It's bullspit. You see it all the time when a new guys shows up, not only in football but in business or the military. They all (well lots of 'em) think the world was invented the day they showed up. It speaks volumes about human ego.
No spitting match here Pal...But you could not be more wrong. The players are being worked more detailed and intense than ever in the recent past and for the most part loving every bit of it ....My info is not from a coach.
I will not continue to bash Paul other than he could not even pick a QB. The smart kids on the team see these things.
Randy would be quoted in the press as " looking out my window I see so and so working hard not sure about -----". A good coach would make sure they all were working hard or make a change in who was leading them.
I think you are going to be impressed with the new crew beyond your negative vision on this one....