How many minutes did you play your first game back?The fact that she is in a boot and mobile is a good sign. I broke the 5th metatarsal on each foot about 5 years apart. The first was a simple break and all the doc did for me was wrap it in jock tape and tell me to try to stay off it. I went right back to work which required quite a bit of walking. A bit painful for a couple of days but not a big deal.
The 2nd break was an impact break from a fall and it was a pain. The doctor debated surgery and finally decided to just put it in a cast but I had to stay off it (crutches) for a couple of weeks.
Metatarsal breaks
Wbb, that's the same that I have read...............Timing is good because now she can wear a walking boot and has to do no running. Just give it time to heal. Many NBA and NFL players have had the sameIf I recall correctly Katie Lou was going to get another evaluation yesterday. Last I heard was no surgery was required, just time to heal.
Seeing KLS walking around in a boot w/o crutches leads me to believe that the break wasn't too serious.
My daughter fractured her ankle over in July...doing what else, playing basketball. She was in a soft cast for 2 weeks, then a walking boot for about 4. She was able to shed the boot before going away to school. Was cleared to play in October, right before the season started. Although she couldn't run or jump, she was able to shoot. And no, she didn't need surgery.
I think Lou will be ready to go for the summer.
The initial video ESPN showed was of the wrong play at the very end of the first half. It wasn't until the NC game that they actually showed the likely moment that it occurred - a offensive rebounding play about a minute in - Samuelson was boxed out and you could see the heal of a player landing right in the middle of her foot, presumably on the third metatarsal.I'm not a medical type person.... Is this type injury an indicator of a bigger issue or does it just happen sometimes and there is nothing to worry about?
From watching the game it look like there wasn't any contact that would cause the break... it just randomly broke when she came down from jumping up for a rebound.
Hope to see Lou comes back strong, she is going to be very key player for the team next year.