Well put. ATTITUDE!! A combination of belief, success, arrogance, will, desire, you name the adjective. If you don't think there is alot of room for growth in our attitude, especially with Mahaney, Reed, Samson Johnson and Stewart, you didn't see the game last night.He got pissed after a no call early in the second half. It was shortly before his steal, drive and lay up.
Sadly, what he did last night doesn't require anything other than attitude and desire. He wanted it more than Marquette players did.
Wish we'd see thst attitude and desire every game.
Alot posted about how Solo contributed in different ways that weren't 3 point shooting last night. That was purely "not gonna lose, gotta find a way to help" Attitude. The growth opportunity in our mental game is still huge. Poster that said lock 'em in a room with replays of all the hustle desire plays repeating over and over is on the money. You aren't going to turn Mahaney into Tristan Newton, but he has things that he can do that require belief and confidence. A little Joey C, Cam Spencer, Tristan dust sprinkled on his cereal. See Hassan Diarra for example. The W was big, what it may trigger is HUGE>