Been There Done That!!
So if I were her Daddy..her Agent (to be) ...or the family s financial adviser I would, lay out a seven year plan.
1. Graduate with your class.
2.- Return for your 5th year and win your 5 ring, and get your Masters!!
3.- Move to the European/Russian Pro's… Barter for a 2 year, 3 million dollar contract, with options for the 4 & 5 year. The Russians would probably jump on this….Five year National Champion … Never before done ...Probably will never be matched… A decent PR firm would go nuts with her credentials.
4.- Hire a sound financial adviser, with state and off shore interests.
5.- After 4 -5 years and a ton of $$$, retire.
6.- Come back to the states and sign with a WNBA club, play 1 to 2 years for the resume factor.
7.- Retire, and sit back and enjoy life but tell UConn when one of the assistants move on, “I would like to be considered.
8.- Sign with UConn, $100K to cover expenses, and teach and “What A Recruiting Tool”
9.- When ready, meet the right guy, have a family, maybe retire and enjoy the well
founded $$$$$$$$$ ….
Bill in Georgia
"A 20+ Year Board Member"