Not really sure what the backboard dynamics at every arena around the country is, but there are some reasonably cheap backboard products that advertise that "6-year-olds can lower the basket to 6 feet in under 60 seconds," so I'm assuming that if the kid next door to me can do it, even very dysfunctional schools can figure out how to lower the basket 6 inches or so. Or maybe the kid next door to me can hire herself out as a consultant. The equipment has evolved from those nailed up peach baskets.
Considering all the "Oh, horror" comments above that include real stretches or incorrect examples (as in the hurdles remark) of what could happen to women's sports, it appears everyone is falling all over themselves to want to cement WCBB as it is, even though again the mantra among the leaders is that things need to change.
Yeah, I know most have this image of women suddenly turning into King Kong hoop smashers and beating on their chests in celebration, but in reality it will be an artistic swoop-in with a quick-flick put down. Also will likely increase the shooting percentage on layups as defenders can't be as sure what the ball-handler will do when she drives in. And is it more insulting to have sports fans saying that women with their smaller b-balls still can't dunk, or to give them a physically proportionate way to have the same chance as the guys?
In the Schuey thread I noted a long list of sports that we accept significantly different rules and conditions for the women: tennis, hockey, lacrosse, gymnastics, baseball\softball, much of track and XC, even basketball, and on and on for almost everything except maybe soccer. So what we are saying? Serena, you only played two sets. How wussy! Jenny, when are you going to learn to throw overhand, you lesser athlete, you? Tina, you're using a small ball. C'mon, man up!