Message To CW and Olivia | The Boneyard

Message To CW and Olivia

May 16, 2013
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I agree, Williams didn’t have a bad game, but with all the talk about it being her team, pre season POY, I still see a player who will defer to her teammates. I was expect her to call for the ball more then she did, some players are Batman and some are robin.


1,000,001 BY points
Jan 24, 2015
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Before we get a massive attack of "our girls syndrome" here and "how could he" (Geno). Geno is clearly pushing buttons here. Geno is going public likely because the other buttons he has pushed "privately" have not worked over the past FULL season.
Last edited:
Aug 27, 2011
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Williams reminds me of Charles. Different positions but both struggled for 2+years. The flaw they share(d) is hesitation. To my eye they wait till they have the ball to decide what to do (most of the time). Charles overcame that midway through her junior year and became a terror in the paint. Williams often gets the ball with an open look but hesitates for a second, looking for a better option. She needs to know if there is a better option before she gets the ball.


Fair and Balanced
Nov 28, 2016
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A few more games like that and the seating chart on the bus (plane?) might change drastically.
Feb 3, 2018
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Williams reminds me of Charles. Different positions but both struggled for 2+years. The flaw they share(d) is hesitation. To my eye they wait till they have the ball to decide what to do (most of the time). Charles overcame that midway through her junior year and became a terror in the paint. Williams often gets the ball with an open look but hesitates for a second, looking for a better option. She needs to know if there is a better option before she gets the ball.
I want to piggy-back your post. I think Geno preaches smooth ball movement more than anything else. He wants the O to flow. Then open shots come naturally and I think he liberally gives everyone the green light to shoot if they're open. So, maybe like a too permissive parent, the child may not truly know where the boundaries are. Maybe CW needs stricter boundaries on what a good shot is for her. IMO she could catch and face, then see if she has a clear driving lane and/or an open jumper and that's it. Other than that, keep the ball moving. Maybe that would tighten up what she does. Paralysis by analysis. Like my golf game.
Apr 1, 2013
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Williams reminds me of Charles. Different positions but both struggled for 2+years. The flaw they share(d) is hesitation. To my eye they wait till they have the ball to decide what to do (most of the time). Charles overcame that midway through her junior year and became a terror in the paint. Williams often gets the ball with an open look but hesitates for a second, looking for a better option. She needs to know if there is a better option before she gets the ball.

Tina Charles did not struggle.

As a frosh she was Honorable Mention A/A her frosh year. Shot 59% from floor avgd 1247 ppg and 8.2 reb.

Her soph year was 3rd team A/A. Shot 57.8% from floor avgd 14.2 ppg and 9.2 rebounds.

Geno was just doing his job just as he always does to always want more. That's what great coaches do. Being Honorable Mention A/A and 3rd team A/a vs what CWill has done is not close.
Jun 12, 2019
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Before we get a massive attack of "our girls syndrome" here and "how could he" (Geno). Geno is clearly pushing buttons here. Geno is going public likely because the other buttons he has pushed "privately" have not work over the past FULL season.
Tina Charles did not struggle.

As a frosh she was Honorable Mention A/A her frosh year. Shot 59% from floor avgd 1247 ppg and 8.2 reb.

Her soph year was 3rd team A/A. Shot 57.8% from floor avgd 14.2 ppg and 9.2 rebounds.

Geno was just doing his job just as he always does to always want more. That's what great coaches do. Being Honorable Mention A/A and 3rd team A/a vs what CWill has done is not close.
She also needed shoulder sugery iir..
Aug 27, 2011
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I want to piggy-back your post. I think Geno preaches smooth ball movement more than anything else. He wants the O to flow. Then open shots come naturally and I think he liberally gives everyone the green light to shoot if they're open. So, maybe like a too permissive parent, the child may not truly know where the boundaries are. Maybe CW needs stricter boundaries on what a good shot is for her. IMO she could catch and face, then see if she has a clear driving lane and/or an open jumper and that's it. Other than that, keep the ball moving. Maybe that would tighten up what she does. Paralysis by analysis. Like my golf game.

Golf was my game and my biggest flaw was thinking at the wrong moment.

Tina Charles did not struggle.

As a frosh she was Honorable Mention A/A her frosh year. Shot 59% from floor avgd 1247 ppg and 8.2 reb.

Her soph year was 3rd team A/A. Shot 57.8% from floor avgd 14.2 ppg and 9.2 rebounds.

Geno was just doing his job just as he always does to always want more. That's what great coaches do. Being Honorable Mention A/A and 3rd team A/a vs what CWill has done is not close.

Even Geno says that half of Charles' rebounds were of her own misses. Even with no one around her it took 2 chances to make a bunny. She didn't stink her 1st 2 years but the dominance came late. The light came on in January of her junior year.


Fair and Balanced
Nov 28, 2016
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In thinking about this, I think "impactfulness" is not the right word. I think consistency is more accurate. Liv had a good 1st half but then had a terrible start to the second half while CW has
some bursts and then seems to fade into the background for long periods. (Shooting issues aside)

Bama fan

" As long as you lend a hand"
Jan 11, 2017
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I want to piggy-back your post. I think Geno preaches smooth ball movement more than anything else. He wants the O to flow. Then open shots come naturally and I think he liberally gives everyone the green light to shoot if they're open. So, maybe like a too permissive parent, the child may not truly know where the boundaries are. Maybe CW needs stricter boundaries on what a good shot is for her. IMO she could catch and face, then see if she has a clear driving lane and/or an open jumper and that's it. Other than that, keep the ball moving. Maybe that would tighten up what she does. Paralysis by analysis. Like my golf game.
I have not played a round of golf in many years. At one point in my working career I had a boss who wanted his subordinates to golf and build camaraderie. The guy loved to golf and wanted us to love it too. He told us that a good game of golf was an "exultation". I finally was able to convince him that my game was more excavation than exultation. He agreed that I should not ever bring my "John Deeres" to his club again. Finally two happy fellows!
Apr 1, 2013
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Golf was my game and my biggest flaw was thinking at the wrong moment.

Even Geno says that half of Charles' rebounds were of her own misses. Even with no one around her it took 2 chances to make a bunny. She didn't stink her 1st 2 years but the dominance came late. The light came on in January of her junior year.

And Geno pushes buttons. They also teased Swin Cash about that.

Yes I agree her dominance came late. The "light" for dominance absolutely.
Oct 26, 2017
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Golf was my game and my biggest flaw was thinking at the wrong moment.

Even Geno says that half of Charles' rebounds were of her own misses. Even with no one around her it took 2 chances to make a bunny. She didn't stink her 1st 2 years but the dominance came late. The light came on in January of her junior year.
My favorite golf/thinking quote is from Snoopy. When asked what his thought was before hitting a shot, he said: "You haven't hit a good shot all day, what makes you think you'll hit one now?" :)

As for the general post, I have my fingers crossed for both CW and ONO..... Both have great potential, but both seem to have something holding them back.... I remain hopeful!
Mar 29, 2015
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I want to piggy-back your post. I think Geno preaches smooth ball movement more than anything else. He wants the O to flow. Then open shots come naturally and I think he liberally gives everyone the green light to shoot if they're open. So, maybe like a too permissive parent, the child may not truly know where the boundaries are. Maybe CW needs stricter boundaries on what a good shot is for her. IMO she could catch and face, then see if she has a clear driving lane and/or an open jumper and that's it. Other than that, keep the ball moving. Maybe that would tighten up what she does. Paralysis by analysis. Like my golf game.
Best not to think in golf!
Feb 3, 2018
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I wish he’d say that about Anna. I’d like to see her take 12-15 shots per game and see how impactful that would be.
Why is Anna passing up open shots? Possible slight lack of fitness, she's not able to square up to the hoop? My impression of Geno is that he never discourages the kids from taking open shots. I feel like he avoids head-games as it pertains to shooting. I would bet Geno asked Anna why she passed up open shots.
That's what I meant earlier in another thread, that I thought Anna was often invisible in the game Saturday.
We've got hosses this year sitting over there. Can't just run around out there for 35 minutes.
Feb 3, 2018
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Best not to think in golf!
The best "thinker" on our team right now IMO- Paige, cause she doesn't think, she moves and plays.
Sorry- golf analogy alert- they say you never think about your swing on the course, that's for the driving range, you think about the game on the course. Play the game!


1,000,001 BY points
Jan 24, 2015
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Why is Anna passing up open shots? Possible slight lack of fitness, she's not able to square up to the hoop? My impression of Geno is that he never discourages the kids from taking open shots. I feel like he avoids head-games as it pertains to shooting. I would bet Geno asked Anna why she passed up open shots.
That's what I meant earlier in another thread, that I thought Anna was often invisible in the game Saturday.
We've got hosses this year sitting over there. Can't just run around out there for 35 minutes.
Anna is learning a new position specifically the PF 4 position when she is in the starting lineup.
She was much more comfortable when she was moved to the wing after I believe the second set of substitutions.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Tina Charles did not struggle.

As a frosh she was Honorable Mention A/A her frosh year. Shot 59% from floor avgd 1247 ppg and 8.2 reb.

Her soph year was 3rd team A/A. Shot 57.8% from floor avgd 14.2 ppg and 9.2 rebounds.

Geno was just doing his job just as he always does to always want more. That's what great coaches do. Being Honorable Mention A/A and 3rd team A/a vs what CWill has done is not close.
Honorable mention? 3rd team? Pssh....
Sep 9, 2015
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I want Olivia to have someone teach her good form for free-throws; her technique is awful and that is why she doesn't shoot them well. It's much too elongated; please coaches, make it simpler! Unless it's too late.

Geno said that if Liv were on his opponent's team, he'd foul her every time. This is no joke. Drawing fouls is a welcome talent, EXCEPT when you can't convert the free throws.
Fouling bad free throwers brings to mind the old "Shaq Attacks," in which the big guy was often under assault and couldn't be permitted to play at the end of close games. The Lakers brought in the best foul shooter in NBA history, Rick Barry (who I watched play at the U as a teenager), to teach Shaq his underhand approach. Rick couldn't do much for O'Neal, and the underhand foul shot isn't for everyone. Doubt we'll see Liv try it. But make a note: this weakness could cost a game or two down the road. No joke . . .

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