I love the way you equate some of the wealthiest people in the country waiting for dinner and the economy doing well.
I'm sure, right before the first shots of the Russian revolution were fired, there were a bunch of rich people eating somewhere just as nice as the Bricco.
I find it fascinating that there is a small, but shrinking, segment of the population that doesn't see/won't admit that the economy is bad and getting worse. Gasoline is at the highest August price in history, and that's with demand in the U.S. at multi decade lows.
Is it a political thing? Is it a patriotic thing? Is it a Pollyanna thing? Maybe you're living in West Hartford. Where I'm at, the signs of grinding economic downturn are everywhere.
Regarding the Stormfront references, what's the deal? Dude says that it was "ghetto" in Hartford and suddenly he's a KKK member? You're the ones who equated "ghetto" with race. He didn't.
To me "ghetto" has a very clear, very obvious meaning - young men who believe that being a thug-bad ass is the most important thing. They are unemployed. They listen to violent music - typically rap. They wear their pants baggy and their hats askew. They are typically sociopaths. They father children and don't care much what happens to them. They call women "hoes and bitches". They don't pay taxes. They commit crimes. They are violent.
That is ghetto. If Hartford happens to have more white than black than hispanic than asian ghetto types, who cares? The poster made a simple observation.
Perhaps what the issue is is that you don't think middle aged, productive citizens should criticize those who are adherents to the ghetto culture. Perhaps, because the ghetto culture originated with blacks, you believe that any use of "ghetto" or "ghetto culture" is an attack on all black people.
Don't care. Dude - thanks for the heads up. I understood what you meant. The people with rainbows coming out of their asses in this thread can go reinvigorate downtown, because they are not, apparently, repulsed by the young hoods I described above (at least not the black or hispanic ones).