Need more from Jackson | The Boneyard

Need more from Jackson

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Nov 14, 2019
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While every player needs to a strong look in the mirror to see what they can do to individually improve Andre is at top of list.
Andre Jackson has nba opportunity.
He’s gotta show more impact and leadership to get there.
He’s gotta be the guy who ensures the ball makes it up court cleanly especially in 2 Nd half. He’s gotta be a shut down defender and all around high caliber menace we saw early in the year. Lastly he can score more than he has. He can improve all around — we’re a different team when he’s on an A game. I think recently we have gotten b ganes
Dec 11, 2019
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Many plays bothered me last night but the one that pissed me off the most was when AJax bit on a lousy head fake and his man blew by him for a dunk.
I love Andre but he gets burned like this a lot trying to make a highlight play. It's in the same vein as some of the alley oops he's tried to throw to Sanogo and Clingan
Nov 28, 2012
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I know this will be unpopular, but Newton looked a little better last night. He hit some jumpers and got to the line, which he’s been allergic to since BE play. His ball handling/toughness still needs to get better, but he was harassed all game too.

Still so much work to be done and they have to stop being so mentally weak.

His postgame comments of “we’re heartbroken” is a massive step in the wrong direction. No contenders say that kinda stuff. The whole team needs to get tougher
Apr 10, 2022
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I totally agree with this post. Andre Jackson is an extremely athletic and talented player. He is one of the more entertaining players we’ve seen at UConn. But the last two games, he’s been absolutely dreadful. The effort has been suboptimal. This is a bad look for a captain and a team leader. As much as it drove some people nuts on his board, he needs to play with a bit of an attitude. He actually performs better when he’s a bit arrogant and chirping at the opposition. Let’s bring back the swagger.
Oct 7, 2011
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Andre Jackson is not a basketball player, he’s an athlete. What exactly are his basketball skills?? He can’t shoot, he can’t go to the hoop, he gets faked out of his jock constantly on defense, he rarely makes the proper fundamental play.

Does he make some crazy athletic plays here and there?? Absolutely. But I still don’t see why everyone is in love with him because for every one of those spectacular plays he makes 3-4 bonehead plays trying to MAKE a spectacular play. He is the ultimate risk/reward player and his risks are nowhere near his rewards.

That said, he’s about Problem #3 or 4 on this mess right now.
Aug 26, 2011
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Andre Jackson is not a basketball player, he’s an athlete. What exactly are his basketball skills?? He can’t shoot, he can’t go to the hoop, he gets faked out of his jock constantly on defense, he rarely makes the proper fundamental play.

Does he make some crazy athletic plays here and there?? Absolutely. But I still don’t see why everyone is in love with him because for every one of those spectacular plays he makes 3-4 bonehead plays trying to MAKE a spectacular play. He is the ultimate risk/reward player and his risks are nowhere near his rewards.

That said, he’s about Problem #3 or 4 on this mess right now.
Spot on!
Feb 16, 2022
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If him and Sanogo are going to be the Captain's, they need to act like captains and lead this team. I see no leadership on the court or guys being vocal, they just look limp.
Totally soon as a few things go our opponents way it seems like they just cave. Need an on court leader to take over in those situations and I just haven't seen that at all in the last 5-6 games. Shoot, if Joey C doesn't go nuts against GTown we would've been in trouble there too. Need these guys to start to show some toughness....
Sep 17, 2011
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Not enough game on offense and can not stop his man one on one on defense. Hurley made him the focus in the offseason and was seen as the player that makes everything work. He is struggling to fill the role. After watching Jackson bite on the upfake and then Sanogo stood by while the Hall player dunked we need more from many players.


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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He's peaked as a basketball player
He's a gifted athlete but he is not helping this team on the offensive end and lately has forgotten how to play D - kind of like Newton, Alleyne, etc.
Nov 28, 2022
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Wow guys, chill a little. :) Yes, he has had two bad games in a row. But let's not pile on the guy after two bad games. This team was supposed to have a ton of scorers. We did early in the season. He's a great compliment to scorers. Let's not try to make him something he isn't. He's not a scorer. He's working on his game. His shot is 100% better than it was when he got here, but it's still a work in progress.

Why he won't go to the rim is still a mystery to me. I'm sure he's trying to work on it, but we can't expect a big change mid-season. We've had a ton of people on this board trying to make him a PG, why I have no idea.

I think he will be fine. We need him to be a good defender, a great rebounder, and a guy who brings high energy and good passing. I think he needs to adjust his defense to concentrate more on moving laterally effectively and not trying to be in guys pockets. He spends too much effort trying to make spectacular plays instead of good/effective plays. I think he will make the right adjustments.

The team needs a floor leader, but I honestly have no idea whether he's cut out for that role.
Oct 11, 2022
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While every player needs to a strong look in the mirror to see what they can do to individually improve Andre is at top of list.
Andre Jackson has nba opportunity.
He’s gotta show more impact and leadership to get there.
He’s gotta be the guy who ensures the ball makes it up court cleanly especially in 2 Nd half. He’s gotta be a shut down defender and all around high caliber menace we saw early in the year. Lastly he can score more than he has. He can improve all around — we’re a different team when he’s on an A game. I think recently we have gotten b ganes
IMO he HAD a shot at the NBA based on mocks last year, but at this point that's not happening.

TBH I've never a player hypnotize a fan base more than he has. Over the past 3 years he has developed ZERO offensive game and continues to make the same mistakes over and over again. BUT "Man if Andre develops then he'll be a pro" takes are still common.

He isn't developing sorry!

He constantly turns the ball over trying to make highlight reel passes and gets toasted over playing his man on defense.

Hes an athlete that can make some plays on the court, but I unironically think he has a better chance at going pro in a Jimmy Graham situation than as a basketball player.
Aug 26, 2011
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Against SHU he was a net negative. Bad turnovers. Bad fouls. Bad defense. He is very active but he not accomplishing much.

He needs to calm down and play with purpose.

There were a few times last night where i felt Jackson could have blown by his defender and had a free lane to the hoop but it's almost like he isnt looking for it and seems like defenders arent worried about him as an offensive threat either.
Aug 26, 2011
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I totally agree with this post. Andre Jackson is an extremely athletic and talented player. He is one of the more entertaining players we’ve seen at UConn. But the last two games, he’s been absolutely dreadful. The effort has been suboptimal. This is a bad look for a captain and a team leader. As much as it drove some people nuts on his board, he needs to play with a bit of an attitude. He actually performs better when he’s a bit arrogant and chirping at the opposition. Let’s bring back the swagger.
He needs to lose the chirp though. If I was coach he'd be sitting everytime he opened his mouth on the court.
Aug 31, 2011
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I wish someone would just ask Hurley or AJ in a PG press conference “Why don’t you (AJ) ever try to get to the hoop?” I wanna see what their answer would actually be.

He can't handle the ball well enough.


Mid range white knight
Sep 5, 2011
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IMO he HAD a shot at the NBA based on mocks last year, but at this point that's not happening.

TBH I've never a player hypnotize a fan base more than he has. Over the past 3 years he has developed ZERO offensive game and continues to make the same mistakes over and over again. BUT "Man if Andre develops then he'll be a pro" takes are still common.

He isn't developing sorry!

He constantly turns the ball over trying to make highlight reel passes and gets toasted over playing his man on defense.

Hes an athlete that can make some plays on the court, but I unironically think he has a better chance at going pro in a Jimmy Graham situation than as a basketball player.
It’s sickening how little he and Sanogo has developed. Looks like all they did all summer was work on becoming 3 point shooters and nothing else.
Aug 31, 2011
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AJ getting faked out of his shorts here by a 28% 3p shooter, leading to the Odukale dunk (over Sanogo, who could do nothing with 4 fouls) was inexcusable.

This happens all the time with Andre.

You can tell an emphasis this week was short close outs to stop the drive because everyone else was doing it. I don't understand the people that think AJ has some crazy basketball IQ.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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I think he's the biggest concern right now. I don't think we need much offense from him, but his defense has been poor. We can't have him gambling and going for the steal and spectacular play all the time. He gets a lot of rebounds on athleticism, but his fundamentals on blocking out are terrible. Have to get him to focus on playing positional defense and denying penetration.
Jan 19, 2017
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AJ getting faked out of his shorts here by a 28% 3p shooter, leading to the Odukale dunk (over Sanogo, who could do nothing with 4 fouls) was inexcusable.

Forgot to add...and letting it happen with 4 sec left on the shot clock. Just let the chump chuck the 3 if he wants to chuck the 3...
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