No Time for Fair Weather Fans ... | The Boneyard

No Time for Fair Weather Fans ...

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Mar 30, 2012
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Like @OkaForPrez, I'm 10 toes in.

Ollie will right this ship. Like it or not, on the way to greatness you have to be tested and you have to respond to adversity. The experience of fixing this team and this year will make Ollie a better coach and his players better players.

One of the obvious differences between this and past successful UConn teams is in the grit-and-effort indicators. Loose defense giving up open shots, poor rebounding, lack of screens sacrificing the body for a team-mate's offense, lack of crisp execution at both ends.

JC had made his own career through grit and effort and he excelled at imparting that attitude to his players. Ollie, too, made his career with grit and effort, but he hasn't necessarily learned how to impart that same attitude. He is a nice guy and nice guys prefer to persuade, not demand; to respect others as they are, rather than to demand that they change. But his players may need him to become more demanding.

Ollie has so many other strengths as a coach that if he can lead his kids to emotional and attitudinal toughness, he will be great.

But, it's easier for everyone, coaches and players alike, to buckle down and give what needs to be given if they know that the fans have their backs.

We don't need whining and complaining from spoiled fans two games into the season. Buckle up! Show some grit as a fan! Fight to recover. There is plenty of time for this team to shape up, win the AAC, and go into the NCAA tourney on a roll.
Aug 25, 2011
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Not necessary to post this.

Fans can be disappointed and frustrated without being labeled fair weather fans. Look to Giants fans for example. The Boneyard is compiled with fanatics of all kinds, and by definition all in for UConn. Some are critical, some observant, some blind, some have high expectations, some old/young, some knowledgeable, etc...

Not many fans are happy when their team loses, especially back to back against 'inferior' opponents.

Any married man will tell you that a complaining/whining wife still loves her husband 100% with full devotion, no matter how many times he fukks up.


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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Thank you thank you thank you
I give you credit for writing these thoughts and ashamed of myself for not having the guts to do so last night when tempted
As you said - Buckle Up! because the list of those who love to say fire KO, who are consistently bashing the program on the chats and the ones who call those who try to be positive as insufferable - they are going to come after you with both barrels blaring.
Am I content with the 1st two games? Hell No and I am assuming you feel the same
NO UConn fan should be satisfied with the effort or with the system at this point
These are kids, this is a team that lost arguably their 3 strongest players. Its going to take time.
KO needs to implement some different aspects to the offense that has to include movement
The team has to understand the importance of rebounding and not leaving your man at the perimeter to help on D
One thing KO has to contemplate is his decision to leave a player (RP) in a game when he is having a horrid night, I feel it is setting the wrong message.
The biggest thing these kids need is confidence - they all look timid and afraid to take chances - if you don't take open shots, you aren't going to score
I'm in it for the ride
Again PK, thanks


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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Not necessary to post this.

Fans can be disappointed and frustrated without being labeled fair weather fans. Look to Giants fans for example. The Boneyard is compiled with fanatics of all kinds, and by definition all in for UConn. Some are critical, some observant, some blind, some have high expectations, some old/young, some knowledgeable, etc...

Not many fans are happy when their team loses, especially back to back against 'inferior' opponents.

Any married man will tell you that a complaining/whining wife still loves her husband 100% with full devotion, no matter how many times he fukks up.
Sorry Kit, I disagree with you on this but I do understand your point(s)


Mar 30, 2012
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Any married man will tell you that a complaining/whining wife still loves her husband 100% with full devotion, no matter how many times he fukks up.

(a) Some complaining wives file for divorce. (b) Even if she's 100% faithful, she's still not as good a wife as she would be if she didn't whine and complain.


Making the board a little less insufferable
Sep 1, 2011
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Been a fan since '95. No harm in being honest about the poor state of the program and rationally calling out how this team has under-performed more than any I've ever witnessed. The players have underperformed and KO has done himself no favors.

I agree with OP that we have all of our egg's in KO's proverbial basket right now. Here's to hoping the guy has it in him to fix this team, and FAST. It took him until the AAC tournament to get last year's team and new pieces fitting and playing effectively. He doesn't have anywhere close to that long this year, and this team is more broken and flawed than last years.

Those calling for KO to be fired are simply asinine. Those people are straight up dumb. We fire KO and then replace him with who exactly? Who is available and would even WANT to come coach in Storrs in the AAC? That's why firing KO is crazy... there's no one close to viable who can replace him with who could come close to being half as good as KO. Think we land 4/5 star guys without him? Think again.

Does KO need to be held accountable and have things to fix? Absolutely...
  1. Big man development is non-existent
  2. Line-up decisions and rotations puzzling
  3. Lack of energy/emotion on sidelines during games are disheartening
  4. Lack of accountability post-game is upsetting
However, this is our coach for the foreseeable future. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to STFU because they clearly don't know squat.

Let's see what happens. I'm not close to a fair-weather fan. Had a friend text me asking if we should sell our Cuse tix @ MSG... he's no longer a friend, lol. I'm with this team to the end. Here's to hoping this horrific start lights a fire under this team and KO.
Aug 25, 2011
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(a) Some complaining wives file for divorce. (b) Even if she's 100% faithful, she's still not as good a wife as she would be if she didn't whine and complain.
Actually (a) I would hope its the husband (trust me I've thought about it, many times) and (b) no argument here from me, just never met a husband lucky enough to find one.
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Artist formerly known as BUHusky10
Dec 13, 2011
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Damn, how many Alumni points is UConn giving you guys for making these posts with the corny ass "I'm ten toes in" line. You guys are a boneyard cliche at this point. This board has officially changed tune, I don't see change in that regard long term unless people see a season that doesn't start with high hopes and end in nervous laughing and feigned optimism because that's what the echo chamber is doing this week.

UConn BBall is literally one of the three things I'm most passionate about in life. But realizing there are clear problems ahead and acknowledging the awful state of affairs doesn't mean I'm not "ten toes in" or whatever Diaco says.
Dec 19, 2014
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I would hope the BY faithful is full of guys (and girls?) like me. I'm frustrated and saddened by what looks to be another frustrating season. But I'll never stop rooting for these guys or attending all the games. Last nights attendance was abysmal. Flat out embarrassing to be honest.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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I won't give up....won't ever give up. But I'd be lying is the level of effort, intensity, execution, strategy, selflessness and basketball intelligence that I've seen isn't the worst I've ever seen from a UConn team. Yes, I can say that Perno's teams playing in the field house never laid such foul eggs. Sometimes being a fan means taking off the husky blue colored glasses and calling it like it is. They should have won those games by at least a combined 30 points with the players they have. I am also worried that making the NCAAs now means that UConn can only afford another 3-4 losses all year.
Dec 14, 2015
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Not necessary to post this.

Fans can be disappointed and frustrated without being labeled fair weather fans. Look to Giants fans for example. The Boneyard is compiled with fanatics of all kinds, and by definition all in for UConn. Some are critical, some observant, some blind, some have high expectations, some old/young, some knowledgeable, etc...

Not many fans are happy when their team loses, especially back to back against 'inferior' opponents.

Any married man will tell you that a complaining/whining wife still loves her husband 100% with full devotion, no matter how many times he fukks up.
I agree with you to a certain point. But this thread was necessary. There was a poster last night posting that the programs run was over. That's not complaining. Thats giving up. And huskies don't do that :D
Aug 27, 2011
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Nobody is giving up anything after 2 games and I like the discussions about what's wrong and what has to be done to correct it. This board saves me shrink bills. KO's job on the road is to put a chip on these guys' shoulders and get them to play with fire. Then we'll really see what we have.
Dec 13, 2013
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This is the time to have there back more than ever. There down and need us behind them now when things are going bad. Other than the seniors this is a very young team.
Dec 21, 2015
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Not necessary to post this.

Fans can be disappointed and frustrated without being labeled fair weather fans. Look to Giants fans for example. The Boneyard is compiled with fanatics of all kinds, and by definition all in for UConn. Some are critical, some observant, some blind, some have high expectations, some old/young, some knowledgeable, etc...

Not many fans are happy when their team loses, especially back to back against 'inferior' opponents.

Any married man will tell you that a complaining/whining wife still loves her husband 100% with full devotion, no matter how many times he fukks up.
Your kiddin on the 100% devotion thing i hope.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm in between on this one only because it's a young team and now as we see very limited. There is room for disappointment and complaining as well as those who feel you need to stay on board without riducule (not as strong on this one more Kitaman). If you're not concerned you do have a wife who never complains (thanks Kita) and that's utopia, not the real world honestly. (or else you're an angel and congrats for that, I'm not). This team has shown to be unable to score the ball and unable to stop 2 mediocre teams at a point of the game all UConn teams have willed their way to victory in the past. This team is the most limited team in the post potentially ever for UConn, on both ends despite the 7 blocks they still don't get stops when needed. When they can't shoot, which so far they can't, they need the lane open to get there and without a post presence they never will. I watched Duke, Kansas (especially), Kentucky and while we aren't expected to be there as of now, we have been equal to those programs for years, as of now we are 30 points at least behind them - no shot! Kansas guards had a field day why? Because they can throw it into Bragg and Obinuke and they can score the ball - who do we have? Duncan Donuts that's who we have. As for shooting we need Rodney to make shots but now one has to wonder did he have a career year from 3 or is this just a really awful start. JA will be fine but again much like Kemba may not get it until he's half way through this year, similar players. AG is a freshman, not a great shooter but a great PG and he will be fine but people need to make shots around him to be able to get space. And our defense, the furthest thing from a UConn defensive team. Even our best defender Rodney seems to have lost that desire due to his inability to score. Hope he isn't playing according to his offense, it happens, because if so he's worthless out there if he's not scoring and not guarding which was the case 2 nights ago. Thank you for Terry Larrier, breath of fresh air but needing to carry a load now not fair at all.

Anyway I can go on and on, but the fact of this thread is I'm good with the way anyone reacts right now. Hell I'm not sure where I am after 2 games and it's unfair I believe to be anywhere but on the fence waiting to see how they react the next 4 games. I couldn't even get on after Monday's game, somewhere between speechless and thankful the Giants were on. I am concerned no doubt I mean Wagner and Northeastern, c'mon. Our bigs let Alex Murphy (who played hard and wish we had him by the way) get 15 rebounds, really? If they don't step up, start scoring the ball (can we get 60?) and stopping offenses when needed then I feel we're in for a 16-14 season and the hatchets will be out all over the place. We need the frosh to really step up because our upper class is weak and now hurting to the point of losses like this. Maybe we're just not that good yet and will need to frosh, the next class (hami please) and even the one after that with some big men of skill and healthy Durham/Diarra, who knows? But for now, we are not UConn and that's scary.
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Rains Triples
Feb 10, 2015
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I'm in between on this one only because it's a young team and now as we see very limited. There is room for disappointment and complaining as well as those who feel you need to stay on board without riducule (not as strong on this one more Kitaman). If you're not concerned you do have a wife who never complains (thanks Kita) and that's utopia, not the real world honestly. (or else you're an angel and congrats for that, I'm not). This team has shown to be unable to score the ball and unable to stop 2 mediocre teams at a point of the game all UConn teams have willed their way to victory in the past. This team is the most limited team in the post potentially ever for UConn, on both ends despite the 7 blocks they still don't get stops when needed. When they can't shoot, which so far they can't, they need the lane open to get there and without a post presence they never will. I watched Duke, Kansas (especially), Kentucky and while we aren't expected to be there as of now, we have been equal to those programs for years, as of now we are 30 points at least behind them - no shot! Kansas guards had a field day why? Because they can throw it into Bragg and Obinuke and they can score the ball - who do we have? Duncan Donuts that's who we have. As for shooting we need Rodney to make shots but now one has to wonder did he have a career year from 3 or is this just a really awful start. JA will be fine but again much like Kemba may not get it until he's half way through this year, similar players. AG is a freshman, not a great shooter but a great PG and he will be fine but people need to make shots around him to be able to get space. And our defense, the furthest thing from a UConn defensive team. Even our best defender Rodney seems to have lost that desire due to his inability to score. Hope he isn't playing according to his offense, it happens, because if so he's worthless out there if he's not scoring and not guarding which was the case 2 nights ago. Thank you for Terry Larrier, breath of fresh air but needing to carry a load now not fair at all.

Anyway I can go on and on, but the fact of this thread is I'm good with the way anyone reacts right now. Hell I'm not sure where I am after 2 games and it's unfair I believe to be anywhere but on the fence waiting to see how they react the next 4 games. I couldn't even get on after Monday's game, somewhere between speechless and thankful the Giants were on. I am concerned no doubt I mean Wagner and Northeastern, c'mon. Our bigs let Alex Murphy (who played hard and wish we had him by the way) get 15 rebounds, really? If they don't step up, start scoring the ball (can we get 60?) and stopping offenses when needed then I feel we're in for a 16-14 season and the hatchets will be out all over the place. We need the frosh to really step up because our upper class is weak and now hurting to the point of losses like this. Maybe we're just not that good yet and will need to frosh, the next class (hami please) and even the one after that with some big men of skill and healthy Durham/Diarra, who knows? But for now, we are not UConn and that's scary.
well said mau

David 76

Forty years a fan
Nov 8, 2013
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I don't know.
One needs to see his weaknesses clearly to get better. But piling on negativity after negativity never helped anything.
I can't help but believe there are a couple posters who almost enjoy this because it empowers them to keep going after Ollie, Miller or AB.
Aug 28, 2011
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I've been a fan longer than most on this board. I was a fan long before I was an alum.

This is really, really bad. We are looking into the abyss.
Jan 22, 2012
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Like @OkaForPrez, I'm 10 toes in.

Ollie will right this ship. Like it or not, on the way to greatness you have to be tested and you have to respond to adversity. The experience of fixing this team and this year will make Ollie a better coach and his players better players.

One of the obvious differences between this and past successful UConn teams is in the grit-and-effort indicators. Loose defense giving up open shots, poor rebounding, lack of screens sacrificing the body for a team-mate's offense, lack of crisp execution at both ends.

JC had made his own career through grit and effort and he excelled at imparting that attitude to his players. Ollie, too, made his career with grit and effort, but he hasn't necessarily learned how to impart that same attitude. He is a nice guy and nice guys prefer to persuade, not demand; to respect others as they are, rather than to demand that they change. But his players may need him to become more demanding.

Ollie has so many other strengths as a coach that if he can lead his kids to emotional and attitudinal toughness, he will be great.

But, it's easier for everyone, coaches and players alike, to buckle down and give what needs to be given if they know that the fans have their backs.

We don't need whining and complaining from spoiled fans two games into the season. Buckle up! Show some grit as a fan! Fight to recover. There is plenty of time for this team to shape up, win the AAC, and go into the NCAA tourney on a roll.

Just because we are complaining doesn't make us fair weathered. We expect more from this program and Kevin Ollie. I don't see an issue with that.


Foot Stays on Gas
Jun 27, 2012
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Just because we are complaining doesn't make us fair weathered. We expect more from this program and Kevin Ollie. I don't see an issue with that.
Agreed! There are many kind of fans for every fan base. You have your pessimists, your optimists, your complainers, your passive aggressive....wherever you stand in terms of fan personality doesn't determine how much you love your team.

It's fair to say that most if not all of the BY is filled with true and loyal Huskies fans. These are dark times indeed and while I may tend to be more on the pessimist side of the fence, I'll be damned if I'm called a bandwagon or fair weather fan if I want to let off steam in regards to this atrocious and embarrassing start. We all cope with sports highs and lows differently but no one has the right to sit on their high horse and dictate who is truly a fan and who isn't
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