The first tip is good, applies to any baby really. But Chuck is 100% right that infant twins are more than double the work because at that stage you often need 2 people to feed and/or attempting either one of you to do both cuts devastatingly into sleep and becomes endless cycle time consuming. Changing both or the oft repeated advice "get them on the same cycle" is a no-brainer, but fact of matter is rarely when they are infants do you have consecutive 'clean' events. Someone spits up feeding requiring a change of clothes, someone poops right after the diaper change or during it and stains clothes or sheets requiring a redo. By the time you finish with both its almost time for the next feeding. So having both PARENTS up when they are infants is often the only way. I have few memories from that period due to brain-exhaustion, its all amalgamated into one particular night I remember that consisted of an continuous cycle of feed, spit-ups, diarrhea, feed repeat. To get back on topic it was analogous to the 06-07 season.