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Need more from Jackson

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Aug 31, 2011
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AJ getting faked out of his shorts here by a 28% 3p shooter, leading to the Odukale dunk (over Sanogo, who could do nothing with 4 fouls) was inexcusable.

He consistently gets in the air on the first pumpfake. He also juts out his chest while guarding on the perimeter, giving him no advantage and leaving him in poor position to move laterally. This stuff can't still be happening junior year.
Aug 26, 2011
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We need him to attack the rim on dribble drive. Box out just don't use your athleticism. Be better with the ball dumping in to Sanogo.
Jan 14, 2016
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I totally agree with this post. Andre Jackson is an extremely athletic and talented player. He is one of the more entertaining players we’ve seen at UConn. But the last two games, he’s been absolutely dreadful. The effort has been suboptimal. This is a bad look for a captain and a team leader. As much as it drove some people nuts on his board, he needs to play with a bit of an attitude. He actually performs better when he’s a bit arrogant and chirping at the opposition. Let’s bring back the swagger.
The moment he stop yapping it up our attitude became much more docile.
Aug 29, 2011
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I’ve said before that Jackson is probably the most overrated player I’ve seen in many years. Fans and coaches both seem to confuse athleticism with basketball skills. Everybody talks as if he is the 2nd coming of Ray Allen. I see a more athletic Sid Wilson with less ability to score. He gets beat on defense. Teams leave him alone when he has the ball and he is a mediocre passer. Fancy Dan passes are no good if the receiver can’t handle them or is covered. There was a play late yesterday when he threw the ball away trying to get Sanogo. Even if Sanogo had gotten the ball He wasn’t in position to do anything with it. He is the basketball equivalent of former Met Dave Kingman. Hit 37 home runs and batted .204. Jackson makes a spectacular play or 2 a game but is decidedly below average the rest of the time.


Dec 28, 2011
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Well were stuck with Jackson for one more year after this. Don’t think he’ll ever improve his shooting. His defense is subpar.Im looking forward to see him graduate tbh and have someone new taking over his spot.


You’ll get nothing and like it!
Mar 22, 2020
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There were a few times last night where i felt Jackson could have blown by his defender and had a free lane to the hoop but it's almost like he isnt looking for it and seems like defenders arent worried about him as an offensive threat either.
I feel like he could blow by any defender at any point when he has the ball if he really wanted to. He’s shown that he can score using a baby hook occasionally and he can pretty much jump over anyone. When he takes it strong to the hoop, good things happen. He just doesn’t do it often enough.
Jul 6, 2019
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He consistently gets in the air on the first pumpfake. He also juts out his chest while guarding on the perimeter, giving him no advantage and leaving him in poor position to move laterally. This stuff can't still be happening junior year.

He does this to show refs that he's not using his arms and fouling. I realized this because earlier in the season Karaban got called for a reach when trying to prevent his man from getting to the basket. After the play AJ was showing him the chest thing, clearly trying to teach Karaban to defend that way.


I dont have a drug problem I have a police problem
Jan 6, 2016
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It might not have mattered because Ndefo had already pushed Karaban under the basket and out of good rebounding position but Karaban left him to challenge Odukale last second shot. Odukale was still a 28% shooter from 3.
Dec 25, 2013
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Wow guys, chill a little. :) Yes, he has had two bad games in a row. But let's not pile on the guy after two bad games. This team was supposed to have a ton of scorers. We did early in the season. He's a great compliment to scorers. Let's not try to make him something he isn't. He's not a scorer. He's working on his game. His shot is 100% better than it was when he got here, but it's still a work in progress.

Why he won't go to the rim is still a mystery to me. I'm sure he's trying to work on it, but we can't expect a big change mid-season. We've had a ton of people on this board trying to make him a PG, why I have no idea.

I think he will be fine. We need him to be a good defender, a great rebounder, and a guy who brings high energy and good passing. I think he needs to adjust his defense to concentrate more on moving laterally effectively and not trying to be in guys pockets. He spends too much effort trying to make spectacular plays instead of good/effective plays. I think he will make the right adjustments.

The team needs a floor leader, but I honestly have no idea whether he's cut out for that role.
Part of the problem is we are playing 4 on 5 on offense that is why we cannot penetrate.
Oct 7, 2011
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Wow guys, chill a little. :) Yes, he has had two bad games in a row. But let's not pile on the guy after two bad games. This team was supposed to have a ton of scorers. We did early in the season. He's a great compliment to scorers. Let's not try to make him something he isn't. He's not a scorer. He's working on his game. His shot is 100% better than it was when he got here, but it's still a work in progress.

Why he won't go to the rim is still a mystery to me. I'm sure he's trying to work on it, but we can't expect a big change mid-season. We've had a ton of people on this board trying to make him a PG, why I have no idea.

I think he will be fine. We need him to be a good defender, a great rebounder, and a guy who brings high energy and good passing. I think he needs to adjust his defense to concentrate more on moving laterally effectively and not trying to be in guys pockets. He spends too much effort trying to make spectacular plays instead of good/effective plays. I think he will make the right adjustments.

The team needs a floor leader, but I honestly have no idea whether he's cut out for that role.
Newsflash: he's a junior. I think we know what he is by now. You really think he's going to adjust? He's had 2 1/2 years to adjust.
Aug 27, 2011
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Wow, I think most of you are way too critical of this kid. Is he a woeful offensive player? Unfortunately, yes. Is he a net negative as some claim? Hell no! He led the team with 10 boards last night, while the overrated center only had 5. He was tied for the team lead in assists with 4. He’s the primary ball handler getting the ball across mid court, is only .4 rebounds per game away from leading the team and leads the team in assists per game with a 2.5 to 1 assist to turnover ratio. It’s up to the staff to figure out how to put him in position to contribute more points but I think overall people are being way too harsh towards him.
Aug 27, 2011
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IMO he HAD a shot at the NBA based on mocks last year, but at this point that's not happening.

TBH I've never a player hypnotize a fan base more than he has. Over the past 3 years he has developed ZERO offensive game and continues to make the same mistakes over and over again. BUT "Man if Andre develops then he'll be a pro" takes are still common.

He isn't developing sorry!

He constantly turns the ball over trying to make highlight reel passes and gets toasted over playing his man on defense.

Hes an athlete that can make some plays on the court, but I unironically think he has a better chance at going pro in a Jimmy Graham situation than as a basketball player.
He constantly turns the ball over yet only averages 1.8 TOs per game, and has a 2.5 to 1 assist to turnover ratio, okayyyyyy.
Feb 19, 2017
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It's a mystery to us all and pretty obvious that he has issue with going to his right and getting to the rim. Based on his size, ability with the ball and jumping, it would be a great weapon. He is always looking to pass and if that gets cut off, he just throws it at the rim. Awkward.
You really can't have him out there with our other offensively challenged guards.
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