Navy is more athletic | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Navy is more athletic

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Aug 27, 2011
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Simply put, you're not giving Navy any credit for being a really, really good option team. The lost against ND last year 49-39, I couldn't believe how efficient and fast they were at running that damn thing. In the 2nd half we slowed them down, but that game was lost because our offense squandered opportunities to score. Even after we cut it to ten and recovered the onside kick we were turned over on downs. The defense played hard, turned them over on downs twice, albeit when the game was decided.

They are a very good team. But, we could have done better with some better game planning.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Navy is good. Really good. We are learning how to win again. I liked the effort today and I liked that they played until the end. It's hard for me to see any team in the AAC beating them when they are running that triple option that efficiently. We all witnessed a clinic this afternoon.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Navy is good. Really good. We are learning how to win again. I liked the effort today and I liked that they played until the end. It's hard for me to see any team in the AAC beating them when they are running that triple option that efficiently. We all witnessed a clinic this afternoon.

You beat them by scoring like crazy.


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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You beat them by scoring like crazy.
UCONN is not going to score like crazy- not with this QB
I get home and watch UMass and ND- the UMass QB would look nice in a UConn uniform- doesn't matter if they got blown out- the kid is big, can run and can really throw the ball TO THE RECEIVERS not around them


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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You beat them by scoring like crazy.

Agree...and we moved the ball well today. Just couldn't capitalize and get points in the 1st half when we really needed them. Settling for a FG on 4th and 1 (PLEASE STOP KICKING ON 4TH AND SHORT!!!) and then going for it on 4th and 3 (I forgot the distance) and failing to convert were huge.

Learning how to win again.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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UCONN is not going to score like crazy- not with this QB
I get home and watch UMass and ND- the UMass QB would look nice in a UConn uniform- doesn't matter if they got blown out- the kid is big, can run and can really throw the ball TO THE RECEIVERS not around them

BS will be fine once the line improves.


Aug 26, 2011
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UCONN is not going to score like crazy- not with this QB
I get home and watch UMass and ND- the UMass QB would look nice in a UConn uniform- doesn't matter if they got blown out- the kid is big, can run and can really throw the ball TO THE RECEIVERS not around them
I think Shirreffs, like any QB, would benefit from a solid pocket and time to throw. He was under pressure all game, it seemed. That forces mistakes.
Aug 26, 2011
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UCONN is not going to score like crazy- not with this QB
I get home and watch UMass and ND- the UMass QB would look nice in a UConn uniform- doesn't matter if they got blown out- the kid is big, can run and can really throw the ball TO THE RECEIVERS not around them
Eh, UMASS has a good one, but you know what our guy is the best we've had in a longgggg time. You know our stud receiver dropped a perfect pass on the opening series flea flicker. Thomas dropped one over the middle.

Today I thought Shirrefs missed some reads and hung on to the ball too long, but he's so much better than what we've had its hard to get upset.


Lost patience with the garden variety UConn fan
Aug 26, 2011
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We watched an option clinic today. We missed some tackles that gave them extra yardage but I have never seen such precision for the first 3+ qtrs by Navy's offense. They blocked wonderfully and all the right decisions were made by a unit of all seniors who have been doing this for 3 years now.

This was not on coaching. The D just couldn't string together 3 straight plays.

Offensively, we have come miles but we aren't there yet from an O line perspective and learning how to win. Shireffs has the IT factor, something we haven' t seen since Dan O. But this offense is still prone to errors in routes, drops, etc. This game was lost offensively on the first 2 drives. We knocked on the door but we couldn't execute.

The O-line was ok but I heard something on WTIC driving into the game that made perfect sense. Andy Gresh said " when it is 3rd and 2 and you know when you run it you will get the first down, you know you have arrived. This line isn't there yet and the last 2 drives started to give up sacks when we needed them to hold up. All part of the learning to win process....
Aug 26, 2011
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UCONN is not going to score like crazy- not with this QB
I get home and watch UMass and ND- the UMass QB would look nice in a UConn uniform- doesn't matter if they got blown out- the kid is big, can run and can really throw the ball TO THE RECEIVERS not around them

Frohnapfel was 20/40 for 233yds 0TD and 1 int. today
YTD he's 69 for 129 851yds 4TD and 3 int.

Shirreffs was 19/32 219yds 2 TD and 0 int. today
YTD he's 67 for 103 847yd 4TDs and 1 int

Shirreffs has more rushing yds YTD. Add in a few drops and a few ref's bad eyes and...
Last edited:


Throat's all better now, thanks for asking...
Aug 26, 2011
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Navy is good. Really good. We are learning how to win again. I liked the effort today and I liked that they played until the end. It's hard for me to see any team in the AAC beating them when they are running that triple option that efficiently. We all witnessed a clinic this afternoon.


I said this earlier: if Mr. Reynolds isn't hanging out at the Downtown Athletic Club at the end of this year, there ought to be an investigation...
Aug 26, 2011
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Two things I took from this game.

BS appeared to be afraid to make a mistake and seemed to have time to throw the ball but didn't. Early in the game he seemed to tuck and run quickly and late he seemed to hold it too long and then scrambled.

I thought he was supposed to be able to throw on the run but I don't see him keeping his eyes down field too much.

Can't believe Navy has that good of a secondary to make BS scramble so much. With all that said I could be way off base. Hard for me to watch anything except where the ball is located.

The second thing is we can't judge our defense based on the triple option.

Next 2 games will tell us much more.


Apr 20, 2013
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Yes, go for it on 4th and 1, don't settle for 3! DON'T go for it on 4th and 4 when you should have kicked and took the point. At that point, you can't leave points on the field. Come on!
Aug 27, 2011
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Our offense lost this game. We win if we finish off our first drive and don't kick FG--then if we kick FG on 4th and 4. Changes the entire game. Those additional 7 points gives us 25 with other opportunities lost along the way.--not using our tight ends. Play calling.
Navy was extremely challenging to stop but their defense should not have been able to stop us as they did. Poor game planning and play calling led to us stopping ourselves. Give credit to Navy, but it hurts to lose a game we clearly could have won.
Aug 14, 2012
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I like the recruits we have coming in by its clear as day navy is far more athletic than us. Defensively we could no get the edge we looked extremely slow and think this will change as we get better recruits. People will boast Adams had 14 + tackles and sure the stats look good but watching the game it's clear he was slow to make the play ... Many of those tackles were far beyond the line of scrimmage.
Don't think any of their OL or DL for that matter is headed for Sub duty.
Aug 14, 2012
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I said this earlier: if Mr. Reynolds isn't hanging out at the Downtown Athletic Club at the end of this year, there ought to be an investigation...
I didn't realize that Mr. Reynolds is 2nd in all time rushing touchdowns for the FBS. Not a bad career!!! Wasn't he the QB when Navy played here the last time. It was like the shell game, where is the pea? Quite the ball handler.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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I like the recruits we have coming in by its clear as day navy is far more athletic than us. Defensively we could no get the edge we looked extremely slow and think this will change as we get better recruits. People will boast Adams had 14 + tackles and sure the stats look good but watching the game it's clear he was slow to make the play ... Many of those tackles were far beyond the line of scrimmage.
Adams is a safety. Anytime your safety has 14 tackles, it's not a good thing. When run like Navy ran the triple option, it is very difficult to stop. Navy's 2 deep is loaded with Seniors. UConn's with Sophomores. What I liked is that UConn never gave up.

Two things I didn't like, were 1) The field goal on 4th and 1 on the first drive and 2) UConn's own option on 4th down deep in Navy territory.

Other than that, I liked how UConn played. Not happy with the loss, but they are playing hard.
Aug 26, 2011
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Every damn time we play these guys (or any equivalently talented team with this style) i get a terrible feeling in my stomach the whole week. Navy runs the triple option offense because IT WORKS for them much more often than it doesn't.

The last few years (save for 1), they have won 8, 9, or 10 games each year...losing usually only to the top tier teams they play, and beating every other team. This isn't happening by accident. They run that damn offense with serious precision. It's easy to run (by comparison), and it's effective against nearly every non-top 25 team (and, there are about 103 more of those than there are actual top 25 teams).

Last year, we were beaten by Army's triple option. This year we took the next step and beat them. The next step will be being able to beat Navy's much better triple option.

Frankly, i don't take anything from this game. To me, this game is a throw-away so to speak. It's like playing on mars. I wish we had won, and i had high expectations given the way we'd played the previous 3 weeks, but the next few games will tell us a heck of a lot more about who we are than the last one.
Dec 9, 2013
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Dicao coach teams will always have trouble defending teams like Army and Navy. The design of our defense which is a bend not break type and forcing teams plays into the middle of the field plays right into option teams strength. We don't penetrate the offensive line much but we are very disciplined and we do tackle very well. Saturday, to my surprise we had a lot of trouble stopping the belly play to the fullback. Our four down linemen did not play well enough for us to win. Their fullbacks were getting 4 to 6 yards on first down carries all game long. As a result our linebackers kept looking inside on the initial fake to the fullback and were too slow to recovery from the inside read to penetrate and hit or tackle the quarterback on the wide option plays. Once their quarterback got wide and had an easy pitch or keep with only our safety defending we were in big trouble. I don't agree with most people on the boneyard who think our safeties should line up closer to the line of scrimmage. Navy's quarter was too good of passer but I didn't understand why we didn't have both safeties playing wider. In theory playing both of them more inside gives each of them an opportunity to make a play on either said of the field. The problem with this idea was by the time the second safety got to the other side of the field Navy had already gain 5 to 10 yards.. We seem to be always a step our two too slow to defend to wide plays. Obi Melifonwu was especially burned on the outside pitch. This Navy offense was really very good and our defense isn't good enough yet to stop them but I am very optimistic that in time Dicao will build a great defense here that will in time be able to handle option teams as good as Navy.
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