From the NCAA score keeping manual:
Article 1. A rebound is credited to a player or a team each time a FGA or FTA is not made. There are three kinds of rebounds:
(a) An individual rebound (player rebound) is credited to a player who recovers a live ball that has missed scoring a goal (field goal or free throw). The recovery may be accomplished:
(1) By gaining control of the ball.
(2) By tipping or batting the ball in an attempt to score a
(3) By tipping or batting the ball to a teammate so that
the teammate or another teammate is the first to
gain control.
(4) By retrieving a rebound simultaneously with an op-
posing player and having his or her own team be the
first to be entitled to the ball.
(b) A team rebound is credited to the team that is entitled to
the ball for a throw-in if the ball has gone out of bounds after a missed goal but before there was player control. However, this does not include cases where the ball is out of bounds because it passes over the backboard or touches the supports or back of the backboard, the ceil- ing, or overhead equipment or supports, unless the ball was touched by a player after the missed goal but before the ball was out of bounds.
(c) A dead-ball rebound is credited whenever the ball is dead after a missed goal but before it meets the condi- tions for an individual or team rebound. It is credited as follows:
(1) To the team that is entitled to the ball for a throw-in or a free throw.
(2) To the team that shot the ball if the ball becomes dead due to the expiration of time or if the ball was shot after the expiration of time.
(3) To the team into whose basket a defensive player tips a missed shot.
(4) To the team into whose basket an offensive player deflects a missed shot without intent.
(5) To the team that first gains possession of the open- ing jump ball after a missed free throw awarded for a technical foul. (See Rule 8-4.5)