I'll be fleeing to WitSec after these comments... but A-Roid Rodriguez, Lance Armstrong, Ben Johnson, Bonds and McGwire, The 1919 Black Sox, the 2000 Spanish Paralympic teams, Rosie Ruiz, Shady Brady and Beli-Cheat- they are all birds of a feather. Based upon how beloved an athlete is or how devoted people may become to a particular sports team, people will believe what they choose to believe, willing to ignore even the most reasonable of inferences while demanding only direct evidence, which is often not possible but doesn't mean the charged is any less guilty.
I think this pretty much establishes your ability to examine the facts impartially.
[QUOTEPeople have been convicted of serious crimes based upon far less circumstantial evidence than was presented by Wells and the NFL. [/QUOTE]
While it's undeniably true that people have been convicted of serious crimes with virtually NO evidence, circumstantial or otherwise, (see Little Rascals Day Care Center case) what I find most troubling about posts like yours, and you're not alone, is that you make the claim there was circumstantial evidence, but you never say what you believe that evidence was. Someone suspicious of your impartiality, which I think we've already established, could reasonably conclude that your circumstantial evidence wouldn't stand up to scrutiny.
I would really be interested in knowing what you've read about this case. Is it just ESPN stories, the Wells Report, Goodell's appeal summary, what? I've read all of them as well as the AEI report, the Patriots' rebuttal, the Carnegie Mellon study and Drew Fustin's analysis along with a few others that I don't recall. By the way the most compelling is Fustin's study which shows almost to a dead certainty that nothing but weather happened. The following is an example from the Wells report of what most people thought was circumstantial evidence:
09:05:45 EDT
McNally: Tom sucks… I’m going make that next ball a duckin balloon.
09:07:08 EDT
Jastremski: Talked to
him last night.
He actually brought you up and said you must have a lot of stress trying to get them done.
09:07:37 EDT
Jastremski: I told him it was. He was right though...
09:08:07 EDT
Jastremski: I checked some of the balls this morn... The refs ducked us... a few of then were at almost 16.
09:08:29 EDT
Jastremski: They didn’t recheck then after they put air in them.
09:16:31 EDT
McNally: duck tom… 16 is nothing… Wait till next Sunday
09:16:52 EDT
Jastremski: Omg! Spaz.
From the very beginning it was claimed by Wells and others that the individual referred to in the second message was a reference to Brady concerning a scheme to deflate balls. As an aside, when questioned about this exchange Brady said he didn't believe they were talking about him. We now know that Wells or someone else connected with the investigation (fair to guess given recent events that it was Pash) deliberately edited this message trail, leaving out the following, which occurred after the first message:
09:06:11 EDT
Jastremski: LOL. Hey so when are you going to have that camera set up for Bears practice?
09:06:25 EDT
McNally: Aw hell. Now Belichick is whining, too?
09:06:35 EDT
Jastremski: Sorrrry : )
09:06:57 EDT
McNally: Well you tell that goon that I used the rest of the tape on the Jets last week. Gotta few more extra rolls, but I need to delete some old footage first.
When the entire text message exchange is read it's clear the "he" was Belichick, not Brady and the topic was cameras not footballs, but let's not let a little detail like honesty cloud the narrative that they were discussing deflating footballs.
Just a last word about Fustin's analysis and the football protocol for the coming season. One of the main conclusions in Fustin's study is that Anderson's recollection about which gauge he used prior to kickoff
must have been correct, otherwise none of the other measurements make sense and if Anderson used the logo gauge, absolutely
nothing happened except weather. To my knowledge, no one has been able to refute a single conclusion from his study or his methodology. As for this season's random testing, I would have preferred a comprehensive and systematic testing at
every game by independent testers, but I'm hopeful that even the limited random testing will eventually demonstrate that no tampering occurred and that the deflation was entirely due to weather. If not I'm prepared to eat crow, but if I'm right (I am) then I hope people like you, j66kicker and others are prepared to provide your mea culpas.