Only 1 thing unforgivable tonight. | The Boneyard

Only 1 thing unforgivable tonight.

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Aug 29, 2011
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Going on the road to play on a Thursday night off of 4 weekends straight games is a very tall task on its own, never mind when the home team is a top10 ranked in country, revenge motivated, and you,re a struggling .500.

A win tonight would have been truly remarkable.

What's unforgivable is coming out on the first snap of offense after a touchback, down by many TDs and incurring a delay of game penalty.

We find new ways to make playing offense in football look near impossible every week.
Nov 30, 2013
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This team shows no urgency at all. The tempo absolutely needs to speed up going forward. I understand that tonight we wanted to keep Ward and Co off the field, but Thomas was getting separation. They needed to capitalize on this and keep the favorable match ups.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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Going on the road to play on a Thursday night off of 4 weekends straight games is a very tall task on its own, never mind when the home team is a top10 ranked in country, revenge motivated, and you,re a struggling .500.

A win tonight would have been truly remarkable.

What's unforgivable is coming out on the first snap of offense after a touchback, down by many TDs and incurring a delay of game penalty.

We find new ways to make playing offense in football look near impossible every week.

There were plenty of unforgiveable moments tonight. Unless Benedict cares, nothing will change.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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This team shows no urgency at all. The tempo absolutely needs to speed up going forward. I understand that tonight we wanted to keep Ward and Co off the field, but Thomas was getting separation. They needed to capitalize on this and keep the favorable match ups.

Spot on. Nothing from the staff communicated to the players shows any sense of urgency. To me that says you don't respect the game or the players who put in the effort to play it. Everything from this staff says wait, wait, wait.
Nov 30, 2013
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Spot on. Nothing from the staff communicated to the players shows any sense of urgency. To me that says you don't respect the game or the players who put in the effort to play it. Everything from this staff says wait, wait, wait.

I know they want to control the time of possession game and it's a good game plan against teams like Houston, but without an offensive line like Stanford, it's just not possible. Up tempo is the only way to get this team to do anything consistently on offense

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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I know they want to control the time of possession game and it's a good game plan against teams like Houston, but without an offensive line like Stanford, it's just not possible. Up tempo is the only way to get this team to do anything consistently on offense

Well, they tried up tempo for a quarter and it was tied 0-0, so they had to reel it in.
Nov 30, 2013
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Well, they tried up tempo for a quarter and it was tied 0-0, so they had to reel it in.

The end of the Maine game and the Navy game, our offense looked practically unstoppable. Even in the Navy game I remember the announcers saying how good Sheriffs was moving the ball down the field. I find myself asking myself, "are we good for only one amazing drive at the end if every game and that's it?"
Sep 30, 2014
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I'm actually more disgusted people are taking this loss lightly.

"They weren't supposed to win anyway."

They weren't supposed to win last year, either. It's not that they lost; it's that they looked like they didn't even belong on the same field -- ON NATIONAL TELEVISION.

A one or two score loss is one thing. The entire program just got emasculated in front of the entire country. See the difference?


Aussie Aussie Aussie!
Aug 26, 2011
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Sorry @Carl Spackler but there were a few things tonight that weren't good. The one you reference is certainly one but punting 6 times in the opposition's side of the field would also qualify. Some of them were unrealistic but the first time and the last time in particular really left me thinking that BD ain't the right guy for the job.
Nov 30, 2013
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I'm actually more disgusted people are taking this loss lightly.

"They weren't supposed to win anyway."

They weren't supposed to win last year, either. It's not that they lost; it's that they looked like they didn't even belong on the same field -- ON NATIONAL TELEVISION.

A one or two score loss is one thing. The entire program just got emasculated in front of the entire country. See the difference?

I thought we had a good chance in the first half. Joseph was getting penetration and we were limiting the deep passes. The the linebackers practically disappeared and the secondary collapsed. The offense, when trying, looked like it was actually trying to mix it up. Sheriffs overthrowing and dropped passes killed us tonight.


A Half full kind of guy
Aug 26, 2011
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I think the pass can open up the running lanes and would like to see a more open offense with the wide receivers UConn has along with the Tight Ends they have. Stop the damn run on first down all the time and spread the field so the other teams safeties actually have to guess instead of playing in the box on every early down.
Aug 27, 2011
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To put it plainly, the Diaco experiment has failed. We're the odds against us? Yes. Should we have expected a loss? Yes. But, I don't expect a UConn coach to give away momentum at a critical early moment fearing a mistake more than making a play, to punt 6 times across the 50 when we are down, and to essentially fold the cards after 3 quarters. Perhaps the team lacks key talent, but that is also part of the job. He can crap golden eggs out his reared for the rest of the season, but he's not fooling me. His process failed. His schemes have failed, and there is no indicator things are dramatically improving. His arse needs to be canned. Move on.
Aug 26, 2011
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There were plenty of unforgiveable moments tonight. Unless Benedict cares, nothing will change.
Firing Diaco isn't going to prevent Sheriffs from overthrowing Thomas on multiple ocassions. We have a talent issue. I understand that we have some NFL caliber players but as there is also a lack of talent at a number of positions. From watching a lot of games I can tell you that Thomas is an NFL caliber receiver but a number of our opponents also have a receiver with similar talent(see Syracuse) and also have greater talent at other positions. Until we can recruit at a higher level things are not going to change. We are in a tough spot because the there are not a lot of premium recruits in New England.
Nov 30, 2013
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The more I think about it, the more that title game against Alabama should have been a warning. Wasn't that his Broyles year? His defense got absolutely torched that night. He was supposedly the best coordinator in the country at that time, but half the teams in the SEC put up a better defense against Bama
Feb 10, 2013
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Firing Diaco isn't going to prevent Sheriffs from overthrowing Thomas on multiple ocassions.
Firing Diaco would've prevented losses to Navy & Syracuse, and could prevent losses to Temple, ECU, BC and Tulane.
Aug 27, 2011
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Tonight the breakdown on first down run/pass was 10 run/17 pass.
It was more open, except when it mattered and they went turtle. BS missed on 2 critical plays and Mayala dropped a critical must catch. But the real swing came when we punted at the 38. That was a colossal vote of no confidence and total fear based leadership in a game where the only chance was strike early and let panic set in to the opponent.


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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Firing Diaco would've prevented losses to Navy & Syracuse, and could prevent losses to Temple, ECU, BC and Tulane.

You want to trust Wayne Lineburg against Temple, ECU, BC, and Tulane? God bless you.
Aug 29, 2011
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Sorry @Carl Spackler but there were a few things tonight that weren't good. The one you reference is certainly one but punting 6 times in the opposition's side of the field would also qualify. Some of them were unrealistic but the first time and the last time in particular really left me thinking that BD ain't the right guy for the job.

I disagree. I think the punting and field position game regardless of clock and scoreboard is consistent with Diaco's coaching philosophy. I think it sucks big monkey balls that he appears either unwilling or incapable of any sense of the flow of the game and making offensive adjustments, but it's consistent. The announcers couldn't believe what was happening but we've watched this guy coach for 2.25 years now. Slow, slow football.

That delay penalty off a dead ball possession change though? I remember writing a few days ago, that I would either be happy and jumping in front of my TV, or something would happen late that would have me running around the house yelling and throwing things.

That delay of game, was it.
Aug 26, 2011
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Firing Diaco isn't going to prevent Sheriffs from overthrowing Thomas on multiple ocassions. We have a talent issue. I understand that we have some NFL caliber players but as there is also a lack of talent at a number of positions. From watching a lot of games I can tell you that Thomas is an NFL caliber receiver but a number of our opponents also have a receiver with similar talent(see Syracuse) and also have greater talent at other positions. Until we can recruit at a higher level things are not going to change. We are in a tough spot because the there are not a lot of premium recruits in New England.
The Maine QB throws better than ours. Actually, every opposing QB throws better than ours. Not convinced that New England recruits are the problem.
Aug 29, 2011
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I'm actually more disgusted people are taking this loss lightly.

"They weren't supposed to win anyway."

They weren't supposed to win last year, either. It's not that they lost; it's that they looked like they didn't even belong on the same field -- ON NATIONAL TELEVISION.

A one or two score loss is one thing. The entire program just got emasculated in front of the entire country. See the difference?

Not sure if this is directed at me. Reality is that it takes 3 days, minimum, for a human body to recover from the normal trauma of a footall game without the help of strong modern chemistry and that's just the inflammatory process. When you're traveling day 4 from CT to Texas, and playing day 5, that's an incredibly taxing thing physically and mentally from practice and game planning.

In the the past 15 years, many of our best home wins have come against opponents traveling on a short week.

But fundamentals of a football system should still be sound. That kind of error, this far into the season of at least season 2 of the same players and coaches? The delay of game?

Reflects very poorly on the overall preparation and coaching this program is producing on a daily basis.


Head Rat
Jun 19, 2015
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Firing Diaco might not be in the ADs hands...I think we may see a player mutiny similar to what was happening in PPs final year. The losses have been as painful as possible and chalked up to bizarre play calling/clock management. Emotions I'm sure are running high and we may see players give up on BD


Aug 26, 2011
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Firing Diaco might not be in the ADs hands...I think we may see a player mutiny similar to what was happening in PPs final year. The losses have been as painful as possible and chalked up to bizarre play calling/clock management. Emotions I'm sure are running high and we may see players give up on BD
This is the 2nd time I've seen you post speculating mutiny. Is this based on anything you are hearing or just pure speculation?
Aug 30, 2011
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They weren't supposed to win last year, either. It's not that they lost; it's that they looked like they didn't even belong on the same field -- ON NATIONAL TELEVISION.

Because we don't. We were playing a legitimate playoff contender in a hostile environment. Even in the most wildly optimistic predictions for what we'd be this year, its nowhere near that level. Better teams and programs than ours have gotten blown out on the road against top 10 teams.

I'm not happy about it, it wasn't fun to watch. I was hoping we'd play an amazing game, force some turnovers, catch some breaks, and have a chance. But I'm not going to spend the night crying tat we didn't call better plays when a team that was favored to beat us by 28 points beat us by 28
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