Midnight Special (2016) - Science fiction film in which a kid with special powers accompanied by parents and a friend is pursued by the government and a religious cult. Often in a story like this the viewer enters the action through a participant who is entering the action themselves, and you get to know the ropes of the story through that particular person. However, in this film the viewer is basically air dropped into the story with virtually no explanation, and in a way it is rather disconcerting. At first I didn't know if I could go with this style of story, but the film did grow on me as it went along. I did find that as it went along that this film held my interest, and I did like it to a degree. However, it is also a story that does not in the end ofter any real answers as to what is going on. Even though I found the ride ok, I would have a difficult time recommending this film to others.