Narrative that UConn Football is Hindrance to P5 Invite is Dead Wrong | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Narrative that UConn Football is Hindrance to P5 Invite is Dead Wrong

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Adding Nothing to the Conversation
Sep 21, 2011
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Maybe because Miami had 12, Texas had 8 and UConn had 7?

Hmm... Then I recalled the wrong stat. Maybe it's only the last two years? I'll have to read the famous author Dooley again.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Hmm... Then I recalled the wrong stat. Maybe it's only the last two years? I'll have to read the famous author Dooley again.

Miami had 7 guys drafted last year and Texas had 5.... not sure what timeline would make it look better but it's not 2 or 3.

It's a bit silly anyway because the next few years they will get swamped.


Adding Nothing to the Conversation
Sep 21, 2011
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Miami had 7 guys drafted last year and Texas had 5.... not sure what timeline would make it look better but it's not 2 or 3.

It's a bit silly anyway because the next few years they will get swamped.

Right. So we gotta do our bragging now before we aren't even in the convo haha
Sep 5, 2011
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Kind of on a tangent but I didn't want to start a new topic: the kid who works at the place I often go for lunch is a big Pats fan. Doesn't care much for college sports. I said "hey they got Terrance Knighton. Born and raised in CT. Couldn't qualify academically for UConn so he went to Temple."

Kid tells me "it's probably better he did." I asked why. He said "because if he went to UConn he's probably not in the NFL today." I asked why he thinks that. He said "because UConn doesn't put people in the NFL. What do they have three, maybe four guys in the league in the last 15 years." I was like "umm they have like 15 right now and have had more draft picks in the last three years than Texas, Miami, etc. And have more players in the league right now than all big 12 schools but Texas and OU."

This is in Wethersfield. 10 minutes from our own football stadium. It's disgusting that this is what people think around here.

Bad perception not just around the country, but within the state. I agree with Matt, it is disgusting what I hear "in State" relative to UCFB.

What is worse sometimes, is complete silence ....... or UConn plays football?

I can understand a "non scientific" poll Joe D and Gresh had after the women's BB title, and the euphoria of the fans that went with it.

The question was something like "When you think of UCONN, what comes to's BB, women's BB, or football?"
Now I only heard responses for a brief period of time, but overwhelmingly, during that time, 99.9999% were men's/women's BB, and one response that partially included FB because the person supports all sports.

More disturbing was the commentary that came from Gresh and Joe D........"Gresh: Hey! someone mentioned FB!" "Joe D: Yeah, that surprised me too. Didn't expect that"

Pres. Herbst and AD Benedict have a huge selling and perception challenge to overcome concerning UCFB. I can understand that challenge outside of the state's borders, but what I find more disgusting is the same challenge may not be any less within the borders.
Dec 11, 2013
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Bad perception not just around the country, but within the state. I agree with Matt, it is disgusting what I hear "in State" relative to UCFB.

What is worse sometimes, is complete silence .. or UConn plays football?

I can understand a "non scientific" poll Joe D and Gresh had after the women's BB title, and the euphoria of the fans that went with it.

The question was something like "When you think of UCONN, what comes to's BB, women's BB, or football?"
Now I only heard responses for a brief period of time, but overwhelmingly, during that time, 99.9999% were men's/women's BB, and one response that partially included FB because the person supports all sports.

More disturbing was the commentary that came from Gresh and Joe D..."Gresh: Hey! someone mentioned FB!" "Joe D: Yeah, that surprised me too. Didn't expect that"

Pres. Herbst and AD Benedict have a huge selling and perception challenge to overcome concerning UCFB. I can understand that challenge outside of the state's borders, but what I find more disgusting is the same challenge may not be any less within the borders.

Yes, very annoying. But MBB awareness was in-state, and much more limited, before Jim Calhoun. WBB awareness was non-existent before Gino.

UConn's dual success transferred Storrs from cowtown to hoops hotbed

For football to overcome perception issues both in-state and out-of-state, they need to start winning regularly. Then the bandwagon will fill up.
Aug 26, 2011
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Bad perception not just around the country, but within the state. I agree with Matt, it is disgusting what I hear "in State" relative to UCFB.

What is worse sometimes, is complete silence .. or UConn plays football?

I can understand a "non scientific" poll Joe D and Gresh had after the women's BB title, and the euphoria of the fans that went with it.

The question was something like "When you think of UCONN, what comes to's BB, women's BB, or football?"
Now I only heard responses for a brief period of time, but overwhelmingly, during that time, 99.9999% were men's/women's BB, and one response that partially included FB because the person supports all sports.

More disturbing was the commentary that came from Gresh and Joe D..."Gresh: Hey! someone mentioned FB!" "Joe D: Yeah, that surprised me too. Didn't expect that"

Pres. Herbst and AD Benedict have a huge selling and perception challenge to overcome concerning UCFB. I can understand that challenge outside of the state's borders, but what I find more disgusting is the same challenge may not be any less within the borders.
Joe D should be fired because of this comment. Good God He should be praising the football program he works for. Even if he has to fake it.
Aug 27, 2011
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Bad perception not just around the country, but within the state. I agree with Matt, it is disgusting what I hear "in State" relative to UCFB.

What is worse sometimes, is complete silence .. or UConn plays football?

I can understand a "non scientific" poll Joe D and Gresh had after the women's BB title, and the euphoria of the fans that went with it.

The question was something like "When you think of UCONN, what comes to's BB, women's BB, or football?"
Now I only heard responses for a brief period of time, but overwhelmingly, during that time, 99.9999% were men's/women's BB, and one response that partially included FB because the person supports all sports.

More disturbing was the commentary that came from Gresh and Joe D..."Gresh: Hey! someone mentioned FB!" "Joe D: Yeah, that surprised me too. Didn't expect that"

Pres. Herbst and AD Benedict have a huge selling and perception challenge to overcome concerning UCFB. I can understand that challenge outside of the state's borders, but what I find more disgusting is the same challenge may not be any less within the borders.

It is a major problem. We need to change the perception within our own state before we can convince anyone nationally that our program adds value to a conference.

I think the majority of casual UConn fans in state want to support winners (i.e. the basketball programs they've gotten used to cheering for the last 25 years) and see football as somewhat of an embarrassment. They'd rather ignore football or laugh it off entirely than get invested in a team that (they perceive) has a better chance of producing cringe-worthy moments than celebration-worthy moments.

Most of these casual fans don't appreciate that unless the football program can rise to a level of national respectability, the basketball programs are at risk of withering away in a substandard conference. And rabid fan support is a big part of earning that respectability.
May 29, 2015
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It is a major problem. We need to change the perception within our own state before we can convince anyone nationally that our program adds value to a conference.

I think the majority of casual UConn fans in state want to support winners (i.e. the basketball programs they've gotten used to cheering for the last 25 years) and see football as somewhat of an embarrassment. They'd rather ignore football or laugh it off entirely than get invested in a team that (they perceive) has a better chance of producing cringe-worthy moments than celebration-worthy moments.

Most of these casual fans don't appreciate that unless the football program can rise to a level of national respectability, the basketball programs are at risk of withering away in a substandard conference. And rabid fan support is a big part of earning that respectability.

They are fair-weather fans. It's that simple. When we were getting 7-9 wins a year they showed up and we're engaged. During the PP years they disappeared.

In a program that is more than 15 years old, the PP years are a blip on the radar, an abnormality. But given how young the program was, it was hard not to view the Edsall years as a fluke and the PP/HCBD Year 1 Huskies as the real UConn football since it took Randy 3-4 years before he started winning 7-9 annually.

They'll be back, but we need to keep winning.


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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They are fair-weather fans. It's that simple. When we were getting 7-9 wins a year they showed up and we're engaged. During the PP years they disappeared.

Maybe less invested fans is more accurate. And that's OK. Comes with being a young program.
May 29, 2015
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Maybe less invested fans is more accurate. And that's OK. Comes with being a young program.

Far more kind and probably accurate than the way I said it. But yeah, it's the ups and downs of growing a program.
Jun 17, 2013
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He's about as arrogant as they come.

There are two villages somewhere missing their idiots!

These dopes prove the old adage - nobody is worthless they can always serve as a bad example.
Jun 11, 2014
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Can we move UConn to Piscataway, NJ and move Rutgers to Storrs, CT and then kick out Rutgers from the B1G and have UConn take their place?


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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Can we move UConn to Piscataway, NJ and move Rutgers to Storrs, CT and then kick out Rutgers from the B1G and have UConn take their place?
I would settle for going back in a time machine and making Stamford the flagship campus of UConn and Storrs be the school of agriculture only.
Aug 26, 2011
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I would settle for going back in a time machine and making Stamford the flagship campus of UConn and Storrs be the school of agriculture only.

That might have turned out amazing but the rural nature of UConn was always a positive to me. I think we'll end up in a good conference in the end anyway.
Aug 13, 2013
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UConn football has an undeniable image problem.

Part of it is youth of the Husky FBS program...

Part is the now fading memories of the 1990-2001 Big East...Miami was running rampant, winning nine of the first thirteen BE titles, The other programs winning a title in that run were Virginia Tech, Syracuse, and West Virginia.

Fairly or unfairly, the perception of the conference and its programs shifted after the losses of VT and Miami.


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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Fairly or unfairly, the perception of the conference and its programs shifted after the losses of VT and Miami.

Ironically, the perceptions of Miami and and VT football have plummeted as well. They used to be players, now they are just part of the common ruck.
Aug 13, 2013
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Ironically, the perceptions of Miami and and VT football have plummeted as well. They used to be players, now they are just part of the common ruck.

One man's ceiling is another man's floor.


the drive to win has to come from within
Jul 29, 2014
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This is the latest uninformed opinion about UConn's past and future. What an a-- hat

B1G Expansion Primer of Rumors and Facts
SMH... we are never going to be able to shake the stigma of being an after thought when it comes to major sports. The one good part in this piece, "The huskies experience of conference realignment has been an exercise in watching a school be slowly quartered and drawn." I'm not sure a more accurate analogy can be found.


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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"The huskies experience of conference realignment has been an exercise in watching a school be slowly quartered and drawn." I'm not sure a more accurate analogy can be found.

Accurate? It makes no sense to be drawn after you are quartered. I assume the rest makes even less sense.
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