McAndrew vs. Thompson—How to beat Baylor | The Boneyard

McAndrew vs. Thompson—How to beat Baylor

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Aug 30, 2011
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In 1975. #1 ranked NC St with the #1 player in the country, David Thompson came to the Civic Center (now called the Dunk) in Providence RI to play then nationally ranked PC. This game was before the Big East was formed.

PC had a player named Mark McAndrew from Westerly, RI. Mark was a so-so offensive player but a tremendous defensive player.

Coach Dave Gavette told Mark that he wanted him so close to Thompson he had to breathe in, when Thompson breathed out. The result was Thompson was held to 18 points under his season average and in a nationally televised game, the Friars unset NC St by 4 points.

My point is that is that the Huskies may be able to do the same thing. With Heather playing the 5 on BG for long stretches and SF at the 4 when Heather is on BG, the Huskies may be able to do the same thing. Heather showed she can handle BG about as good as anybody can. SD at the 4 will give the Huskies more offense and a bigger front line.

Any thoughts?


And That’s The Way It Is
Aug 26, 2011
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To Beat Baylor, shut down Odyssey Sims. Keep the ball out of her hands.

Griner will score her 20-30 points because of who she is, but Baylor is beatable if you control Sims.


The Supreme Linkster
Aug 31, 2011
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To Beat Baylor, shut down Odyssey Sims. Keep the ball out of her hands.

Griner will score her 20-30 points because of who she is, but Baylor is beatable if you control Sims.
I agree. Sims is the key for Baylor.
Aug 30, 2011
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To Beat Baylor, shut down Odyssey Sims. Keep the ball out of her hands.

Griner will score her 20-30 points because of who she is, but Baylor is beatable if you control Sims.

I agree that conventional wisdom says that shutting down Sims is the way to beat Baylor. They didn’t shut her down the last game. Assuming there is a next game, will the Huskies be able to do it?

Buck has shown that defensively, in 2 games (this year and last year) that she can slow BG down. That's something nobody else has done.


Voice of Reason
Aug 26, 2011
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If Sims is the key to beating Baylor, I would argue that maybe Griner should not be the NPOY. Or are you saying that BG is unstoppable and we need to shut the other players down? In terms of the NPOY voting, does Sims level of play help or hurt Griner? In looking at the top 3 candidates, EDD has little help; Nneka has Chiney and Kokenis; but Britney has a legit 1st team AA playing with her. (To Cardfan--no, Chiney is not chopped liver, but she is not near a top 5 player yet. I love Chiney, but the claim that she will be better than her sister was one that excited me but one I disagree with for now. Chiney is a good defender and rebounder, but Nneka is as good an offensive player as there is. In my view, Chiney's career is behind Nneka's at a comparable stage. Which is not anythign bad, for sure. My point is that Sims is better than Chiney now, in my view.)
Aug 28, 2011
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I am not convinced that UConn has anyone who can stop Sims one on one. If that's the case, you might as well try to stop Griner because the Sims strategy won't work. That's not to say someone couldn't develop over the course of the season, but I'm not sure there's anyone athletic and quick enough to do the job.


Uncle Mo of Posters
Sep 11, 2011
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With OS and BG, it is pick your poison. I would like to see Geno try Stef and Heather at the same time which would make Kelly the pine rider. Put HB on BG one on one on defense. On offense SD at the high post to draw BG out and hope HB might get a couple nice passes for lay ups and a couple offensive boards

I don't know. Those two Baylor players are a problem we don't have an answer for at this point.


And That’s The Way It Is
Aug 26, 2011
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I think because how Griner impacts the game on the defensive end, she gets POY over Sims between the two of them. Of course Nnemkadi Oguwmike and Skylar Diggins will have an impact if Griner wins National POY. I don't think EDD will get the National Publicity to garner the POY award. She will make All American teams.

However, IMHO the MVP for Baylor is Sims as she is the glue that holds the team together and without her, they're not in the running for a National Championship.

wire chief

Sep 12, 2011
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With OS and BG, it is pick your poison. I would like to see Geno try Stef and Heather at the same time which would make Kelly the pine rider. Put HB on BG one on one on defense. On offense SD at the high post to draw BG out and hope HB might get a couple nice passes for lay ups and a couple offensive boards

I don't know. Those two Baylor players are a problem we don't have an answer for at this point.

I like the 2 trees idea, but I'd leave Kelly in the game to stop Sims, rather than Caroline.


Uncle Mo of Posters
Sep 11, 2011
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I like the 2 trees idea, but I'd leave Kelly in the game to stop Sims, rather than Caroline.
This is another thing. How much do you deplete your offense? I would play BH, TH and KML with SD and HB. CD's lack of lateral movement makes her just too slow to get minutes even if OS is not her defensive assignment. Bria gets the call
Sep 7, 2011
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PeeCee won that game because of the venue, although Mac was a fine player. Would like to have O on our team but no way she damages us outside TX. During the game if she does we might have to resort to a junk def, perhaps a 1-3-1 or a triangle and 2. Geno may be reluctant to do so, but a stubborn traditionalist like Jim C. NEVER zones, but used the 1-3-1 against Shaq in the NCAA tournament completely shutting him down. I have a feeling that Geno will play BG differently next time and if it's not the zone it might be the big to big double he and Calhoun have used at times. Not worried though we have the horses to win it all, but I thought that last year!!!!!!!!!!!
Aug 30, 2011
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PeeCee won that game because of the venue, although Mac was a fine player. Would like to have O on our team but no way she damages us outside TX. During the game if she does we might have to resort to a junk def, perhaps a 1-3-1 or a triangle and 2. Geno may be reluctant to do so, but a stubborn traditionalist like Jim C. NEVER zones, but used the 1-3-1 against Shaq in the NCAA tournament completely shutting him down. I have a feeling that Geno will play BG differently next time and if it's not the zone it might be the big to big double he and Calhoun have used at times. Not worried though we have the horses to win it all, but I thought that last year!!!!!!!!!!!

Apparently, it was the building and not shutting down the best player in the nation that won the game for the Friars? Your kidding, right?

Hate to brake the news to you but I was at that game and the building had nothing to do with stopping David Thompson from getting his 30+points a game. I don't recall the backboards getting a single rebound or the clock stopping Thompson from getting the ball. And I don't recall a single cheerleader hindered one of Thompson's shots by putting a hand in his face.

Forty minutes of tenacious defense that won that game by a player that would run thru a wall if he needed to stop someone from scoring. It was the kind of BB that the Huskies' play--hardnosed defense to go with a classic team orientated offense. That's why I follow the Huskies. It's a beautiful thing to watch those girls execute.
All I am suggesting that it appears HB can slowed BG down twice, something it appears nobody else can do. It worked for the Friars againts the #1 team and the #1 player in the country. It may work now for the Huskies. We didn't and may not have an answer for Sims. We have shown we have an answer, at least for part of the game for BG.
Sep 7, 2011
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Venues matter. Mac's herculean effort does not take place if the game is in NC. Players are subconsciously better and more comfy in their own gym and the opp is at a disadv. A big reason we lost to ND in Indy was they felt comfy in front of a very pro ND crowd. Some more recent examples. Baylor might have 2 losses if Knoxv. and Storrs are where they played Vols and us. Sims was comfy and in her zone-- Waco TX. No way she wins a road game against a qual. opp. and shoots like Waco. No way to tell, but Cards might have beaten us at Maples 2 weeks ago. Remember the beating they gave us in the Dance some years ago. Where was the game? Neutral floor but in Cal. Venue in front of their fans led to our defeat. Truly neutral floor-- Texas we win .We usually are not disadvantaged by venues, because we are so good . But it does happen, hopefully not in the Dance. Venues matter!!!!!!!!!!!
Aug 30, 2011
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Venues matter. Mac's herculean effort does not take place if the game is in NC. Players are subconsciously better and more comfy in their own gym and the opp is at a disadv. A big reason we lost to ND in Indy was they felt comfy in front of a very pro ND crowd. Some more recent examples. Baylor might have 2 losses if Knoxv. and Storrs are where they played Vols and us. Sims was comfy and in her zone-- Waco TX. No way she wins a road game against a qual. opp. and shoots like Waco. No way to tell, but Cards might have beaten us at Maples 2 weeks ago. Remember the beating they gave us in the Dance some years ago. Where was the game? Neutral floor but in Cal. Venue in front of their fans led to our defeat. Truly neutral floor-- Texas we win .We usually are not disadvantaged by venues, because we are so good . But it does happen, hopefully not in the Dance. Venues matter!!!!!!!!!!!

With all do respect, sir, you are wrong. I played High School ball with Mark's older brother Steve aka the Gunner and I played pick up at the beach with Mark. The kid didn't care where he played. You would have beat in into the ground to stop him. By the way, Mark's younger brother Pat was the best of the large family. The kid would have been a great one but really didn't care to do the work or have Mark's drive.
No way Mark lets anybody beat him no matter where he was playing. Period!
Nov 2, 2011
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Buck and Doty on the floor together would make UConn too slow IMHO. If Buck can go 30 minutes, Doty give 5 "smart" fouls and 10 minutesthen I think that could slow Griner.

Slowing Sims is going to require switching Ds repeatedly and trying to stay ahead of BU adjustments to how UConn would play screens (switching, going over/under).

If y'all manage to do that, I still have faith in Condrey finding the soft spot on the weak side for mid-range jumpers.

With the D of Griner, Pope, Sims, Madden/Hayden, it would still be hard to outscore BU without someone being hot from behind the arc.
Aug 30, 2011
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Buck and Doty on the floor together would make UConn too slow IMHO. If Buck can go 30 minutes, Doty give 5 "smart" fouls and 10 minutesthen I think that could slow Griner.

Slowing Sims is going to require switching Ds repeatedly and trying to stay ahead of BU adjustments to how UConn would play screens (switching, going over/under).

If y'all manage to do that, I still have faith in Condrey finding the soft spot on the weak side for mid-range jumpers.

With the D of Griner, Pope, Sims, Madden/Hayden, it would still be hard to outscore BU without someone being hot from behind the arc.

My exact point is that if Buck can go 30 minutes, the Huskies win. Heather not playing in the 2nd half let BG have her way and combined with Sims cost us the game. Heather has shown she can front BG effectivly, body up BG and box her out. SD is IMO to slow for BG.


Andlig Ledare
Aug 24, 2011
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My exact point is that if Buck can go 30 minutes, the Huskies win. Heather not playing in the 2nd half let BG have her way and combined with Sims cost us the game. Heather has shown she can front BG effectivly, body up BG and box her out. SD is IMO to slow for BG.
The loss of Buck in the second half and her complete unavailibility definitely had an impact on the game and how it was played.
Aug 30, 2011
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The loss of Buck in the second half and her complete unavailibility definitely had an impact on the game and how it was played.

As per usual, Icebear, you get it.
Nov 20, 2011
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To me the way to stop Sims is to not dribble the ball anywhere near her. Her hands are too fast to take that chance. On defense, play her close and hope that she has an off shooting night. To Sims, the opposition must appear to be playing in slo-mo.


Andlig Ledare
Aug 24, 2011
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To me the way to stop Sims is to not dribble the ball anywhere near her. Her hands are too fast to take that chance. On defense, play her close and hope that she has an off shooting night. To Sims, the opposition must appear to be playing in slo-mo.
She is quick, but I think her biggest asset is not her quickness but rather her strength in bumping players off the ball.
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