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Still do not understand why women do not go to the police and not campus security/administration and why parents and friends do not insist. Not saying the police are great in regard to rape, but they at least tend to be less conflicted in their 'loyalties'.
Well, the campus police usually are THE police, so the administration is going to find out anyways. Going to a different police is going outside their jurisdiction. If you were assaulted by an acquaintance, maybe at a party where you've had a drink or two, you're afraid that no one will believe you. Maybe it takes two days to admit to yourself what really happened, emotionally deal, and get out of denial-land. Maybe by that time the guy's friends are already talking about what a nope you are and nobody, not even your own friends, believe that you didn't "ask for it" because he's such a "nice guy, really".
And now you're an emotional mess, you've been assaulted, and you're terrified that the police won't believe you. You have reason to believe, because 90% of every story like yours that's ever hit the press is about how the police mishandle cases like yours. And you hope, irrationally, that the administration or on-campus security will be more sympathetic or understanding because they're the school and they're supposed to look out for you. Maybe you're not quite out of denial-land, so you're not sure you want to press criminal charges, you just want advice and maybe a new dorm assignment so you're not living in the same building as your attacker.
Long story short, if I were ever raped, I honestly don't know if I would report it. I can't help but think that calling the police would be a painful waste of time.