They won't ship until after the tournament is over (4/9). Not worth it. Save up for the N0.1 shirts we'll get next monday.
I'm sitting here doing work and posting to the Boneyard, trying o decide if I want to pull the trigger on it.
It was really admirable that the walk-ons sent out there who all played 40 minutes were able to keep it down to the wire.I only buy when they win 'n whole thing.
Too bad Florida is a juggernaut, and is a much better team than they were when they're whole team was injured in December, and UConn is about the same or worse. DOOMED.
$32 apiece at the game. Always a good idea to wait if you can. Hopefully these will be heavily discounted by the end of next week as the demand for National Championship gear takes over.People who went to the game yesterday could have gotten both the shirt and hat. They should have them out soon.
The shipment should come into CT stores on Thursday (Verified by both Bob's and Kyle Muncey). Personally I can't buy Nike gear w/o trying it on first. The sizes never seem to be consistent to me.
I definitely want one of these shirts and one of the hats too.
update: Kyle says they should have them at the Co-op later today.