Offseason Interview Series: Bob Diaco Talks Offense | The Boneyard

Offseason Interview Series: Bob Diaco Talks Offense

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Aug 26, 2011
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Good read Matt, thanks.

I just hope like hell the plan shows some signs of working this year.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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Thanks for doing this, Matt.

Maybe you can clear up something for me. I read this part of your story:

"Diaco would not comment on the rumored departure of offensive line coach Mike Foley..."

I'm not sure that I wanted to hear any comments on it, but I did want to hear if he would confirm it. I've heard in a couple of other places that it may not even be true. What on earth is going on?? If you have at least the confirmation of the departure, could you post it for us? Thanks...
Aug 26, 2011
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Thanks for doing this, Matt.

Maybe you can clear up something for me. I read this part of your story:

"Diaco would not comment on the rumored departure of offensive line coach Mike Foley..."

I'm not sure that I wanted to hear any comments on it, but I did want to hear if he would confirm it. I've heard in a couple of other places that it may not even be true. What on earth is going on?? If you have at least the confirmation of the departure, could you post it for us? Thanks...
Well.... Dez broke this "story". Let's just say it woudln't be the first time got a story about UConn OL coach "leaving", wrong. Just saying.
Aug 30, 2011
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I'd feel better if he said he wanted to design an offense like North Dakota State's, in other words build an offense that fits our talent level. I doubt North Dakota State has more offensive talent than we do, yet their offense would probably fair much, much better against AAC competition.

Aren't Alabama and Stanford old school pro style attacks? He wants improvement on offense but his rhetoric is exactly the same. Look in the mirror young man and change thyself.

This year's schedule was easy compared to next year.
Last edited:
Dec 28, 2011
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Thanks for doing this, Matt.

Maybe you can clear up something for me. I read this part of your story:

"Diaco would not comment on the rumored departure of offensive line coach Mike Foley..."

I'm not sure that I wanted to hear any comments on it, but I did want to hear if he would confirm it. I've heard in a couple of other places that it may not even be true. What on earth is going on?? If you have at least the confirmation of the departure, could you post it for us? Thanks...
He won't comment, he won't confirm nor deny. That's the way I read it.
Aug 27, 2011
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BNich said:
He won't comment, he won't confirm nor deny. That's the way I read it.
I emailed Foley thanking him for his time. He was gracious in his response and gave no indication that I was off base.


formerly SeoulHuskyFan
Aug 27, 2011
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“You’re going to protect the football or you’re not going to play. You’ve got to manage our game, you’ve got to manage our offensive game, you’ve got to protect the football. Before we even get to winning the game, can you throw a third down and medium, can you throw a third down and long, can you convert points in the red zone? We’re not even going there yet, we’re not at that point. The first two things to ask are, will you protect our football and will you manage our offense? If you won’t manage the offense or can’t and you won’t protect the football or can’t, you’re out. You’re out, period. We’re not even at step one yet.”

I think we'll all feel a lot better when he gets to the point where he thinks he can worry about winning games.
Jan 26, 2014
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hope springs eternal in the world of the siberian husky

each day is anew with great possibilities as monsieur siberian surveys his domain to rule with dominant power backed up by snapping alligator jaws, quick and decisive athletic moves to enforce his rules and muscle and physicality unmatched in canine domain

siberian detects all motion and movement in domain instantaneously by sight, sound, smell, touch, taste, gravity and if need be extra sense psi factor, nothing escapes if itnot kneyeth

fanbase of fiascofotbolinc mirrors its beloved mascot imagery of hope and optimist and destroyer of evil

"one for all and all for 1"

with the recent semester two and ten won loser category dimming, is the hazedaze of fiascofutbolticompany creeping in two cloud fandom

fandom needs reality cheque; summary is:" all for 1 and none for all"(guess who 1 is]

but the not so serious player in big boy game just sit on hands to wait, wait, wait, wait (1 done, 4 to go) for . . .

after 4 additional long yrs; i wonder what will remain


Tailgating Enthusiast
Mar 5, 2014
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"Diaco reinforced he will name a starter at QB by the end of spring, one that protects the football"

But will he name a Key Starter or just a starter?

Seriously though, I hope that a clear cut leader emerges. I'm sure Diaco would've liked to name a starter at the end of spring last year, but there just wasn't enough separation. If that's the situation again, it's going to be another long year... but I'm optimistic either Sheriffs (more likely) or Boyle gives us more at the position than we had last year.
Aug 26, 2011
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I suppose coach Bob gets a pass on all this verbiage until the season starts. Like most UConn football fans, we desperately want to see an upward trend in execution and record, especially after a season of exhibition games. If next season doesn't start well with a couple of wins, the old razzel dazzle coach speak won't fly very far with the fan base.
Aug 26, 2011
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“You’re going to protect the football or you’re not going to play. You’ve got to manage our game, you’ve got to manage our offensive game, you’ve got to protect the football. Before we even get to winning the game, can you throw a third down and medium, can you throw a third down and long, can you convert points in the red zone? We’re not even going there yet, we’re not at that point. The first two things to ask are, will you protect our football and will you manage our offense? If you won’t manage the offense or can’t and you won’t protect the football or can’t, you’re out. You’re out, period. We’re not even at step one yet.”

If that's not lowering expectations I don't know what is. Does this sound ike a guy who's been here for a year or someone that's just watched his first Spring Practice? A ringing endorsement of all the progress that's been made under the offensive staff. Is that supposed to motivate the kids? I shouldn't have clicked on it just knew it was a bad idea.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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This seems easy to use as a standard:

"And whatever we achieve, we achieve. But we will not underachieve. We will be working at the level we should be at, we’re not going to be working beneath that level.”


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Going against my own plans and policies, I read the article. I wish I hadn't.

And miss a gem like this?

“I need to be sure the offense is functioning at a high level or at a level that fits and suits the personnel,”


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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I emailed Foley thanking him for his time. He was gracious in his response and gave no indication that I was off base.

That's about as close of a confirmation that I'm going to get, I think. Thanks for that. Maybe we've avoided the "DeLeone to the Giants" moment that Noeynox has alluded to. Now, I'll try not to spend any mental energy figuring out why Diaco feels he should not confirm it...
Aug 26, 2011
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That's about as close of a confirmation that I'm going to get, I think. Thanks for that. Maybe we've avoided the "DeLeone to the Giants" moment that Noeynox has alluded to. Now, I'll try not to spend any mental energy figuring out why Diaco feels he should not confirm it...

Because he doesn't have a replacement yet and not confirming is a safety play just in case he can't inspire anyone to take the position?


formerly SeoulHuskyFan
Aug 27, 2011
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This seems easy to use as a standard:

"And whatever we achieve, we achieve. But we will not underachieve. We will be working at the level we should be at, we’re not going to be working beneath that level.”
Redefining success... In advance...He could be a future SecDef.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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I'd feel better if he said he wanted to design an offense like North Dakota State's, in other words build an offense that fits our talent level. I doubt North Dakota State has more offensive talent than we do, yet their offense would probably fair much, much better against AAC competition.

Aren't Alabama and Stanford old school pro style attacks? He wants improvement on offense but his rhetoric is exactly the same. Look in the mirror young man and change thyself.

This year's schedule was easy compared to next year.
Tough to throw up seemingly pithy statements when others on an Internet message board also have the Internet at their disposal as well. You understand that NDSU is now 4 time defending FCS champions, yes? The current coach was promoted from within, so he has a reasonably decent idea of who his players are and what they can do. Also, 4 time defending FCS champs indicates the "new" coach inherited a reasonably talented roster as compared to their level.

This is a false analogy.
Oct 2, 2013
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Am I the only one that is encouraged by this? I feel like everyone has turned into a Debbie Downer. Stop being such energy vampires.
Okay, so encouraged by this...Then what I am typing should catapult you right over the rainbow to the land of lollipops and gumdrops.
Take what Diaco said and substitute this:
This line "Whatever we achieve we achieve" with We will achieve greatness.
Next line "But we will not underachieve" with we will achieve nothing less than greatness.
Next line "We will be working at the level we should be at, we’re not going to be working beneath that level" with We will be working Hard, we will not be hardly working.

My personal interpretation:
We will inspire our fans with working to our potential and this potential is worse than I thought! Whoops, can't say that, and this potential will bring us onto the equal footing of Alabama. Um, yikes, you know what - better to let you think I am an idiot than to continue typing and remove all doubt!


Quite frankly, when I read Diaco I just scratch my head; the man makes no sense. If he wins that's ok, but it's even unclear going into year 2 - if that's even a goal.
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