Nostical...Nos? Are you out there? | The Boneyard

Nostical...Nos? Are you out there?

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Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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You were our light in the darkness. You gave us hope when others had none. Will we be OK?
Aug 26, 2011
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Very quiet on the Nos front. Hopefully returns soon and grabs the knife from my hand.
Aug 27, 2011
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bump because I see Nostical is on this board as I type this. Make us feel better please!
Aug 26, 2011
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I don't know you at all, but for the well written posts and wit that I have eagerly followed since my first days on the new board. Needless to say I am a big fan of yours.

You don't know me. My name is auggie22 here but I would gladly tell you my real name, share my innermost if you only asked. I am a wreck right now. My attention span at home (my wife is expecting soon, you know) and at work the past few weeks is putting me in serious jeopardy of being unemployed, divorced and estranged from my unborn.

Now that we know each other a little bit better, I have a favor to ask. Can you join us for a moment? Are you still sleeping the sleep of angels? I can take it if the answer is no - but I need to move on with my life.

Thank you.
Aug 27, 2011
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Sorry guys but I’ve been bogged down at work and wanted to clear my head before responding. Here’s my take.

At the end of the day, after the ACC presidents weighed all the pros and cons (considering that a key motive was to deny the Big 12 from nabbing Louisville,) the fear of FSU and others departing caused the conference to cave toward the football desk-pounders. In the endgame I also believe it was the lawsuit prosecuted by the CT AG that was used as final leverage to turn the last vote. Boeheim had told a friend of mine on the golf course that once he got there, he was "very surprised" at the level of bad feelings that still lingered in the ACC toward UConn because of that lawsuit. The perception remains (even though we know it was pushed by others) that UConn was behind it and our grandstanding former AG, in a Don Quixote-like effort to pump his "I'm fighting to protect your public investment", did nothing to dissuade that (mis-)perception. In wanting to take credit for the noble fight, he stamped "CT" on the enterprise. It's not hard to picture the pro-Louisville faction saying to the wavering, holdout University President "so you're willing to thwart the will of the majority here by siding with the folks that sued us?" Now was that the only issue causing the tipping point? No. But sometimes ultimatums and self preservation trump logic. Rest assured this decision did not hinge on some slick Louisville PowerPoint vs UConn’s flip chart and Sharpie. But I believe that staying classy in the face of disappointment is the path to a better tomorrow. That's our best tact right now, notwithstanding those of you who want to march with torches.

The fact remains that whatever may have been said or not said by our leadership in the last few hours, the perception was evident (enough to be used as cover) that Louisville was more aggressive in moving its athletic programs into positions of prominence. Other programs (such as Rutgers) stepped to the plate, risked public ridicule and political flak by expanding stadiums, paying higher salaries, etc. We in CT have had no stomach for such "follies". While it's painful to admit, it's apparent we think a lot more of ourselves than the outside world does. That comes as a surprise to many given our success, but look again at that Espn map. And while we Boneyarders are rabid, dedicated fans, the reality is our recent downward trend in basketball and football attendance in the face of that selfsame ballyhooed success speaks a lot more loudly than sheer chest thumping pronouncements. We might need a bit longer look in the mirror, I'm afraid.

Here’s another major reality check. The lack of Presidential leadership at UConn before Herbst is simply stunning. The passage of UConn 2000 in the 90's by a typically reluctant legislature was absolutely influenced by our athletic success. It also served to empower Lew Perkins to pitch the legislature on moving us to D-1 football status. There was clear momentum. But our caretaker Presidents, Austin and Hogan, along with their Peter Principled AD Hathaway, squandered a tremendous opportunity, born of that rather astounding athletic success, to increase our endowment and pursue a greater share of research grants. It's almost criminal how they fiddled when we should have been hard at work. Our endowment should already be equal to Rutgers. We should already be AAU. Our PR and Marketing departments should have been running at full blast, with competent professionals at the helm. Our entire way of thinking needed to be turned on its ear. That's the environment Ms. Herbst inherited. And no one in that chair has done more to change the atmosphere. She has been true to her mantra of leading UConn to pre-eminence through a swift and decisive focus on improving academics (fire the Provost) and improving athletics (fire the AD).

Finally, I still have great faith that Susan will take UConn to ultimate glory. Of all the people that travel this winding, circuitous and ambitious path to excellence, she remains the most committed and relentless in its pursuit. And while I can understand the gnashing of teeth and desire to lash out at any perceived scapegoat, I remain confident we will yet have a soft landing for our athletics in a place we all can feel better about.

Now it's time to show up on Saturday, be in your seats by kickoff to honor our seniors, cheer our Huskies to Bowl eligibility, and then get back to work.
Aug 24, 2011
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Sorry guys but I’ve been bogged down at work and wanted to clear my head before responding. Here’s my take.

At the end of the day, after the ACC presidents weighed all the pros and cons (considering that a key motive was to deny the Big 12 from nabbing Louisville,) the fear of FSU and others departing caused the conference to cave toward the football desk-pounders. In the endgame I also believe it was the lawsuit prosecuted by the CT AG that was used as final leverage to turn the last vote. Boeheim had told a friend of mine on the golf course that once he got there, he was "very surprised" at the level of bad feelings that still lingered in the ACC toward UConn because of that lawsuit. The perception remains (even though we know it was pushed by others) that UConn was behind it and our grandstanding former AG, in a Don Quixote-like effort to pump his "I'm fighting to protect your public investment", did nothing to dissuade that (mis-)perception. In wanting to take credit for the noble fight, he stamped "CT" on the enterprise. It's not hard to picture the pro-Louisville faction saying to the wavering, holdout University President "so you're willing to thwart the will of the majority here by siding with the folks that sued us?" Now was that the only issue causing the tipping point? No. But sometimes ultimatums and self preservation trump logic. Rest assured this decision did not hinge on some slick Louisville PowerPoint vs UConn’s flip chart and Sharpie. But I believe that staying classy in the face of disappointment is the path to a better tomorrow. That's our best tact right now, notwithstanding those of you who want to march with torches.

The fact remains that whatever may have been said or not said by our leadership in the last few hours, the perception was evident (enough to be used as cover) that Louisville was more aggressive in moving its athletic programs into positions of prominence. Other programs (such as Rutgers) stepped to the plate, risked public ridicule and political flak by expanding stadiums, paying higher salaries, etc. We in CT have had no stomach for such "follies". While it's painful to admit, it's apparent we think a lot more of ourselves than the outside world does. That comes as a surprise to many given our success, but look again at that Espn map. And while we Boneyarders are rabid, dedicated fans, the reality is our recent downward trend in basketball and football attendance in the face of that selfsame ballyhooed success speaks a lot more loudly than sheer chest thumping pronouncements. We might need a bit longer look in the mirror, I'm afraid.

Here’s another major reality check. The lack of Presidential leadership at UConn before Herbst is simply stunning. The passage of UConn 2000 in the 90's by a typically reluctant legislature was absolutely influenced by our athletic success. It also served to empower Lew Perkins to pitch the legislature on moving us to D-1 football status. There was clear momentum. But our caretaker Presidents, Austin and Hogan, along with their Peter Principled AD Hathaway, squandered a tremendous opportunity, born of that rather astounding athletic success, to increase our endowment and pursue a greater share of research grants. It's almost criminal how they fiddled when we should have been hard at work. Our endowment should already be equal to Rutgers. We should already be AAU. Our PR and Marketing departments should have been running at full blast, with competent professionals at the helm. Our entire way of thinking needed to be turned on its ear. That's the environment Ms. Herbst inherited. And no one in that chair has done more to change the atmosphere. She has been true to her mantra of leading UConn to pre-eminence through a swift and decisive focus on improving academics (fire the Provost) and improving athletics (fire the AD).

Finally, I still have great faith that Susan will take UConn to ultimate glory. Of all the people that travel this winding, circuitous and ambitious path to excellence, she remains the most committed and relentless in its pursuit. And while I can understand the gnashing of teeth and desire to lash out at any perceived scapegoat, I remain confident we will yet have a soft landing for our athletics in a place we all can feel better about.

Now it's time to show up on Saturday, be in your seats by kickoff to honor our seniors, cheer our Huskies to Bowl eligibility, and then get back to work.

I wish I could force myself to get bogged down at work. I admire you.

Two quick thoughts.

1. Our fanbase needs to "own" the attendance declines, in mens and womens hoops, Gample and XL, and football, Have we done a good job marketing? Of course not. Have we priced to fill the buildings? Again, of course not. But utlimately those declines are on the fanbase -- not the school. Although I "get" that in this age of internet yapping blaming oneself is not how it's done.

2. I fully agree with you that what Herbst walked into was a much bigger mess than what should have been there due to the lack of ambition of her immediate predecessors. But the one thing she needs to take responsibility for if not the losing of the battle isthat the school actually told people, including the Big East from all we can tell, that it had won without being right. That still strikes me as an inexcusable mistake. Although, unlike many, I am more than happy to listen to another side and consider whether I may be wrong.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Agree completely. I'm still confident UConn will be in the B1G or maybe the ACC within a year. The conference musical chairs isn't stopping with today's news, that's for sure. Keep supporting UConn athletics now more than ever. Decreasing attendance and fan apathy only stoke the fire of those southern football schools who view UConn fans as entitled and non-supportive. Go Dahgs!
Aug 26, 2011
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It is the Fanbase.

We are fat & happy after some success. The Leadership has not been there. The YOUTH have not stepped up. We have had TWO Hall-of-Fame coaches ... and still we get 7500 for games at Gampel & 12000 for XL on the Men's side. Season tickets in Football down 25%+. We have solid Coaches all around. But ... we pale next to some of our brethren. I think it's because we are new at this. Still, we have not been doing Bigtime for more than 15 years really. Today's news about the ACC happens & you get "I'm giving up on college sports." posts.

BL ... I don't understand what the UConn administration was doing in pressing the case. I thought ... like many ... that I wanted Herbst to be more backchannel. I don't think Louisville won based on lobbying. (maybe a few specific calls to FSU/Clemson hurt) But ... like Calhoun's determination ... UConn expects to win. Herbst - what have you done for me lately>?
Aug 26, 2011
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Accepting that we have unconditionally surrendered is the first step towards preparing for the next war. Otherwise, you're just the French continuing to talk about how you will win the prior one.
Seriously, I felt better reading that. We screwed the pooch this time. Now I'm hearing about getting passed over by Cincinatti and USF? I refused to believe this. Our day will come, we will suffer in the mean time, but our day will come.
Aug 24, 2011
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It is the Fanbase.

We are fat & happy after some success. The Leadership has not been there. The YOUTH have not stepped up. We have had TWO Hall-of-Fame coaches ... and still we get 7500 for games at Gampel & 12000 for XL on the Men's side. Season tickets in Football down 25%+. We have solid Coaches all around. But ... we pale next to some of our brethren. I think it's because we are new at this. Still, we have not been doing Bigtime for more than 15 years really. Today's news about the ACC happens & you get "I'm giving up on college sports." posts.

BL ... I don't understand what the UConn administration was doing in pressing the case. I thought ... like many ... that I wanted Herbst to be more backchannel. I don't think Louisville won based on lobbying. (maybe a few specific calls to FSU/Clemson hurt) But ... like Calhoun's determination ... UConn expects to win. Herbst - what have you done for me lately>?

As to Herbst, I don't pretend I know how much work she has done on this from September of '11 to now, and how well she did it. But I do know (or think I know) two things. First, I am absolutely convinced we had determined we were going to the ACC and that she told Aresco that before Aresco gave his speech in New Orleans. What led her to the conclusion I don't know. But you can't get something like this wrong in her position. You can lose but you can't actually think you've won and tell people you've won when you haven't.

Second, because she thought she won, we did not engage in a PR battle with LV. Now, would that have changed any of the votes? I don't know. Very strong possibility that it wouldn't. But, having seen us get eaten alive in social media and sports websites and blogs because only one side was playing the game, I have no issue in hindsight saying we needed a PR and social media strategy. For all I know, the same thing may have happened politically through back channels. Who knows if FSU and Clemson would have dug in if it didn't seem like their fanbases and the football media would have beaten the crap out of them publicly if UConn joined.

I heard Herbst speak once in Stamford. She was very impressive. But I think she got played here -- I think she was the girl who gave it up for the promise of an engagement ring that never came if you don't mind a horrifically politically incorrect gender based comparison -- and I'm not sure we had a strategy for the last two weeks other than we've won -- sit back and wait for the surrender. And I'm going to have an issue getting behind her on anything until I hear how the duck* this happened.
Aug 27, 2011
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Yes Biz, I agree that the attendance decline is on all of us. I did not mean to imply it's only the school's fault. Many programs which have hiccups along the way in on-field success, still find a way of retaining their attendance. Others use it as a rationale for changing their coaches or AD's. Of course, our dilemma is that our basketball attendance decline has uncharacteristically coincided with success. (Take W BBall for example.) That will require a deeper analysis.
Nonetheless, the school needs to entertain policies and procedures that will encourage attendance. We may need a toned down version of "Bill Veek" like promotional imagination--or perhaps its our ticket pricing and plans--but it needs addressing immediately. And finally, there is nothing that drives perception more than what the eye sees on TV. I continue to say that we will get the program we deserve. If we favor tailgating into the first quarter, then be ready for the channel switching when the game comes on. Viwers want to see an excited atmosphere. Players want it also. That has been an ad nauseum topic here. I once asked facetiously what it would take to get everyone seated by kickoff--money on the seat--free beer? But what if the question was that our conference destination was riding on us being there in droves and in our seats early this Saturday. I'm afraid that lots of folks who are currently hand wringing our rejection by the ACC would still be popping a few last cold ones out by their SUV's in red lot, as Nicky -Will fields the kickoff.
Aug 26, 2011
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My quick thoughts

Herbst is doing UConn a great service, she may be exactly what we need and I hope she stays a while. At the same time it is still quite possible that she botched this.

Secondly, it's time to get serious about football. I think football has been on cruise control for too long. When you half ass here, it shows.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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I point out the fan base is fair weather and get ripped to shreds for a week. Good luck gentlemen.
Aug 26, 2011
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Not buying the attendance decline theory.

First of all, the decline is grossly exaggerated on this board.

2nd, attendance issues are much worse for several other recent expansion invitees. Re: BC, Cuse, Pitt, Miami
Aug 26, 2011
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Create an exciting pregame routine, at Tennessee nobody wants to miss pregame, seeing the T march up and down the field is incredible.

I think UConn is trying to emulate Tennessee's pravtice, but it just isn't as much of a spectacle.

Yes Biz, I agree that the attendance decline is on all of us. I did not mean to imply it's only the school's fault. Many programs which have hiccups along the way in on-field success, still find a way of retaining their attendance. Others use it as a rationale for changing their coaches or AD's. Of course, our dilemma is that our basketball attendance decline has uncharacteristically coincided with success. (Take W BBall for example.) That will require a deeper analysis.
Nonetheless, the school needs to entertain policies and procedures that will encourage attendance. We may need a toned down version of "Bill Veek" like promotional imagination--or perhaps its our ticket pricing and plans--but it needs addressing immediately. And finally, there is nothing that drives perception more than what the eye sees on TV. I continue to say that we will get the program we deserve. If we favor tailgating into the first quarter, then be ready for the channel switching when the game comes on. Viwers want to see an excited atmosphere. Players want it also. That has been an ad nauseum topic here. I once asked facetiously what it would take to get everyone seated by kickoff--money on the seat--free beer? But what if the question was that our conference destination was riding on us being there in droves and in our seats early this Saturday. I'm afraid that lots of folks who are currently hand wringing our rejection by the ACC would still be popping a few last cold ones out by their SUV's in red lot, as Nicky -Will fields the kickoff.
Aug 26, 2011
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Some say attendance is on the fans, I still say its on the school partly. The vast majority of the people in that stadium don't know about the boneyard. Their casual fans. I work with a couple season ticket holders. They're there for the tailgating and then the game. I'm the opposite. I've tailgated twice. I'm there for the game. I will always be there for the game. When you look around the stadium at kickoff, the people in their seats, those are your yarders/die hards. Pudge/Nostical are dead on that a lot of the peripherals, marketing/ticket office etc. suck. You lose casual fans because of that. I'm sorry but I've seen it. You need those casuals to become die hards, and the school has to help with that.
Aug 26, 2011
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When I get to a home game, I am in the stadium for warmups. I geek out. Even if you are lucky enough to get to every home game, you get what 6 opportunities to see players do their thing each season? Why would you want to miss any of it?

Some say attendance is on the fans, I still say its on the school partly. The vast majority of the people in that stadium don't know about the boneyard. Their casual fans. I work with a couple season ticket holders. They're there for the tailgating and then the game. I'm the opposite. I've tailgated twice. I'm there for the game. I will always be there for the game. When you look around the stadium at kickoff, the people in their seats, those are your yarders/die hards. Pudge/Nostical are dead on that a lot of the peripherals, marketing/ticket office etc. suck. You lose casual fans because of that. I'm sorry but I've seen it. You need those casuals to become die hards, and the school has to help with that.
Aug 24, 2011
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I'm not sure people realize this. When my kids were young -- say the mid to late 90s -- you couldn't get tickets to a UConn game. The Civic Center not only sold out -- it was sold out entirely by season tickets. We would go to road games at Seton Hall or St. Johns just so we could go to a game. Gampel -- forget about it. It has only been in the last five or six years that you could buy single game tickets there.

Whaler uses the term "fair weather fans" but to be fair it's not people leaving the program because we don't win any more. People were not buying as many tickets even while we were winning.
Sep 10, 2011
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I don't know you at all, but for the well written posts and wit that I have eagerly followed since my first days on the new board. Needless to say I am a big fan of yours.

You don't know me. My name is auggie22 here but I would gladly tell you my real name, share my innermost if you only asked. I am a wreck right now. My attention span at home (my wife is expecting soon, you know) and at work the past few weeks is putting me in serious jeopardy of being unemployed, divorced and estranged from my unborn.

Now that we know each other a little bit better, I have a favor to ask. Can you join us for a moment? Are you still sleeping the sleep of angels? I can take it if the answer is no - but I need to move on with my life.

Thank you.

I'm in tears, I needed a good laugh. Thank you.
Aug 26, 2011
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I point out the fan base is fair weather and get ripped to shreds for a week. Good luck gentlemen.

You're always duck_____ right ... in your own mind.
Sep 18, 2011
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I think the attendance decline is mostly on the Athletic Department. First years at the Rent were novelty and people came. Prices were high, the Great Recession kicked in. Attendance declined. As for basketball, WBB started off as a cheap novelty embraced by the older crowd. Then, they kept raising ticket prices and donation levels. Attendance declined. Same for MBB.

Think about Rutgers football for a second. They expanded the stadium with no real paying demand and then gave away tons of free tickets. It made their attendance looked better, but decimated the finances of the athletic department.

BTW, some of the same problems that UConn has with attendance have happened at BC. I used to be a BC basketball season ticket holder for all the BE games for about 15 years. We had great seats. Then they imposed a seat license and threw us out of our great seats and gave us mediocre, at best, seats. So much for our loyalty. We dropped the season tickets after one year. So did many others. They had 2200 people for their last home game.
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