i would argue that recent (a closer examination for some 'ancient' cultures reveals more than a few having great success in longevity due to prosperity and hygiene) increased longevity, where our average expiration date moved from around 61 when fdr did social security to around 78 today, is mostly dependent upon two 'chemicals' (tho each is just a reformulation of a natural one) -aspirin and its' progeny, and penicillin and its' progeny, along with the dramatically improved hygiene of the 20th century. food quality and availability, more opportunity for appropriate rest, and other prosperity inputs are variables that wax and wane across the millennia of our history. cf 'current longevity in russia and north korea.' not good. south america also not good lately.
we'll have to wait and see how all this gene crisping stuff actually works out.
conversely, some of these super high tech diagnostic tools are finding 'problems' to be then followed by the 'treatment industry' where, in fact, they are just the natural progression for aging, and many times treated unnecessarily since something else often causes our exit. stress, and its' manifestations, kills.
rest, nutrition, hygiene, and movement are the elixir.
wash ur hands, eat ur spinach, and take a lap around the street. make the best of the genes that define you and me.
hey boomers! lose the weight already, and that minoxidil too!