My take on the QB situation | Page 2 | The Boneyard

My take on the QB situation

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Aug 26, 2011
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See, that's exactly what would upset me. A coach that was more concerned about his way than utilizing the players who can get it done.

I am assuming HCBD knows that CC is his guy. If he doesn't, it says things about the coach that do not bode well.
This coach (and his staff) have been watching this competition, up close, for months now. They probably have a good idea of what they want, and unfortunately it is a combination of all 3 guys. They will pick the one that drives the team the best. I don't think they are wedded to a system at this point.
Aug 26, 2011
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See, that's exactly what would upset me. A coach that was more concerned about his way than utilizing the players who can get it done.

I am assuming HCBD knows that CC is his guy. If he doesn't, it says things about the coach that do not bode well.

What if CC isn't his guy based on performance in the preseason? Its possible one of the other guys has been more impressive.

Based off of what my eyes saw last year CC gives us the best chance to win and I'm pseudo hoping he wins the job. The biggest difference between him and the other two was the ability to buy that extra half second in the pocket by not panicking and dropping back further.

Hard for me to form an opinion of a coach based in who he names as stater at qb. I have to see what games look like first.


'Ollie North of the Cesspool'
Sep 1, 2013
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99% confident that its Casey's job to start the season, but the second QB will be given a real opportunity to unseat him if he outperforms Casey.

The fact that Diaco plans to use two QB's suggests it is Casey's job, Diaco's reasoning for 2 QB's was that the second QB offers a different skill set. I assume that means running the ball, from my observation Casey is the non runner of the group so he must be playing. Would you start the runner and bring in the non runner as a change of pace? Maybe but unlikely.

There have also been many other small hints that it is Casey's team. I'd be shocked and disappointed if he isn't leading the team into battle in two weeks.

Hopefully all three QB's stay with the program, we certainly need them. Boyle has NFL athletic potential, if he could learn to mimic Casey's mental agility he would be great. Stick with the program, learn and compete, then play on Sunday's.

Get ready to be shocked and disappointed - but don't let it stop you from being a team player.

I believe I read somewhere that HCBD would NOT look at tape from last year. If that's the case and CC is a bad practice player it will be Whitmer. I don't think he asked Whitmer to stay senior year to hold clip board.

Ten toes in people - give the coach and team the support they need regardless of decision -



'Ollie North of the Cesspool'
Sep 1, 2013
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See, that's exactly what would upset me. A coach that was more concerned about his way than utilizing the players who can get it done.

I am assuming HCBD knows that CC is his guy. If he doesn't, it says things about the coach that do not bode well.
What exactly would it say about the coach that wouldn't bode well? Can you be more specific??
Aug 30, 2011
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What if CC isn't his guy based on performance in the preseason? Its possible one of the other guys has been more impressive.

Maybe, but Diaco said last week that there has been no separation, suggesting this will be a gut call.
Aug 30, 2011
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I don't think he asked Whitmer to stay senior year to hold clip board.

Other people have offered this argument, it is a profoundly dumb argument, it suggests that football teams don't need depth.
Aug 26, 2011
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Maybe, but Diaco said last week that there has been no separation, suggesting this will be a gut call.

Certainly possible, as is the possibility that someone inched past the others since that quote/statement. I feel CC is more a guy who brings intangibles that are so subtle he probably won't ever distinguish himself in a qb battle in practice. Doesn't have an incredible arm, isn't fast, etc. His intangible gifts doesn't rattle under heavy pass rush pressure, throws very catchable passes, teammates seems to believe he would get it done.


'Ollie North of the Cesspool'
Sep 1, 2013
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Other people have offered this argument, it is a profoundly dumb argument, it suggests the football teams don't need depth.
I don't think it's a dumb arguement - the depth would be CC and TB.

He could have transferred to DII and played senior year immediately. I think as a senior he is being given every chance to win the job.

Go Team!!
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Aug 30, 2011
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I think as a senior he is being given every chance to win the job.

I agree with that, I think Whitmer will be the 2nd QB to play against BYU. He will be given a chance, maybe even a big chance if Casey starts out poorly.
Aug 24, 2011
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Whitmer has pretty good wheels. He may be used for that ability as well. He's actually got very good tools and throws well. He just never settled in with his decision making. Given that he had a set of duck*ing idiots coaching him, I'm not sure his lack of development was entirely his fault.
Aug 27, 2011
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I don't think it's a dumb arguement - the depth would be CC and TB.

He could have transferred to DII and played senior year immediately. I think as a senior he is being given every chance to win the job.

Go Team!!

Well it is a dumb argument when you say in one post that Diaco won't use last season as part of his criteria and in the next post imply that Diaco wanted CW back to start without seeing him practice once.
Aug 27, 2011
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Casey may get named #1 but this whole process I believe is about keeping Boyle from transferring since I believe the coaches feel he has the most upside. When will he be ready to start - I have no clue. But, Diaco will make tough decisions and I believe what happened last season, Diaco is not weighing as heavily as the fans.

Quite Frankly I think Chief hit the nail exactly on the head. HCBD wants/needs to keep Tim B at UCONN and this was his strategy to do so. I fully expect CC will start vs BYU. That said, lots of stuff happens over the course of a season and we are fortunate to have 3 quality QB's.
Aug 24, 2011
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What exactly would it say about the coach that wouldn't bode well? Can you be more specific??

Good coaches, in any team sport, adjust their systems to fit their talent. They don't try to adjust their talent to fit their system.

Look, if someone has consistently outperformed CC in practice in spring and fall, great, go for it. But if we've simply "schemed" the best performer out of a job, we need a more flexible coach.
Aug 14, 2012
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Other people have offered this argument, it is a profoundly dumb argument, it suggests that football teams don't need depth.
Maybe he suggested that CW stay and get his degree from a great university and maybe if things work out he might get some playing time. How old is CW anyway? Time to get moving on, stretching a 4 year plan into 6 is a bit much if you are not going on to the next level.


'Ollie North of the Cesspool'
Sep 1, 2013
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Well it is a dumb argument when you say in one post that Diaco won't use last season as part of his criteria and in the next post imply that Diaco wanted CW back to start without seeing him practice once.

You put words in my own post I didn't use?? That's unique and dumb.

Please show my quote where I typed or implied Diaco wanted CW back to start without seeing him practice once??
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Aug 30, 2011
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Whitmer has pretty good wheels. He may be used for that ability as well. He's actually got very good tools and throws well. He just never settled in with his decision making. Given that he had a set of duck*ing idiots coaching him, I'm not sure his lack of development was entirely his fault.

If, prior to BD's hire, you had asked one-hundred of us if CW would return, you probably would have received one-hundred loud "no ways." CW's decision was surprising because most of his time at QB had been marked by the team stinking up the joint(s) while he was being abused by the opposition and excoriated by fans. I figured he'd move on just to preserve his health and sanity.

Yet, one of the first things BD announced was that he had convinced CW to give it another shot. My first question was not, why would CW stay? It was why was it so important to prompt BD to act so quickly? From the outside, looking in, it defied logic. The only thing I could think of is that someone intimately aware of the PPGDL horror show told BD that CW was more effect/victim than cause. It might have been Foley, TJ or one or more of the other former coaches. It might have been WM. Anyway, BD acted quickly.

BD must have been convincing to make CW believe that: 1) Things were going to improve, 2) CW would get a clean slate and a fair chance to compete for the QB job, 3) That the new Offensive Coordinator actually understood and could teach his offense to the team, and 4) That what had been a very bad marriage could be made to work.

With all that being said, given his physical gifts, I think CW starts if he proves, to the coaching staff, that his confidence has returned, he has renewed confidence in his teammates (O Line) and, most importantly, that he won't force throws in an attempt to make a play. Otherwise, CC is a lock!:rolleyes:


Boyle also has the best wheels by far. People did not see it last year since I am told Coach P & D did not give him the green light - so when he did have an opening to pick up 10-15 yards he looked hesitate cuz he was instructed not to run. Under Coach D only a wildcat QB had the green light - crazy but true.


Mar 30, 2012
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If, prior to BD's hire, you had asked one-hundred of us if CW would return, you probably would have received one-hundred loud "no ways."

I can't imagine why anyone would have thought that. Whitmer is already at his 3rd school. He loses a year every time he transfers. With less eligibility remaining, coaches don't see any developmental upside, so you have to be better right away, which is tough in an unfamiliar system. His best chance to play and develop is here.
Aug 27, 2011
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You put words in my own post I didn't use?? That's unique and dumb.

Please show my quote where I typed or implied Diaco wanted CW back to start without seeing him practice once??

Well then you'll have to tell me what the meaning behind your following words were:

"I don't think he asked Whitmer to stay senior year to hold clip board."

I do apologize because I thought you said those two contradictory comments in different posts. But now I realize they were in the same post.


'Ollie North of the Cesspool'
Sep 1, 2013
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Well then you'll have to tell me what the meaning behind your following words were:

"I don't think he asked Whitmer to stay senior year to hold clip board."

I do apologize because I thought you said those two contradictory comments in different posts. But now I realize they were in the same post.

'He could have transferred to DII and played senior year immediately. I think as a senior he is being given every chance to win the job.'

I wasn't implying Diaco told him he is the starter - that was a reach. He obviously didn't tell any QB they were the starter without seeing them practice.

Go Team!!


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Aug 25, 2011
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Good coaches, in any team sport, adjust their systems to fit their talent. They don't try to adjust their talent to fit their system.
They do both. Case in point is the recruiting strategy for UConn moving to more 3-4 sets instead of their traditional 4-3.
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