Non-Key Tweets | Page 191 | The Boneyard

Non-Key Tweets


Mar 30, 2012
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The Lambert post ( and followups spin an improbable story from a number of perspectives:
- The claimed solidity of the B12 depends on the solidity of the GoR and this is a temporary contract with an expiration. If realignment is coming at the expiration of current B12 and ACC deals, then the B12 is not solid.
- His source says the B1G will approach UVa and GT prior to renegotiating its rights deal next year (2016). Given the complex nature of these discussions, they will not be left to the last minute. If the B1G hasn't already approached a school, it's not under consideration for a 2016 add.
- ESPN needs content for ESPN, ESPN2, and ESPNU. If they don't get Tier1 content from the B1G, they will sorely need ACC content to keep their main networks populated. They won't be able to move ACC content to an ACCN. Whereas if they get the B1G Tier1 deal, then maybe they have enough inventory to populate an ACCN in addition to their existing channels. So a B1G deal is probably necessary to enable an ACCN. Yet Lambert states the opposite -- if ESPN gets B1G content they will refuse an ACCN, while if they lose the B1G they will form an ACCN.
- He says if the ACC gets a network then realignment is over. But an ACCN would not significantly change the relative standing of the conferences or the money flows. It would not impact academic/research criteria. There are lots of reasons realignment may continue even if the ACC gets a network. Perhaps an ACCN strengthens their GoR ... but that may not be decisive, and in any case the GoR has expirations.
- He claims UVa and GT are the targets. Va Tech and UConn are more attractive than Ga Tech, in terms of markets, money, and contiguity. Ga Tech would be on an island in the B1G.
- "Without UVA & GT the B1G likely doesn't have enough revenue differential to convince UVA to leave - ACCN or not." Claim is B1G won't make enough money without UVa to pay UVa significantly more than the ACC. Contrary to everything we've heard. GT is dilutive to the B1G.
- He lists Va Tech as #2 least willing to leave the ACC -- totally contrary to other things we've heard. UVa and GT are #1 and #3 least willing to leave, yet those are the ones he claims are in play. He lists UNC and NC State among the most willing to leave, yet UNC is considered the bulwark of the ACC. He says NC State's motive to leave is to be "Anywhere UNC isn't" and UNC's motive is to have "More money than NCST." Yet UNC and NC State have a common board of governance, dominated by UNC grads. It's doubtful all or even a significant number of NC decision-makers desire to split NC State and UNC into two separate conferences for reasons of petty animosity.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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The Lambert post ( and followups spin an improbable story from a number of perspectives:
- The claimed solidity of the B12 depends on the solidity of the GoR and this is a temporary contract with an expiration. If realignment is coming at the expiration of current B12 and ACC deals, then the B12 is not solid.
- His source says the B1G will approach UVa and GT prior to renegotiating its rights deal next year (2016). Given the complex nature of these discussions, they will not be left to the last minute. If the B1G hasn't already approached a school, it's not under consideration for a 2016 add.
- ESPN needs content for ESPN, ESPN2, and ESPNU. If they don't get Tier1 content from the B1G, they will sorely need ACC content to keep their main networks populated. They won't be able to move ACC content to an ACCN. Whereas if they get the B1G Tier1 deal, then maybe they have enough inventory to populate an ACCN in addition to their existing channels. So a B1G deal is probably necessary to enable an ACCN. Yet Lambert states the opposite -- if ESPN gets B1G content they will refuse an ACCN, while if they lose the B1G they will form an ACCN.
- He says if the ACC gets a network then realignment is over. But an ACCN would not significantly change the relative standing of the conferences or the money flows. It would not impact academic/research criteria. There are lots of reasons realignment may continue even if the ACC gets a network. Perhaps an ACCN strengthens their GoR ... but that may not be decisive, and in any case the GoR has expirations.
- He claims UVa and GT are the targets. Va Tech and UConn are more attractive than Ga Tech, in terms of markets, money, and contiguity. Ga Tech would be on an island in the B1G.
- "Without UVA & GT the B1G likely doesn't have enough revenue differential to convince UVA to leave - ACCN or not." Claim is B1G won't make enough money without UVa to pay UVa significantly more than the ACC. Contrary to everything we've heard. GT is dilutive to the B1G.
- He lists Va Tech as #2 least willing to leave the ACC -- totally contrary to other things we've heard. UVa and GT are #1 and #3 least willing to leave, yet those are the ones he claims are in play. He lists UNC and NC State among the most willing to leave, yet UNC is considered the bulwark of the ACC. He says NC State's motive to leave is to be "Anywhere UNC isn't" and UNC's motive is to have "More money than NCST." Yet UNC and NC State have a common board of governance, dominated by UNC grads. It's doubtful all or even a significant number of NC decision-makers desire to split NC State and UNC into two separate conferences for reasons of petty animosity.

In summary, he's a moron spouting a bunch of nonsense.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Delaney has said previously that he wouldn't take more than one school form a conference (presumably one at a time) so UVA and GT is a non-starter. Personally, I think it will be UVA and UConn.
Oct 11, 2011
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- He claims UVa and GT are the targets. Va Tech and UConn are more attractive than Ga Tech, in terms of markets, money, and contiguity. Ga Tech would be on an island in the B1G.

He's talking UVa and GT because he says Delany will not take a non-AAU school.

"The Big Ten's Council of Presidents and Chancellors is willing to waive the contiguous state requirement but they have decreed that AAU membership is a must."
Last edited:
Nov 19, 2014
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I don't think the acc would really sweat losing uva an gt if the rest stuck around. They're replaceable pieces. Gt kind of is a second fiddle to Georgia in Atlanta so they really don't give the acc much presence there to begin with as it's sec country. The big 10 has to watch it doesn't spread it's football product to thinly.
Aug 26, 2011
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If Susan can get us to AAU our odds increase significantly. Let's hope she is working the network to make this a reality. It's possible that Hockey is simply the first piece. We go b10 in hockey in 2017', Aau in 2020 followed by a b10 invite a few years later. A great plan if it happens. Let's hope we don't run out of money before then. Worse case, we have an awesome academic university.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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More Flugar stream of consciousness:

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 1h 1 hour ago
Had a long conversation last night during the hockey game with a source(Mich athletes staff) Long ranging discussion. Most of it you... ..find quite boring. Difficult to relay some of it on Twitter. Discussed issues of Collegiate Baseball & Basketball on the possibility... ...of having the starting dates of both sports changed. Talked about the challenges of the Big Ten Hockey Conference...trying to capture... ...the intensity of what was like in the WCHA for Minnesota..and for Michigan in their old confetence. Big Ten Hockey has a long ways to go. B1G Hockey is doing good with its TV deal-money. But it's nowhere where it wants to be with fans in the seats..needs rivarys to grow on ice

So what did the Mich-guy say about future Big Ten expansion? Believes there will be no Big Ten Expansion during for 2017/18...1st yr under.. TV teir 1 contract. However, the new Big Ten Teir 1/2 contract will have provisions for expansion in its contract. Adding teams... ...during the duration of its 10-13 year contract...contract will state new money will need to be provided for inclusion of added content. It was also told to me last night to expect Delany to slow play TV negotiations throughout 2015. Portions of package may have agreement.. short time. But the totality of the package may go into 2016.

Reason? Not much incentive to give in on package during 2015 with no.. ...other Sports TV contracts being open for bidding. Told that Big Ten expects multiple bids from FOX...with different combinations. One combination would be a dual bid from both Fox Sports & NBC sports. FOX and ESPN have worked together to keep NBC out of most bids in.. ...the past. But according to Mich-guy there may be some relationship forming between FOX and NBC to gain half of Big Ten sports package. FOX and NBC could assure Big Ten that they could deliver on exposure. Big Ten could be looking at:

Mich-guy says there will be Big Ten Hockey expansion by 2018. Interest is very high for ASU. But he also sees NCHC as being the favorites.. land the Sun Devils. Told to expect Notre Dame to join NCHC by 2017. ND Hockey TV contract with NBC is done in 16/17. Expect to renew.. ...the contract with NBC Sports with a new conference in tow (NBC).

I asked who you would expect to be added by 2018 for B1G Hockey?... Answer: If ASU selects Big Ten...ASU-Nebraska If no ASU...NEB/UCONN if UCONN has deliver on facility.

Then Mich-Guy told me something that made my stomach churn. Delany would take Notre Dame HKY in Big Ten...especially if FOX/NBC is in new.. ...relationship with napping half of Big Ten Teir 1/2 TV deal. Mich- guy went on to say how FOX/NBC are now working together more closely... ...on branding and marketing NASCAR. So if this relationship between these networks grow into the Big ZTen contract things could change. I just can't believe Delany would be interested in Notre Dame Hockey...why ask the girl out on a date again when she keeps saying no?

Much-guy says the Big Ten focus on expansion continues to be Eastward. But the new contract Delany negotiates will show extreme exposure... the point where there will antsy School Athletic Directors in the Big 12. Don't expect anything to happen until 2019/20...again 2019 New Big Ten TV contract will show flexibility in Conference Expansion...and will showcase MEGA exposure. No more games on ESPNU.... Maybe.. games even on FS1....if FOX/NBC combo gets half of Big Ten package.

Yes, I've been told of the mistake of the Boston University social media made in putting "B1G" on their championship shirts in the graphics. It means nothing...for the art files on these championship shirts are created in such away where confetence names are easily switched. Now would Jennifer Keppel and Delany accept Boston University and whoever they want to bring along into the Big Ten Hockey Conf? Hell yes. Big Ten Hockey expansion will happen by hook or crook in 2017-18-19. Dominoes will start falling after ASU makes conference decision for HKY


Mar 30, 2012
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Well, let's hope ASU chooses the NCHC then. And Notre Dame doesn't choose to pair with Nebraska.
Aug 26, 2011
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Well, let's hope ASU chooses the NCHC then. And Notre Dame doesn't choose to pair with Nebraska.

Uh, this all seems beyond preposterous.

Arizona State hockey? The B1G is waiting for them to make a decision? Really?!??!?! Come'on.


Mar 30, 2012
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They may feel obliged to stay close to the Pac-12. Historic partnerships, and now with voting coalitions in the P5, the B1G-Pac alliance is even more important. I wouldn't be surprised if they were committed to helping ASU should they need help.
Oct 19, 2013
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Despite the Johns Hopkins affiliation, I never considered partial affiliations in specific sports a viable part of the B1G model. It's something you might do if you're running a TV network but in my opinion not a way to run a conference. Also I never truly believed for a minute that hockey moved the needle in any way, shape, or form for affiliation or realignment purposes. If we were talking about a hot fudge sundae, football is ice cream, basketball is hot fudge, hockey is whipped cream, lacrosse is the cherry on top.

However, since there appears to be movement along those lines, there are a couple of aspects of Flugaur's ramblings that actually make some sense. If you're going to add hockey programs without affiliation--essentially network television deals--it makes perfect sense to add Notre Dame hockey. And, whatever the real story is with the BU shirt, there is no way the B1G doesn't approach Boston U, at least to feel them out.

I know that being UConn, many of you think the B1G is all wonderful--and in many ways, especially $$$, it is. But there was a lot of unhappiness in Minnesota about the B1G Hockey Conference. Minnesota was asked to abandon most of it's long-time hockey rivalries to play in the new conference. The in-state rivalries, gone. North Dakota, gone. Arguably, Minnesota took the biggest internal hit from realignment but gulped hard, said goodbye, and moved into the B1G. I don't know this--I'm sourceless save the rumor mill--but I'm sure there was and is continued dialogue on buffing up hockey and I'd guess promises were made to Minnesota--and, of course, because appears to be doing better $-wise than anyone projected.

I completely disagree with Flugaur on adding schools like UN Omaha and UM Duluth because they're really B1G just branch campuses. And I completely disagree with his incessant North Dakota vision. The primary, if not only, reason for expanding is TV and none of those options add squat. (They would help Minnesota but do little or nothing for the conference as a whole.)

If it's affiliations based on TV, and kind of as a secondary consideration, tossing a bone to Minnesota--then at least approaching Boston U makes perfect sense. It's a rivalry that could be revived before it slips from living memory and it provides the correct television metric. Notre Dame, for all their hubris and pretension, is not (at least, outside of football) a national school. Notre Dame=northeast, primarily, and Midwest, secondly.

But...then I don't know how AAU fits or even what B1G envisions itself being. I don't know how much is tv network people vs. Presidents and Chancellors. If it's just tv, then all the B1G has to do is quantify, target schools by metrics, grab the checkbook, and go shopping for the (theorectically, on paper, for tv) ideal hockey conference.

And the thing I really don't get is why the heck you'd ask UConn to lace up skates while leaving what is arguably the best brand in college basketball--men's and women's--sitting on the sidelines. Seriously, hockey is not basketball. Hockey is never going to be basketball.


Mar 30, 2012
Reaction Score
I know that being UConn, many of you think the B1G is all wonderful--and in many ways, especially $$$, it is. But there was a lot of unhappiness in Minnesota about the B1G Hockey Conference. Minnesota was asked to abandon most of it's long-time hockey rivalries to play in the new conference. The in-state rivalries, gone. North Dakota, gone. Arguably, Minnesota took the biggest internal hit from realignment but gulped hard, said goodbye, and moved into the B1G. I don't know this--I'm sourceless save the rumor mill--but I'm sure there was and is continued dialogue on buffing up hockey and I'd guess promises were made to Minnesota--and, of course, because appears to be doing better $-wise than anyone projected.


And the thing I really don't get is why the heck you'd ask UConn to lace up skates while leaving what is arguably the best brand in college basketball--men's and women's--sitting on the sidelines. Seriously, hockey is not basketball. Hockey is never going to be basketball.

I agree with the second part - it hardly makes sense to invite UConn hockey when you can get basketball too ... but taking hockey and basketball means you also have to invite Olympic sports ... and make some sort of deal for football.

On the first part, I doubt anyone thinks the B1G is "all wonderful." It is simply the best there is. With the destruction of local rivalries by realignment, a multiregional super conference is the best option available; and the B1G is by far the most attractive, at least for UConn.

If we could re-do history and design the present, we'd bring Penn State into the original Big East on whatever terms they were asking for, split from the Catholic schools, and get a northeastern all-sports conference with BC, UConn, Rutgers, Syracuse, Penn State, Pitt, West Virginia, Va Tech -- if we had to grow to 12, 4 from USF, UCF, Temple, Cincy, Louisville. This wouldn't be as lucrative as the B1G but it would be regionally compact, geographically contiguous, with significant rivalries.

If UConn makes it into the B1G, the university will be in a better situation than that ... but from a fan's point of view, regional rivalries have a lot going for them.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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I know that being UConn, many of you think the B1G is all wonderful--and in many ways, especially $$$, it is. But there was a lot of unhappiness in Minnesota about the B1G Hockey Conference. Minnesota was asked to abandon most of it's long-time hockey rivalries to play in the new conference. The in-state rivalries, gone. North Dakota, gone. Arguably, Minnesota took the biggest internal hit from realignment but gulped hard, said goodbye, and moved into the B1G. I don't know this--I'm sourceless save the rumor mill--but I'm sure there was and is continued dialogue on buffing up hockey and I'd guess promises were made to Minnesota--and, of course, because appears to be doing better $-wise than anyone projected.

Wow, I didn't know that. It's pretty outrageous. The B!G completely disrespected Minnesota as they have for years. The Golden Gophers ought to leave the league. It's just intolerable.

[Note to self: Email Herbst to suggest she reach out to Delany to confirm our interest and flexibility in scheduling.]


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Despite the Johns Hopkins affiliation, I never considered partial affiliations in specific sports a viable part of the B1G model. It's something you might do if you're running a TV network but in my opinion not a way to run a conference. Also I never truly believed for a minute that hockey moved the needle in any way, shape, or form for affiliation or realignment purposes. If we were talking about a hot fudge sundae, football is ice cream, basketball is hot fudge, hockey is whipped cream, lacrosse is the cherry on top.

However, since there appears to be movement along those lines, there are a couple of aspects of Flugaur's ramblings that actually make some sense. If you're going to add hockey programs without affiliation--essentially network television deals--it makes perfect sense to add Notre Dame hockey. And, whatever the real story is with the BU shirt, there is no way the B1G doesn't approach Boston U, at least to feel them out.

I know that being UConn, many of you think the B1G is all wonderful--and in many ways, especially $$$, it is. But there was a lot of unhappiness in Minnesota about the B1G Hockey Conference. Minnesota was asked to abandon most of it's long-time hockey rivalries to play in the new conference. The in-state rivalries, gone. North Dakota, gone. Arguably, Minnesota took the biggest internal hit from realignment but gulped hard, said goodbye, and moved into the B1G. I don't know this--I'm sourceless save the rumor mill--but I'm sure there was and is continued dialogue on buffing up hockey and I'd guess promises were made to Minnesota--and, of course, because appears to be doing better $-wise than anyone projected.

I completely disagree with Flugaur on adding schools like UN Omaha and UM Duluth because they're really B1G just branch campuses. And I completely disagree with his incessant North Dakota vision. The primary, if not only, reason for expanding is TV and none of those options add squat. (They would help Minnesota but do little or nothing for the conference as a whole.)

If it's affiliations based on TV, and kind of as a secondary consideration, tossing a bone to Minnesota--then at least approaching Boston U makes perfect sense. It's a rivalry that could be revived before it slips from living memory and it provides the correct television metric. Notre Dame, for all their hubris and pretension, is not (at least, outside of football) a national school. Notre Dame=northeast, primarily, and Midwest, secondly.

But...then I don't know how AAU fits or even what B1G envisions itself being. I don't know how much is tv network people vs. Presidents and Chancellors. If it's just tv, then all the B1G has to do is quantify, target schools by metrics, grab the checkbook, and go shopping for the (theorectically, on paper, for tv) ideal hockey conference.

And the thing I really don't get is why the heck you'd ask UConn to lace up skates while leaving what is arguably the best brand in college basketball--men's and women's--sitting on the sidelines. Seriously, hockey is not basketball. Hockey is never going to be basketball.

um... tl;dr
Oct 19, 2013
Reaction Score
If you're going to join the B1G, you might as well start getting caught up on who's whining about what. I've heard plenty of whining coming from several schools or constituencies within schools. There are even--gasp--people (mostly academics) whining about all that money. The primary whining topics for Minnesota appear to be the hockey realignment and having to give up the FCS games with the Dakota schools. (I always hated those games--win, it doesn't really count because you're supposed to win; lose, it's just embarrassing.) I understand the impact those games have on the Twin Cities economy--they didn't require a home and home, and the entire state of North or South Dakota would show up, fill the stadium, and spend their $$$.

But, hey, whiners gonna whine. Long term, everything is in the best possible place going forward: B1G.

Now if the Gophers can get to Pasadena before I die, then I can stop whining...


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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Despite the Johns Hopkins affiliation, I never considered partial affiliations in specific sports a viable part of the B1G model. It's something you might do if you're running a TV network but in my opinion not a way to run a conference. Also I never truly believed for a minute that hockey moved the needle in any way, shape, or form for affiliation or realignment purposes. If we were talking about a hot fudge sundae, football is ice cream, basketball is hot fudge, hockey is whipped cream, lacrosse is the cherry on top.

However, since there appears to be movement along those lines, there are a couple of aspects of Flugaur's ramblings that actually make some sense. If you're going to add hockey programs without affiliation--essentially network television deals--it makes perfect sense to add Notre Dame hockey. And, whatever the real story is with the BU shirt, there is no way the B1G doesn't approach Boston U, at least to feel them out.

I know that being UConn, many of you think the B1G is all wonderful--and in many ways, especially $$$, it is. But there was a lot of unhappiness in Minnesota about the B1G Hockey Conference. Minnesota was asked to abandon most of it's long-time hockey rivalries to play in the new conference. The in-state rivalries, gone. North Dakota, gone. Arguably, Minnesota took the biggest internal hit from realignment but gulped hard, said goodbye, and moved into the B1G. I don't know this--I'm sourceless save the rumor mill--but I'm sure there was and is continued dialogue on buffing up hockey and I'd guess promises were made to Minnesota--and, of course, because appears to be doing better $-wise than anyone projected.

I completely disagree with Flugaur on adding schools like UN Omaha and UM Duluth because they're really B1G just branch campuses. And I completely disagree with his incessant North Dakota vision. The primary, if not only, reason for expanding is TV and none of those options add squat. (They would help Minnesota but do little or nothing for the conference as a whole.)

If it's affiliations based on TV, and kind of as a secondary consideration, tossing a bone to Minnesota--then at least approaching Boston U makes perfect sense. It's a rivalry that could be revived before it slips from living memory and it provides the correct television metric. Notre Dame, for all their hubris and pretension, is not (at least, outside of football) a national school. Notre Dame=northeast, primarily, and Midwest, secondly.

But...then I don't know how AAU fits or even what B1G envisions itself being. I don't know how much is tv network people vs. Presidents and Chancellors. If it's just tv, then all the B1G has to do is quantify, target schools by metrics, grab the checkbook, and go shopping for the (theorectically, on paper, for tv) ideal hockey conference.

And the thing I really don't get is why the heck you'd ask UConn to lace up skates while leaving what is arguably the best brand in college basketball--men's and women's--sitting on the sidelines. Seriously, hockey is not basketball. Hockey is never going to be basketball.

BU will never leave Hockey East for the B1G. Not going to happen. Boston is a provincial town, and "local" dominates. Hockey East has a great travel schedule, and BU won't want to be in a different league than BC in any universe.

That said, your point about UConn Hockey without basketball is interesting. It makes me think about the deal Notre Dame has with the ACC. While waiting out the ACC GOR, the B1G could give UConn the same deal, bring in all sports but football, with a 5 game scheduling arrangement. That would allow UConn to go independent in football and beef it up. With 5 B1G games, UConn could get the remaining games they need as an independent. That schedule would be better that what we get in the American, would help recruiting and by the time VT is free to leave, UConn football wouldn't be a negative. Money would be less than B1G full payout, but more than AAC.

In the meantime, the B1G and BTN gets men's basketball, women's basketball (pretty significant) and hockey. Plus some well above average other sports, like soccer, field hockey and a decent baseball team. Since VT doesn't play hockey, they can still add ASU.
Aug 24, 2011
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BU will never leave Hockey East for the B1G. Not going to happen. Boston is a provincial town, and "local" dominates. Hockey East has a great travel schedule, and BU won't want to be in a different league than BC in any universe.

That said, your point about UConn Hockey without basketball is interesting. It makes me think about the deal Notre Dame has with the ACC. While waiting out the ACC GOR, the B1G could give UConn the same deal, bring in all sports but football, with a 5 game scheduling arrangement. That would allow UConn to go independent in football and beef it up. With 5 B1G games, UConn could get the remaining games they need as an independent. That schedule would be better that what we get in the American, would help recruiting and by the time VT is free to leave, UConn football wouldn't be a negative. Money would be less than B1G full payout, but more than AAC.

In the meantime, the B1G and BTN gets men's basketball, women's basketball (pretty significant) and hockey. Plus some well above average other sports, like soccer, field hockey and a decent baseball team. Since VT doesn't play hockey, they can still add ASU.

Any thought that assumes that UConn can get a deal similar to one given to Notre Dame, notwithstanding the differing levels of market power of the two schools, needs to be reexamined.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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What channel will UConn be on? Where's the exposure? SNY? The reason Independence works for Notre Dame is that it's a national brand and everyone gets NBC.
Mar 16, 2013
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What channel will UConn be on? Where's the exposure? SNY? The reason Independence works for Notre Dame is that it's a national brand and everyone gets NBC.

The same network that covers my day with Lady Gaga
Mar 4, 2014
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I have no doubt B1G Hockey will become the elite conference some day. Kids growing up will see national powers like Ohio State, Michigan and Penn State playing hockey and figure that is the place to be. Not UMASS. Just my opinion...everything changes. When the B1G expands into New England, forgetaboutit.
That said, I was surfing the other night and saw Ohio State playing Penn State in front of about 12 spectators.
Apr 18, 2013
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I have no doubt B1G Hockey will become the elite conference some day. Kids growing up will see national powers like Ohio State, Michigan and Penn State playing hockey and figure that is the place to be. Not UMASS. Just my opinion...everything changes. When the B1G expands into New England, forgetaboutit.
That said, I was surfing the other night and saw Ohio State playing Penn State in front of about 12 spectators.

They really need to do away with Neutral site games for a conference hockey tourny. Just have it at the site of the higher seeded team.

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