Here's my take on this. Like all things in college athletics, talking heads on blogs or Twitter on TV may know more about the 119 other football schools or the 319 other basketball schools, but none of them knows more about OUR school than probably 75-95% of the posters on this Board.
With that in mind, given the bend in Ollie's arc last year, which was both anticipated and justifiable, and his significant buyout at least through next summer, I don't think he's going anywhere this year or next. Sure, he's got some family issues that he is dealing with, but his daughter is in high school here, and his son is going to college 100 miles away. I can't see him uprooting and moving to Oklahoma with all of this up in the air.
The man is making $3 million to coach at his alma mater, and one of the best programs in the game. It's going to take a lot for him to leave that, and I don't think this is the time for it.
But, that's just my opinion.