Northwestern Players file to join labor union | Page 3 | The Boneyard

Northwestern Players file to join labor union

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Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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I know this discussion has turned to BCU football and not Basketball, but i have to post this picture

Empty Seats Galore ‏@EmptySeatsPics 15h
Boston College hosting Virginia Tech tonight. #ACC (via @HokiesJournal)
I seem to remember it being filled a little more towards halftime (Yes, '78 I tuned in for a couple minutes). The view that I saw showed at least one side that was pretty decently filled in. Behind the hoop was a different story. ESPN Box score shows less than 3,000 in attendance.
Sep 27, 2011
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The money would have to come from somewhere and that will be taken from the budgets which are already bone dry. Students are not going to like increases in tuition to offset this cost not to mention all the other can of worms it opens up.
Jun 13, 2012
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I seem to remember it being filled a little more towards halftime (Yes, '78 I tuned in for a couple minutes). The view that I saw showed at least one side that was pretty decently filled in. Behind the hoop was a different story. ESPN Box score shows less than 3,000 in attendance.

Not surprising it filled in a bit as the game went on. The word probably filtered around campus during the game that BC actually might win a game and people went over to Conte to see for their own eyes and witness what has become a novelty this year - a BC Men's win. LOL

Husky, you and I just ain't gonna agree so I guess we can agree to disagree and leave it at that. FWIW, I do chuckle at how each of the fan bases of the "northeast peers" tend to denigrate one another (and we all do this) when, in reality, we are all pretty much the same.

Each school enjoys the same basic TV ratings and each has the same basic attendance levels. Just look at BC and Uconn's attendance numbers over the years. Pretty much the same. I have a friend who is a big Uconn booster - has season's tickets in the chair backs on the Uconn side - and I have gone with him to several Uconn games. Your fans are EXACTLY like ours. Late arriving. Early to leave. They show up when the team is decent and avoid going when the team is not that good. Rutgers attendance numbers mirror both BC and Uconn when you factor in that, according to news reports, they give away approximately 10-15,000 tickets per game. SU's numbers aren't all that different.

Northeast FB is all pretty much the same, IMO. Conferences want northeast teams despite this reality given the market sizes and affluence, recognizing that what fans they do draw help the conference.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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Not surprising it filled in a bit as the game went on. The word probably filtered around campus during the game that BC actually might win a game and people went over to Conte to see for their own eyes and witness what has become a novelty this year - a BC Men's win. LOL

Husky, you and I just ain't gonna agree so I guess we can agree to disagree and leave it at that. FWIW, I do chuckle at how each of the fan bases of the "northeast peers" tend to denigrate one another (and we all do this) when, in reality, we are all pretty much the same.

Each school enjoys the same basic TV ratings and each has the same basic attendance levels. Just look at BC and Uconn's attendance numbers over the years. Pretty much the same. I have a friend who is a big Uconn booster - has season's tickets in the chair backs on the Uconn side - and I have gone with him to several Uconn games. Your fans are EXACTLY like ours. Late arriving. Early to leave. They show up when the team is decent and avoid going when the team is not that good. Rutgers attendance numbers mirror both BC and Uconn when you factor in that, according to news reports, they give away approximately 10-15,000 tickets per game. SU's numbers aren't all that different.

Northeast FB is all pretty much the same, IMO. Conferences want northeast teams despite this reality given the market sizes and affluence, recognizing that what fans they do draw help the conference.

The difference is UConn can deliver eyeballs on TV sets by virtue of 1) Being the only game in town for a 100 mile radius and 2) at least a portion of Connecticut (The most affluent on par) sits squarely in the New York Metropolitan Demographic Area. I'm not a fan of basically anything having to do with New York City. I'm a Central Massachusetts native, and (as a city) I'll take Boston every day of the week and twice on Sunday...followed by Chicago. But if one of these conferences (My hopes lean toward the Big Ten) picks up UConn for the sole reason of capturing the part of NYC not delivered by Rutgers, which is substantial, plus another 1,500,000 dedicated cable boxes, then so be it. I have no problem giving my Everlasting Gobstopper to Slugworth. The BTN is offered on a sports tier for Comcast which costs another $10/month. It would be put on a more readily available cable tier once that golden ticket was announced...and the Chocolate would taste sooo sweet. :D
Jun 13, 2012
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The difference is UConn can deliver eyeballs on TV sets by virtue of 1) Being the only game in town for a 100 mile radius and 2) at least a portion of Connecticut (The most affluent on par) sits squarely in the New York Metropolitan Demographic Area. I'm not a fan of basically anything having to do with New York City. I'm a Central Massachusetts native, and (as a city) I'll take Boston every day of the week and twice on Sunday...followed by Chicago. But if one of these conferences (My hopes lean toward the Big Ten) picks up UConn for the sole reason of capturing the part of NYC not delivered by Rutgers, which is substantial, plus another 1,500,000 dedicated cable boxes, then so be it. I have no problem giving my Everlasting Gobstopper to Slugworth. The BTN is offered on a sports tier for Comcast which costs another $10/month. It would be put on a more readily available cable tier once that golden ticket was announced...and the Chocolate would taste sooo sweet. :D

I understand what you are saying, Husky. My only comment, without necessarily disagreeing with you, is that I think you are underestimating the reach of the pro teams into CT - the Red Sox and Pats in most of the state and the Yankees/Giants in SW CT. Agree that it is not the same as being directly in the market like BC is with the Red Sox and Pats, but I think it is a bit of a stretch to say that Uconn is the "only game in town."

BC plays "5th banana" to the Red Sox, Pats, Bruins, and Celtics, which is problematic; but sits in a huge market. Uconn has less direct competition from the pro's which is a big help, but the pro's are still part of the CT sports scene, and the market is smaller. The TV numbers that are available would lead one to believe that it is pretty much a wash as BC and Uconn both have similar ratings.

Going forward, the keys will be whether or not Uconn can make inroads in NYC and whether BC can gain more share in Boston now that they have an AD and FB coach that FINALLY know how to market the program. IMO, both BC and Uconn will have challenges accomplishing this. For BC, they still have the pro teams in front of them, in a pro-centric town. If the Pats begin to slip a bit (quite possible with Brady now on the downside of his career), IMO, that will be their opportunity. As far as Uconn and NYC, I recently lived in Manhattan for a year (2012-2103) as I was consulting with a Wall Street client which required me to live there. From what I could see, there was no CFB buzz whatsoever in the city - certainly NOT what the Rutgers fans would lead you to believe, IMO (although CBB was a bit of a different story). I do think there is potential for Uconn to make more inroads into the very affluent SW CT area where they are not as visible as the rest of the state according to my buddy - he lives in Greenwich).

Like BC, Uconn will have its work cut out for them.

Just my thoughts, FWIW. We shall see how things play out.
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Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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At least now we are in the same steps toward same page, I suppose.

Pats and Giants rarely ever share game times with college football and while you are correct that baseball fans are crazy for either the Red Sox or Yankees here as much as in Boston or New York, respectively, it does not really cut into UConn's exposure for football or the two basketball teams.

Isn't exposure really what we are talking about? The local flagship radio station has a dedicated sports show in the drive-time hour that is almost exclusively UConn and SNY has dedicated various Internet and television resources to UConn. A UConn Womens game has preempted the Syracuse Men on SNY.

I live in Eastern CT and work in SE CT (incidentally, parents and brother still live in MA, sister in NJ) so I can literally listen to WEEI all day. BC broke a 6 game losing streak last night and there was nary a mention. All three shows were preoccupied with Papi's contract and the NFL (naturally, being Super Bowl week and all) but that's it.

And that's the difference. UConn is a major player in this market. BC is fighting for space on the Newton Patch, so to speak.

BTW both basketball teams have new non-exclusive contracts with the XL Center, meaning they can now play non-Gampel home games in Fairfield or New London Counties. They each played in Webster Bank this year, with promise to play more in future years. UConn seems to have seriously stepped up their marketing efforts.

Still have a way to go, but as you say, we'll see how things play out.
Jun 13, 2012
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At least now we are in the same steps toward same page, I suppose.

Pats and Giants rarely ever share game times with college football and while you are correct that baseball fans are crazy for either the Red Sox or Yankees here as much as in Boston or New York, respectively, it does not really cut into UConn's exposure for football or the two basketball teams.

Isn't exposure really what we are talking about? The local flagship radio station has a dedicated sports show in the drive-time hour that is almost exclusively UConn and SNY has dedicated various Internet and television resources to UConn. A UConn Womens game has preempted the Syracuse Men on SNY.

I live in Eastern CT and work in SE CT (incidentally, parents and brother still live in MA, sister in NJ) so I can literally listen to WEEI all day. BC broke a 6 game losing streak last night and there was nary a mention. All three shows were preoccupied with Papi's contract and the NFL (naturally, being Super Bowl week and all) but that's it.

And that's the difference. UConn is a major player in this market. BC is fighting for space on the Newton Patch, so to speak.

BTW both basketball teams have new non-exclusive contracts with the XL Center, meaning they can now play non-Gampel home games in Fairfield or New London Counties. They each played in Webster Bank this year, with promise to play more in future years. UConn seems to have seriously stepped up their marketing efforts.

Still have a way to go, but as you say, we'll see how things play out.

I think that's where we can leave it - we'll see how things play out.

One last thought on your comment about no mention about BC breaking a six game losing steak last night on WEEI. Not surprising but not in the way you might not think. IMO, this has more to do with the relative lack of ANY attention given to CBB in Boston as much as anything else. Its not just college. In the opinion of many, hockey as always been the king of winter sports in Boston. That's the case even for the pro's, IMO. For year's the Celtics would win one NBA Championship after another - but in the Boston media, it was all Bruins all the time. That changed for awhile during the Bird era, and later with the "Big 3", but overall, the Celtics have played second-fiddle to the Bruins in the eyes of many.

For college hoops. Look at the attendance for BB games at the Div 1 programs in Boston and compare those to the hockey attendance at those same schools. BC plays BU or Harvard in hockey. Lots of coverage, lots of fans at the games. BC plays BU or Harvard in BB, IMO, nobody in Boston appears to give a crap. The TD Garden sells out for the hockey Beanpot and it is revered in Boston. There are no equivalents for CBB. BC has arguably the best program in college hockey. That's no accident. Besides having a hall-of-fame coach, it sits at the epicenter of college hockey. Unfortunately, all that energy goes to hockey in the City and, IMO, there is comparatively little left for CBB.

Sure, when BC improves, more fans will come to the games. More energy will return to Conte Forum and there will be more coverage in the press. But as a BC fan, I realize that CBB in Boston will never be what it is in Hartford, CT - just as college hockey in CT won't likely have the intensity and passion that exists in Boston. Hey, it is what it is.

BTW, the BC VT game DID get some decent coverage in the Boston Globe today:
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Aug 24, 2011
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But as a BC fan, I realize that CBB in Boston will never be what it is in Hartford, CT - just as college hockey in CT won't likely have the intensity and passion that exists in Boston. Hey, it is what it is.

Well, first of all, college basketball is what it is in Conn. for one reason and one reason only, UCONN! And if BC had stacked national and conference championships in mens and womens basketball like cordwood the way UCONN has, Boston would be much more of a college hoops town than it is. So this BC is a victim thing really rings hollow with me, because it is what it is simply because BC has never established consistent excellence. And I think your comment about hockey in Conn. is hugely off the mark and I see UCONN being competitive with BC and the rest very quickly (5 years say).

I'll say one more thing about this. College sports in New England and the region are better off with UCONN, BC and Syracuse all in the mix together. It's a rising tide that would lift all boats. The "protecting our turf with ESPN" bull by that duck*ing little pr**k is about as stupid a rationale for a business decision as I have ever witnessed. It had everything to do with a very insecure person and institution being vengeful.

Put another way, without expanded regional interest the only way BC gains interest and market presence is winning conference championships and being very relevant on the national stage. Let me know the next time that is likely when folks aren't wearing ice skates......and most of the nation could give a rat's about hockey.....
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Jun 13, 2012
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Well, first of all, college basketball is what it is in Conn. for one reason and one reason only, UCONN! And if BC had stacked national and conference championships in mens and womens basketball like cordwood the way UCONN has, Boston would be much more of a college hoops town than it is. So this BC is a victim thing really rings hollow with me, because it is what it is simply because BC has never established consistent excellence. And I think your comment about hockey in Conn. is hugely off the mark and I see UCONN being competitive with BC and the rest very quickly (5 years say).

I'll say one more thing about this. College sports in New England and the region are better off with UCONN, BC and Syracuse all in the mix together. It's a rising tide that would lift all boats. The "protecting our turf with ESPN" bull by that f* *ing little pr**k is about as stupid a rationale for a business decision as I have ever witnessed. It had everything to do with a very insecure person and institution being vengeful.

Put another way, without expanded regional interest the only way BC gains interest and market presence is winning conference championships and being very relevant on the national stage. Let me know the next time that is likely when folks aren't wearing ice skates.and most of the nation could give a rat's about hockey.....

Have to disagree with you, Uconn. IMO, hockey has always been bigger than BB in Boston. Have you ever lived in the greater Boston area? Just look at the high schools - the HS hockey division championships, especially the "Super 8" tournament, are big deals. Bigger, IMO, than their BB conterparts. That carries on into college level.

I don't know how old you are, but the Celtics won NBA Championship after NBA Championship in the 50's-mid 70's, something like 12 titles. Bostonians had an interest and closely followed the Playoffs, but the passion always seemed to go to the "Big Bad Bruins". That changed during the Bird years and a little during the "Big 3" era, but overall, nowhere near the passion for the Bruins.

Just compare the number of high school kids in the Boston area getting scholarships to major college hockey programs to the number getting scholarships to major college BB programs (and there are far fewer major hockey programs!).

IMO, it is what it is.

Hey, my comment on hockey in CT is not a knock. The state of CT has very good hockey programs. Heck, Yale won the NC last year! I fully expect Uconn to be competitive in Hockey East and nationally. What I was saying is that few if any cities can match the concentration of hockey firepower that exists in Boston. (Let me know when college hockey programs in CT or elsewhere can get 19,000 on each of two successive Monday nights in February to watch a college hockey tournament.) In the 80's and early 90's, BU dominated college hockey. Since the late 90's, BC has, in turn, dominated college hockey like few before them. IMO, it is no accident that both teams, especially BC, have stocked their rosters with Boston area talent.

Look, I agree with you. In the end, BC is ultimately responsible for the results of its BB program. But why is it that BB at BC has so noticeably trailed the FB and hockey programs? Hockey at BC needs no further discussion. FB has also been good. Not Alabama good, but good nevertheless = the #28 BCS program in the BCS era, as noted below. BB, on the other hand, has never had that consistency. Sure, they will get better ultimately. But, IMO, you have to take what I believe to be a general ambivalence to BB in Boston into the equation.
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Aug 24, 2011
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Not sure what you disagree with. Hockey is more popular than hoops in Boston...., maybe. College hockey is more popular in Boston than anywhere in Conn.? No *.

And we both seem to agree that BC has done next to nothing to promote college athletics in a critical market like Boston because they have a very inconsistent record of maintaining excellence.

Small and insular institution on many, many levels and it was best exemplified when GDF was allowed to duckk that AD for years.
Aug 30, 2011
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I posted this in the Conference Realignment thread, but it may be more applicable here:

Ramogi Huma, president of the National College Players Association, filed a petition in Chicago on behalf of football players at Northwestern University, submitting the form at the regional office of the National Labor Relations Board.

Backed by the United Steelworkers union, Huma also filed union cards signed by an undisclosed number of Northwestern players with the NLRB -- the federal statutory body that recognizes groups that seek collective bargaining rights.

"This is about finally giving college athletes a seat at the table," said Huma, a former UCLA linebacker, who created the NCPA as an advocacy group in 2001. "Athletes deserve an equal voice when it comes to their physical, academic and financial protections."

NU player on Reddit:
NU player here on a throwaway. This isn't about getting paid. What it is about is protection. Many of us will have numerous injuries throughout our playing careers. A group of those players will continue to feel the effects of those injuries long after their playing days are over. The goal is to have some sort of medical protection if we need surgeries stemming from injuries sustained while playing for our university. Another goal is graduate school for those who were fortunate enough to play as a true Freshman. Most student-athletes get redshirted in their first year, and receive one year of grad school payed for in their fifth year of eligibility. We feel as though it is fair to ask for the same investment from the university all around. It isn't about getting an extra $200 a month for spending. We have our stipend, and if we budget correctly we are able to make it stretch for the month. Would it be nice to have some part of jersey sales or memorabilia sales? Absolutely. But that is not the goal as of right now.

Just wanted to add in that I am extremely thankful for the opportunity I have been given to not only play football, but to attend a world class university such as Northwestern. It is an opportunity millions dream of having. We are treated well at Northwestern, but unfortunately that is not the case at many other schools. Hopefully we can create a voice for the players and clean up these issues.

As one might expect, Joe Nocera (New York Times) is weighing in on the subject.

I don't know if the impact, or impacts, of the P5, Royalty Lawsuits or an Athletes' Union will have any significance. I am, however, pro-anything that makes Emmert sweaty and uncomfortable. I wish him a never ending series of media scrutiny and "what nows."
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