Oh no he didn't - High School Coaches Weigh in UConn Coaching Search | Page 4 | The Boneyard

Oh no he didn't - High School Coaches Weigh in UConn Coaching Search

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Aug 29, 2011
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FCF, I got the 8-12 from a report, can't find the link or I'd post it, that looked at D1A LOI signers by state form 2008-2013. Florida, Texas and California averaged over over 310 each. Connecticut a low of I think 5 and a high of 18 I think but for the most part was in the 8-12 range. Not even enough to fill a typical roster. But our "state" as Jax points out isn't the same as Texas. It is basically New England, New York and New Jersey down to Washington, as well as parts of Pennsylvania. Like everyone else, we also recruit Florida and the southeast. And what always seems to get lost on the Connecticut Firsters is that you recruit based on needs. It might not matter if the best player in the state is a running back if you already have an all-conference running back and two other really good ones behind him. You might skip the local kid this year to get offensive lineman because you are thin there, or will be soon. Or it is just possible that the kid from Maryland is simply a better prospect.
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Wildly Inaccurate
Aug 29, 2011
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I have to agree with Carl on UConn recruiting local players. Heck we had starters who were local kids on both sides of the football. We've had Connecticut kids who played for UConn and gone on to the NFL. that's why I never bought the whole "we ignore the locak kids" schtick. Lutrus, Trevado Williams, Hurd, Marcus Campbell all started on the Fiesta Bowl team. there were others who played as backups. Guys like Bryron Jones where also recruited by Edsall. Every single year UConn had Connecticut kids, as well as kids from 15 minutes over the State line like Shamar and kids who weren't from Connecticut but prepped here like Ryan Wirth. While it might matter to a guy like Marinelli that some of these kids happen to live 15 miles over the state line, not sure it does to most people.
I agree... Jordan Todman was a local kid, Donald Brown was a local kid, Robbie Frey was a local kid, Mike Ryan was a local kid... You should want to expand the brand not collapse it. We did very well locally with Edsall.
Oct 1, 2011
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What this Marinelli clown failed to say is Conner Hanratty's dad is Terry Hanratty, one of ND's all time greats. UConn knew they had no chance to get him. For Marinelli to even mention that UConn didn't give him a look is Marinelli's way of trying to make UConn look bad.

1,000 percent spot on. Time is an important commodity when recruiting, and Edsall & staff knew they would have been wasting it going after Connor. Same with the Golic boys -- whose Dad, by the way, seemed to have a good relationship with Edsall. Saw them yucking it up at a hoop game at the XL. Marinelli just wanted his ring kissed. Screw him.
Aug 29, 2011
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You know, it just occurred to me, and I honestly don't know if it has any bearing whatsoever, but there is a big difference between in-state and out-state tuition. How the bookkeeping is done for athletic scholarships, I have no idea, nor do I care to know, but it's logical that if the cost of attendance for an out of state student is x amount $, than the budgeting/accounting for an out of state scholarship would be x amount.

I honestly don't have any idea how that works or if it means anything now in 2013, I suspect it doesn't.

BUt in ancient antiquity 30 years ago? .

If it is important somehow to athletic budgets, university budgets, etc. somehow big IF.....then it makes sense to me - going back to ancient antiquity history, that recruiting for UCONN in-state would be a big deal because it would keep the cost of athletic budgeting for scholarships down.

After all, the definition of 1-AA football, when it was created in 1978 was "cost-containment" intercollegiate football.

Anyhoo- just thinking. None of that would apply to UCONN now anyway in 2013. The athletic budget isn't going to be grossly affected now by a vast majority of out of state scholarship aid accounting vs. in-state.
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