Funny hting is that I almost think Schiano might end up beinga better pro coach than he was in college. Head coach in the NFL isn't really about x's and o's. You have people for that. it is about selling players and more importantly fans on what you are doing...If you need an example, look at the Jets. that guy with all hsi Superbowl blather is just a fatter version of Schiano (who happens to be more into feet, to I guess) Every year Ryan is Superbowl bound in July and watching the game on tv come February. But generally the Jetropolitan fans think he's doing a great job. While down the road boring, cranky old Tom Coughlin is on his way to his 2nd Super Bowl in 4 years...and the fans hdon't really care for him. I could see Schiano being another Rex Ryan. Pretty good teams as long as he lets his coordinators do there thing.