Nice Story on Sheri Coale | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Nice Story on Sheri Coale

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Apr 10, 2015
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As i recall, it was not just that they were sending Stacey in coach, but that her male colleagues were being sent in first and she was calling them out on the double standard. Not to get this off track, but both sports management and sports broadcasting have tended to lag behind the rest of society on equality issues based on gender as well as race - not to mention issues of overt sexism/racism. No idea if her issues were valid, but not surprising that she would experience issues. As our own sideline reporter (former and soon to be missed) for SNY has also experienced.

On Ms. Coale - yup, one of my favorites, and a great supporter of Geno. I do hope she can get some new successes in recruiting, but Norman, OK cannot be any better than Storrs in it's appeal to city players from either coast.

As someone who lived in OKC and Norman-- I worked in Storrs --Storrs and Norman are not only cultures apart but Norman is a stone's throw from OKC and it ain't just a Cowboy town any longer (although I loved to see those guy come to town on Saturday night). If you are not a snob--the things you can get to do in OKC/Norman will fill volumes. I enjoyed Storrs--all things Uconn-and Norman (but I would have been lost without a car). My New York born and bred wife loved OKc/NORMAN

I share your thoughts (and those of others) about her need to recruit---it would appear she needs more aggressive assistants to start the recruiting ball rolling--Coach can't or shouldn't do EVERYthing. They were a great tandem when they led the Coaches (she and Geno)

My dislike about Dales --has nothing to do with Sexism or much of anything other than --as a reporter, analyst, she seemed to take the Anti-Uconn side every time. I was a big fan of the entire Sooner team (of the Dales era) . As a professional, and this is true of news or sports, your personal bias should be left at the door --and only report FACTS not your personal views. It took Lawson a while to leave her Tn outside--after she ran around the Civic Center with her index finger raised--she didn't thrill me. But today she is my favorite even over Lobo.
Apr 10, 2015
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My error. Maybe I just thought she was 6'4" because she played "tall."
Yea she was closer to DT's height than Stewies---she was one tough Canadian--hmmmm is that a national trait/??? (KIA)
Apr 10, 2015
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Stacey just came off as angry or had an edge to her comments and I think that turned some fans off as well as personal problems with ESPN.

One of my daughter had the same ---edgie ness ---she is a MIT Graduate Engineer--(I told her she could do anything a guy could do) Her edgie-ness that didn't work well in Big time Engineering --she had issues she considered sexist but were really what every one did--she refused to make coffee (all who drank made it) that didn't sit well with others. Sexism is real, but so is getting along. Even men suck up crap and keep doing the job-- she never saw that. She has matured and is doing great.
Apr 10, 2015
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I was court side at the Civic center game and it was brutally physical. I do not know if it could have been handled better by the stripes but Sherries plan was totally to play as hard as possible and let the chips fall as they may and hope the stripes let them play.

Sherri had a talented team that year--but Uconn had more (DT)--so she played that game and the NC physically--ND bounced DT around more but I think Sherri started the bouncing--. Call me nuts--but I thought Sherri did the exact right thing for her team. Still I thought the REFS were overly motivated (I thought they were playing for the TV and bright lights)--that was a game for the REFs to relax a bit and let the game flow--the game had no flow to it. Every time it appeared to flow--a new whistle.
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