versa.

How can you be a fan of Cuse and not know that?
Of course I know that. Doesn't give a license to be a'holes. Nothing wrong with a good rivalry and the SU/UCONN one was a great one. Really doesn't mean to me you need to hate the fans as well but reading this thread I am kind of understanding the hatred goes far beyond sports.
Nov 27, 2015
Reaction Score
Yes. We hate Cuse and their fans. Fans first and foremost, but the entire program as well.
Classy! Fans don't hate teams that aren't relevant. No question SU has a brighter future in all likelihood. Not 100% but I don't know any UCONN friends that wouldn't trade the AAC for the ACC. Thats a no brainer. If UCONN gets to a better conference one day, things could change but as it stands they are in a mediocre conference, have a waining fan base and a huge athletic department deficit although Hurley may change that. That is all the truth. With SU, they draw over 20k fans a game, will set another on campus record against Duke, have a bigger national fan base, still have a hall of fame coach like him or not, and are in the best conference in the country. Nothing Cuse fans can say about UCONN having 4 National Championships...that dominates Cuse's 1...but the present > past. Cuse has issues too, like who takes over when JB retires but that is really about it and some say that may be a welcome change, some don't. Time will tell above all. I personally wouldn't mind seeing UCONN relevant again even though I would want SU to beat them if they played.
Last edited:


Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
Classy! Fans don't hate teams that aren't relevant. No question SU has a brighter future in all likelihood. Not 100% but I don't know any UCONN friends that wouldn't trade the AAC for the ACC. Thats a no brainer. If UCONN gets to a better conference one day, things could change but as it stands they are in a mediocre conference, have a waining fan base and a huge athletic department deficit although Hurley may change that. That is all the truth. With SU, they draw over 20k fans a game, will set another on campus record against Duke, have a bigger national fan base, still have a hall of fame coach like him or not, and are in the best conference in the country. Nothing Cuse fans can say about UCONN having 4 National Championships...that dominates Cuse's 1...but the present > past. Cuse has issues too, like who takes over when JB retires but that is really about it and some say that may be a welcome change, some don't. Time will tell above all. I personally wouldn't mind seeing UCONN relevant again even though I would want SU to beat them if they played.

Very good troll job, I applaud you. Very passive aggressive casual fan stuff.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
Of course I know that. Doesn't give a license to be a'holes. Nothing wrong with a good rivalry and the SU/UCONN one was a great one. Really doesn't mean to me you need to hate the fans as well but reading this thread I am kind of understanding the hatred goes far beyond sports.

If one of our posters says one thing on their board, we get banned. Damn near instantaneously. You guys don't get that treatment here. High road.
Jan 11, 2013
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Classy! Fans don't hate teams that aren't relevant. No question SU has a brighter future in all likelihood. Not 100% but I don't know any UCONN friends that wouldn't trade the AAC for the ACC. Thats a no brainer. If UCONN gets to a better conference one day, things could change but as it stands they are in a mediocre conference, have a waining fan base and a huge athletic department deficit although Hurley may change that. That is all the truth. With SU, they draw over 20k fans a game, will set another on campus record against Duke, have a bigger national fan base, still have a hall of fame coach like him or not, and are in the best conference in the country. Nothing Cuse fans can say about UCONN having 4 National Championships...that dominates Cuse's 1...but the present > past. Cuse has issues too, like who takes over when JB retires but that is really about it and some say that may be a welcome change, some don't. Time will tell above all. I personally wouldn't mind seeing UCONN relevant again even though I would want SU to beat them if they played.
What’re you, new? This is remedial level trolling. Like some 45 year old, father of three whose 12yo son just started getting into college b-ball so dad joined in on the ride, did some wiki reading to get the broad strokes, then googled “UConn website” and somehow found their way here, read a few pages, and was aghast people might get into this sort of thing passionately. You seem very bland CTNative, so your handle is apropos at least. Go be inconsequential somewhere else.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
Classy! Fans don't hate teams that aren't relevant. No question SU has a brighter future in all likelihood. Not 100% but I don't know any UCONN friends that wouldn't trade the AAC for the ACC. Thats a no brainer. If UCONN gets to a better conference one day, things could change but as it stands they are in a mediocre conference, have a waining fan base and a huge athletic department deficit although Hurley may change that. That is all the truth. With SU, they draw over 20k fans a game, will set another on campus record against Duke, have a bigger national fan base, still have a hall of fame coach like him or not, and are in the best conference in the country. Nothing Cuse fans can say about UCONN having 4 National Championships...that dominates Cuse's 1...but the present > past. Cuse has issues too, like who takes over when JB retires but that is really about it and some say that may be a welcome change, some don't. Time will tell above all. I personally wouldn't mind seeing UCONN relevant again even though I would want SU to beat them if they played.

You guys have a couple years of Boeheim at 60% capacity. Then who? GMac??


Exiled in Pittsburgh
Mar 23, 2012
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And yet I posted an honest comment and have been instantly bashed. Speaks volumes.

You asked for it. Take some personal responsibility, Canadian. You probably pine for Oompa pizza.
Sep 16, 2011
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Wow. I can see the vitriol runs deep and obviously I am not an insider as I have no idea about a reference to a Krayeske. I posted an honest comment, didn't bash anyone and the result is a comment like yours. Yes, I am an SU fan but, like I said, also from CT so have been torn many years but now that they are in different conferences I just don't see the reason for the hate. And I am not a representative of all SU fans..I am sure a ton loathe UCONN, mainly out of jealously =for the Cahmpionships, but there really is no reason for you or anyone else to be rude. Speaks more about your character than anything else.
You're trolling, this is how trolls get dealt with...
Aug 29, 2011
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Classy! Fans don't hate teams that aren't relevant. No question SU has a brighter future in all likelihood. Not 100% but I don't know any UCONN friends that wouldn't trade the AAC for the ACC. Thats a no brainer. If UCONN gets to a better conference one day, things could change but as it stands they are in a mediocre conference, have a waining fan base and a huge athletic department deficit although Hurley may change that. That is all the truth. With SU, they draw over 20k fans a game, will set another on campus record against Duke, have a bigger national fan base, still have a hall of fame coach like him or not, and are in the best conference in the country. Nothing Cuse fans can say about UCONN having 4 National Championships...that dominates Cuse's 1...but the present > past. Cuse has issues too, like who takes over when JB retires but that is really about it and some say that may be a welcome change, some don't. Time will tell above all. I personally wouldn't mind seeing UCONN relevant again even though I would want SU to beat them if they played.

Is Cuse really taking credit for the success of Duke, UNC, and UVA?
Mar 8, 2012
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Wow. I can see the vitriol runs deep and obviously I am not an insider as I have no idea about a reference to a Krayeske. I posted an honest comment, didn't bash anyone and the result is a comment like yours. Yes, I am an SU fan but, like I said, also from CT so have been torn many years but now that they are in different conferences I just don't see the reason for the hate. And I am not a representative of all SU fans..I am sure a ton loathe UCONN, mainly out of jealously =for the Cahmpionships, but there really is no reason for you or anyone else to be rude. Speaks more about your character than anything else.
Guess I must have missed your honest comment where you didn’t bash anyone. I did notice your comment where you called our program a mess and a sinking ship.

It’s ok though sunshine, I forgive you. It’s got to be rough to perceive yourselves as a great basketball program and then have a rival program come along and make your program’s basketball accomplishments look like a pile of garbage.
May 27, 2014
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yes, they are jealous but UCONN has 4 National Championships just like UCONN fans seem jealous that SU is in a better conference and therefore has a higher likelihood for future success, financially and on the court. That certainly is not set in stone but also it all seems true. I call it like it is and am never intending to be rude or condescending.
Get the Fook out of here with that handle if you’re a Cuse fan and the “I don’t get the Cuse hatred” BS


Storrs, CT The Mecca
Aug 26, 2011
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Classy! Fans don't hate teams that aren't relevant. No question SU has a brighter future in all likelihood. Not 100% but I don't know any UCONN friends that wouldn't trade the AAC for the ACC. Thats a no brainer. If UCONN gets to a better conference one day, things could change but as it stands they are in a mediocre conference, have a waining fan base and a huge athletic department deficit although Hurley may change that. That is all the truth. With SU, they draw over 20k fans a game, will set another on campus record against Duke, have a bigger national fan base, still have a hall of fame coach like him or not, and are in the best conference in the country. Nothing Cuse fans can say about UCONN having 4 National Championships...that dominates Cuse's 1...but the present > past. Cuse has issues too, like who takes over when JB retires but that is really about it and some say that may be a welcome change, some don't. Time will tell above all. I personally wouldn't mind seeing UCONN relevant again even though I would want SU to beat them if they played.
Is Cuse really taking credit for the success of Duke, UNC, and UVA?

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