This isn't about racism.
This is about corporatism.
The developing PC of the last 40 years has been more about corporatism than correctness - at least outside of academia and politics. The common thread among all of these cases is the preservation of income. Cowherd is more of a tw@t than ever, but the comment in question was really a generic comment that "Baseball can't be complicated because people from countries with horrible education systems play it just fine." He used the DR as an obvious example, because they have so many players in MLB, but there was no contextual implication that he was picking on that one ethnicity, and, further, there is no contextual implication that he was making an ethic/racial argument that Dominicans are stupid.
His follow up sentence is critical:
The Dominican Republic has not been known in my lifetime as having world class academic abilities. A lot of those kids come from rough backgrounds and have not had opportunities academically that other kids from other countries have.
He lays out very clearly that he's not making a genetic argument - "come from rough backgrounds and have not had the opportunities . . . ." Can't be any clearer than that. He's saying the DR schools suck, they produce poorly educated kids, those kids go on to play MLB baseball, they do fine, ergo playing MLB baseball does not require a good education, ergo playing MLB is not complicated. The logic is poor, but it's not racist or xenophobic.
This is about money, which is what much of PC code is now. ESPN doesn't want to lose any viewers, CC was on his way out anyway, so the very easy call was to fire him. Makes ESPN - a soulless corporation formed exclusively and explicitly to profiteer - appear to have some sort of social conscience.
PC in politics is about electability and preservation of power.
PC in academia is about thought control and entrenchment of ideology.
PC everywhere else is about maximization of profit.
PC does not exist where it can do none of the above, and that's why NASCAR hasn't yet banned the confederate flag - because it would hurt the bottom line. If it would help the bottom line, they'd ban the flags in a nano-second and put out some PC tripe about "inclusivity" and the "values" of NASCAR.
I'm not sure why anybody is surprised anymore when somebody gets suspended/axed for ho-hum language that some group or another finds offensive according to one or more alleged representatives of that group or another. It's not about the content of the indicted speech. It's not about the belief structure held by the person enunciating the indicted speech.
It's about the power/ideology/money that's impacted by the speech, which means this is an effect-driven phenomenon, not a sensitivity-driven phenomenon.
Hogan getting fired for comments made 8 years ago in a private conversation is just the latest iteration of effect-driven "correctness."