This video is all over social media, generating lots of discussion. Since it is sports related, I was wondering what Boneyarders had to say.
Since others are commenting, let me throw my two cents in.........
Bottom line (as Mike Golic said on his ESPN morning radio show) just walk away.
John was wrong in every way.
1. He should not have been in that bar in the first place (he's under age)
2. HE initiated the contact with the woman. HE bumped into her, then disrespected her by not issuing an apology.
3. He grabs her arms (that's a battery). So naturally she begins to try an fend him off of her. He's fair game at that point.
4. Yes, she throws a punch at him. It's said she tried to knee him in his groin area (while he's still got her in his grasp), and used some racial epithets. Well guess what, most people retaliate when you assault them.
You open yourself up for that when you grab a woman (that you don't know) in a bar (or anywhere else) like that. That doesn't give you a green light to slug her.
5. Being a high profile athlete he should have known better (he does now) than to put himself in that position. He represents the school and the football team. If the guy sitting next to her had done that, it would not have been newsworthy, and we never would have heard about it.
Being at that bar was NOT worth losing his scholarship, getting kicked out of school, and having to endure the embarrassment that it caused. HE is responsible for EVERYTHING that happened.
He didn't know it at the time, but everyone in the bar did not know who he was (or cared), and not everyone was impressed with his limited (or imagined) celebrity.
EVERYTHING that happened in that bar was by his own hand(s). Hopefully he has learned a lesson that he will remember rest of his life.
6. FSU has learned it's lesson, thanks to Jameis Winston. They did not want to ride THAT merry-go-round again. Cut him loose, and you don't have to answer any questions, or make any excuses.......period! That's my take. agree with it or not.
The NFL is taking a zero tolerance stance on domestic violence. Get arrested, get cut. It's that simple. Colleges should follow suite.
7. Real men don't hit women.......period!!!! FSU is better off without him. I hope he gets some jail time, even if it's a minimum sentence. He committed an act of assault & battery.
The piper must be paid. No community service, no written apologies, no plea deals......jail time.
What if that was YOUR daughter that he assaulted. How would YOU feel about this?