Ollie's Desire To Surround Himself w/ Familiar Faces Prompted Lots Of Questions From NCAA (Amore) | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Ollie's Desire To Surround Himself w/ Familiar Faces Prompted Lots Of Questions From NCAA (Amore)

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Nov 24, 2011
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No actually this is the "We are going to hold you to the zero tolerance contract that you signed." I respectfully submit that one's character is determined by one's actions regardless of whether or not they known. If you are uncomfortable with something being made public, don't do it.

The double standards in this situation stink. Just hope that we holding the current coach to the same standards as we held coach KO. Zero tolerance. SMH . Ollie’s buddy on staff called recruits two times when he shouldn’t have; his other buddy ran a few shootarounds. UConn’s most famous men’s basketball alum can’t talk to potential players because... he’s UConn’s most famous men’s basketball alum. And Ollie shot a basketball at a hoop with a person he wanted to recruit—again, Akinjo was shooting a basketball with a 45-year-old man, who was on his way to lunch, not playing full-court pickup. UConn is going to destroy this man's character and discredit him over this. SMH


Still, find all of this kinda silly considering North Carolina had fake classes with fake grades and not a doggone thing happened to them.

So if KO randomly selected 3 regular students to also travel to ATL to work out - all expenses paid - it would have been fine? LOL
Dec 24, 2017
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So if KO randomly selected 3 regular students to also travel to ATL to work out - all expenses paid - it would have been fine? LOL
Since I am still unable to read the courant in Europe, is this still about the workout, the phone call and shooting baskets? Or is there more?

Hans Sprungfeld

Aug 26, 2011
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Thank you.

Again, too glib, superficial, and sensational to the point of showing an almost exclusively animated KO, including the paper sweep that led to poorly-timed technical foul that was partially cheered at the time for revealinga measure of questioned passion.

If it's a "lawyer'to'lawyer" code nversation, then discuss settlement. Don't claim - at this late date - that "accusations are flying," when that's not the case he current situation. The realistic nature of "secondary violations" is a contribution, but this segment stops short of being helpful, except perhaps toward nudging the needle in the direction of a few more settlement dollars for the next arty claiming NG a damaged reputation. ESPN has been n rather steady on this tack.

I'm sure this plays differently out-of-state than in-state, but this is not Bristol's best.

Again, I don't know who is the more stubborn or difficult in arty, but there remains ample basis for r settlement.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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The double standards in this situation stink. Just hope that we holding the current coach to the same standards as we held coach KO. Zero tolerance. SMH . [COACH'S NAME DELETED TO AVOID MODERATING OF POST]’s buddy on staff called recruits two times when he shouldn’t have; his other buddy ran a few shootarounds. UConn’s most famous men’s basketball alum can’t talk to potential players because... he’s UConn’s most famous men’s basketball alum. And [COACH'S NAME DELETED TO AVOID MODERATING OF POST] shot a basketball at a hoop with a person he wanted to recruit—again, Akinjo was shooting a basketball with a 45-year-old man, who was on his way to lunch, not playing full-court pickup. UConn is going to destroy this man's character and discredit him over this. SMH
I note that you conveniently ignore that two players had their travel to Atlanta paid for, received training free of charge and had their meals and lodging paid for. I assure you that the NCAA won't ignore it.

Regardless, KO was paid millions to run the program. He was certainly expected to win, an expectation that he failed his last two years in particular, but he was also expected to run a program in full compliance with NCAA rules. He failed in that as well.

KO and the university specifically agreed in a writing signed by both parties (commonly known as a contract) what should happen if he failed to keep the program NCAA compliant. It provided that the university could terminate the contract and no further payment would be due him. He didn't have to return any of the considerable money he was paid while failing to do his job to the standards that were expected of him, but he wouldn't get "free money" after he was fired. That's not a particularly unusual circumstance.

UConn isn't "destroying KO's character" by following the contract to which both parties agreed. As I noted above in a earlier post "character" is what you do when no one is watching. What you seem to be lamenting is that KO's "character" is being exposed by the post termination process. Perhaps your anger is better directed at his representation. Had they not filed FOIA requesting the basis for KO's dismissal and alerted the press to that request, it is entirely possible that the specific grounds for KO's dismissal would not be known at this point. Equally true is had they agreed to live by the terms the of the contract, this matter would not be dragged through the press right now.

Regardless, one aspect of "character" is honoring your agreements. Perhaps now is the time for Kevin to show his character by doing just that and stop trying to get Connecticut taxpayer's money to which pretty much everyone agrees he is not entitled.
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Mar 30, 2012
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So if KO randomly selected 3 regular students to also travel to ATL to work out - all expenses paid - it would have been fine? LOL

If he'd listed the workout in the course catalog.
Aug 29, 2015
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The double standards in this situation stink. Just hope that we holding the current coach to the same standards as we held coach KO. Zero tolerance. SMH . Ollie’s buddy on staff called recruits two times when he shouldn’t have; his other buddy ran a few shootarounds. UConn’s most famous men’s basketball alum can’t talk to potential players because... he’s UConn’s most famous men’s basketball alum. And Ollie shot a basketball at a hoop with a person he wanted to recruit—again, Akinjo was shooting a basketball with a 45-year-old man, who was on his way to lunch, not playing full-court pickup. UConn is going to destroy this man's character and discredit him over this. SMH
How is this discrediting him or destroying his character? They're just statements of fact
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