Here's the deal. Intel acknowledged a few weeks ago that they had a vulnerability built into their processors. A kernel that allowed a hacker access to your computer with which they could take control and do whatever they wanted. Conspiracy pundits otherwise, this security flaw makes anything that uses Intel devices, phones, computers (yes Mac's), tablets etc. vulnerable. AMD doesn't have this flaw in any of their kernels. Well, at least as we know so far. This has had to be dealt with in 2 phases. Microsoft made a patch and Intel just 2 weeks ago made a micro code patch for motherboard manufacturers in their bios update.
Now a patch is just that. They're bandages. These bandages now point hackers to the area they need to attack to access this kernel flaw. Microsoft and Intel are going to have to continue to place Band-Aid upon Band-Aid to delay these hackers access, and believe me that ain't easy. Microsoft already deals with an average of 50,000 new virus' a day. Also, don't think the next generation of Intel processors will deal with this flaw because the architecture of the new processors is set. Changing that would put Intel's release back 2 years. Or more.
This makes the use of a VPN a necessity. VPN's use a sort of shell game with servers on an international level to keep anyone from getting a bead on your computer. I use HideMyAss (HMA) and I pay 60 bucks for their yearly service. Astrill VPN is another good service, but they're more expensive. There are others. They are I think essential and everyone should get one now. Ignore at your peril.