Ohio State has moved all of its summer classes to online, I suspect many other universities will do the same. Some are regarding this as the first domino to fall in eventual postponement/cancellation of fall sports.
That may be the case, but I'm hesitant to jump to that conclusion now for a few reasons:
- Students enrolled in summer classes generally have made or are currently making their housing decisions right now. Therefore, this information is necessary for them to have now.
- The amount of summer classes is far less than the general school year, and is more easily completed online.
- This allows professors the time to tailor their class structure to an online model.
- This does *not* preclude athletes from moving into dorms for late July/early August if it's deemed safe to do so.
- This actually increases the viability of a return to normalcy on campus in the fall semester as it provides more time for proper maintenance/cleaning/infrastructure planning to handle everyone returning in fall if it's deemed safe.
- No decision on fall sports needs to be made at this time. That decision can easily be made in two months on June 1 when there's much more information on where we stand nationally. That would give teams/coaches about two more months before anyone would realistically be back on campus.
- No decision on NCAA fall sports will be made prior to NBA, NHL, and MLB making decisions on their current seasons.
Knee-jerk decisions for events far down the line serve no purpose. If you cancel everything now based on panic, it only further infuriates the public and reduces the chances they comply with necessary physical distancing orders that are vital right now. If you tell everyone now that the seasons are going forward, it only fuels doubt. Logic and rational decision-making are even more important than normal in times like these.