No passes between the numbers the entire game. | Page 2 | The Boneyard

No passes between the numbers the entire game.

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Aug 28, 2011
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Wrong - you needed to see it on the field - everyone involved in practice and film room already knew.
Then why did the coaches play him? If they saw it in the film room as you fantasize, why did they put Boyle in games? I await your retort.

BTW, this thread wasn't about Boyle (read it again). It is about our high school level passing attack. But you never really read posts, you just see what you want and then rant.


Aug 26, 2011
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Then why did the coaches play him? If they saw it in the film room as you fantasize, why did they put Boyle in games? I await your retort.

BTW, this thread wasn't about Boyle (read it again). It is about our high school level passing attack. But you never really read posts, you just see what you want and then rant.
We're making it about your season long obsession with him and your insistence that we would be better if he were on the field, but the coaches were just too stupid to see what you see. Figures that you try to change the argument though instead of just saying "yep, I up on that."


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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Then why did the coaches play him? If they saw it in the film room as you fantasize, why did they put Boyle in games?

Do you really not know? Or are you just being too stubborn to admit it?

Let's put it another way; if Whitmer had 1 more year of eligibility left, and Boyle did not, do you still expect that we would have seen Boyle?

The question is rhetorical, since we all know that Boyle would not have seen the field in that scenario (or at best, 1 series every game, because that's simply how Bobby D. rolls). Whitmer wasn't a great quarterback, but at least he would put together 2 or 3 competent drives a game, whether it was with his arms or legs. We've all known for the better part of 2 years that Boyle isn't capable of it. Period. So yes, the only reason that Boyle played is due to future eligibility and Bobby D's magical thinking that the game reps in 2014 would make him Dan Marino in 2015, wins be damned...
Aug 27, 2011
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Hopefully shirreffs plays next year as the starter, Boyle backs up and shirt Davis. Pray for no more "upper body injuries".
Aug 28, 2011
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We're making it about your season long obsession with him and your insistence that we would be better if he were on the field, but the coaches were just too stupid to see what you see. Figures that you try to change the argument though instead of just saying "yep, I up on that."

Again, if you read my posts, they are centered on giving kids a chance --when the starters are not producing.

I never said Boyle was better than Whitmer. I said he deserved a chance because Whitmer was a disaster and we needed to find out out Boyle this year not next.

BTW, the coaches must have agreed with me because they did exactly what I suggested. They just didn't do it as fast as I would have liked.

So how did I f'k up?


'Ollie North of the Cesspool'
Sep 1, 2013
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Then why did the coaches play him? If they saw it in the film room as you fantasize, why did they put Boyle in games? I await your retort.

BTW, this thread wasn't about Boyle (read it again). It is about our high school level passing attack. But you never really read posts, you just see what you want and then rant.
I am not sure if you are mildly dysfunctional or fully - you made this post about Boyle 'we needed to see what we had. Now we know'. Who is 'we'? You continuously attacked CW so you aren't we unless we means Boyle supporters.
I'm not fantasizing anything - and this head coach is soooo kooky I could only give conjecture as to why he played last 3 games - but everyone knew Boyle was NOT at CW level - he was 3rd out of competition to be starting QB - distantly. CW earned 49% vs Cochran 51%. Once CC went down Boyles % was about 2%.
Quotes by kooky Bob also told you Boyle was not prepared torun offense and compete - we want to play Tim - he's our future until someone beats him out yadayadayada

You wanted to see it on the field along with many others - many of us had seen enough to know - and didn't need to mention our past track record!!


'Ollie North of the Cesspool'
Sep 1, 2013
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Again, if you read my posts, they are centered on giving kids a chance --when the starters are not producing.

I never said Boyle was better than Whitmer. I said he deserved a chance because Whitmer was a disaster and we needed to find out out Boyle this year not next.

BTW, the coaches must have agreed with me because they did exactly what I suggested. They just didn't do it as fast as I would have liked.

So how did I f'k up?
'You never said Boyle was better than Whitmer - he deserved chance cuz Whitmer was a disaster'. So now seeing that chance how would you describe TB?

You f'cked up your track record - there was nothing to find out about Boyle - it was already known except by you and a few others.
Aug 24, 2011
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We had better hope the NCST transfer can play and stay healthy or an 0-12 is squarely on the table for next season.


'Ollie North of the Cesspool'
Sep 1, 2013
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We had better hope the NCST transfer can play and stay healthy or an 0-12 is squarely on the table for next season.
Yep. Our best bow tie QB is graduating.
Aug 27, 2011
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I think at this point it's more than fair to just point and laugh at Palatine without engaging him. He's earned that.
Aug 28, 2011
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'You never said Boyle was better than Whitmer - he deserved chance cuz Whitmer was a disaster'. So now seeing that chance how would you describe TB?

You f'cked up your track record - there was nothing to find out about Boyle - it was already known except by you and a few others.

What exactly is your beef? The coaches did exactly what I suggested. It was their course of action. Riddle me this Batman, if there was nothing to find out about Boyle why did the coaches play him?? (Even though YOU already knew everything there was to know). Please answer that question.


'Ollie North of the Cesspool'
Sep 1, 2013
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I really have no beef - well I did last night for dinner.

I told you I couldnt answer it - coach is too kooky - conjecture only.
They had seen everything the needed to see with him in spring, fall and in film room.

I didnt know everything nor do I claim to, but knew Boyle wasnt the answer - you needed to see it - tada - seen!

Your description of Boyle now? We are all dying to know.
Aug 31, 2011
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I think you guys misunderstand Pal. His title is spot on - there was not 1 pass thrown between the numbers on Sat. There were throws in to the ground, several that sailed about 15 yards high, a few way wide of the mark, etc., but not one pass was thrown between the numbers of a player wearing state flag blue.


Aussie Aussie Aussie!
Aug 26, 2011
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What exactly is your beef? The coaches did exactly what I suggested. It was their course of action. Riddle me this Batman, if there was nothing to find out about Boyle why did the coaches play him?? (Even though YOU already knew everything there was to know). Please answer that question.

You suggested something asinine towards the very beginning of the season, well before the coaches did what they did. Hell, your track record goes back to Nebrich and probably before that. Your perspective seems to be that if a starter screws something up or doesn't pass your eye test, then we should give their backup all the playing time until they screw up and then go to their backup until we've run all the way through the roster. I have no idea what makes your "eye test" criteria for someone who is worthy of playing but suffice it to say, I don't trust your judgment at all. The crusade you went on this board regarding Whitmer was ridiculous and made this board an even less enjoyable place to be than it would have been if our team just sucked.

And UConnDan97 already answered your clueless supposition regarding why the coaches played him once we no longer were potentially eligible for a bowl. Whitmer won't be around next year so it was worth trying Boyle to see if he could step up or potentially gain enough from the experience to be more of a contributor next year. Personally, I would have preferred we try to win a game against what was the worst FBS team in the country but I can understand why HCBD went the other direction for the sake of the future.

None of that justifies your crusade to get Boyle more playing time after the second game of the season.
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