Here's all you need to know about Deepster. There are a bunch of us who show up every day to post our results, whether good or bad. Not Deep.Twice a year he shows up on the Wordle thread to post that he got a 2 (very good game). The other 363 days when he has an average to poor game, not a peep.
And yet, there's more...
This impoverished soul is a fraidy cat who hides from tough truths; takes credit where none is due; quits & restarts like a fickle teenage girl; goes MIA and then brags about drinking like somebody half his age who refuses face reality; keeps his edgy uncle supremacist act more under wraps as his political incorrectness plays less well, but compensates by taking pleasure in broadened legal vices that surround the sports with temptations of easy money that can compromise the necessary clarity to cheer a team to victory in the arena.
Championship cheering is a sacred trust that welcomes & requires integrity & passion across a wide spectrum of teammates working together.
Don't let someone who once maturely surrendered the car keys tell you they're driving. It's still possible to retain affection for the nutty uncle who contributed much in his prime but cannot be trusted to represent what's needed in changed times under new realities. The sad spectacle of Teddy Allen in Buffalo while a confused soul wandered the streets of Nashville in the guise of Ed Cooley as a nutsack is not your leader. Let him dare to face what he hides from and take his place with others working toward lofty aims. But do not confuse him with his stubborn delusions.
Yes, mid-March is upon us, with a lunar eclipse, a full moon, and then an equinox as we emerge from winter and make the most of later sunsets.
Go UConn.