I have Time Warner Cable and was thinking of switching to satellite. I don't have ATTUverse access here so these are the choices I have. Thoughts?
Eric, like all of other posters that have chimed in, I too think
DIRECTV is the only way to go. I'd had Dish for a while, but I switched to Directv because they have
exclusive rights to the
NFL Sunday Ticket.
If you're an NFL fan, you've got to have the ticket. Having Directv also allows me to watch satellite TV in my RV when we're on the road away from home. I get all of the stations in my RV that I get at home. You can't get that dynamic from any cable company, only Dish and Directv. If I couldn't get satellite TV in my rig, I'd be relegated to watching "over the air" TV, which means no ESPN. And that my friend is unacceptable. Two things (luxuries) I would find it hard to live without.......My morning cup of
coffee, and
Bottom line:
I recommend you go with Directv. You'll get
SNY on the sports package for an extra fee. I only subscribe to the sports package during the UConn women's regular season. I add it on the day of their first game, then I have it taken off after their last game that is carried by SNY. It's only $14.99 a month, but well worth it.
If I didn't have directv, I would not be able to see most of UConn's games. That also would be unacceptable.
I tape all of the games to watch later if I'm not at home when they come on, or to view again when I begin to have withdrawals (UConn basketball Jones).
I see ALL of the UConn women's games. As I'm sure you know,
ALL of the post season tournament games (conference and NCAA) are broadcast on ESPN, so you don't need SNY
after the last regular season game. I've had Directv for close to 20 years, and I'm still happy with it.
Get Directv, you'll be glad you did.
Happy viewing.