Looking at the future | The Boneyard

Looking at the future

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When new coaches are brought in and the dust settles what do you think their approach for success will be. Recruiting is a slow process and results usually aren't seen for several years. I'm assuming the new coaches will evaluate the talent that is on the team and implement simple schemas that will maximize what is available.I think there is some good talent, but I think it needs to be complimented and supplemented in certain areas. I look at the Cinci model, a program that goes through a ton of coaching changes, a ton of QB changes and they continue to compete and win. Is it more a fact that the 'left over' talent in Ohio is that good or do they tend to go for the Juco route more often than normal? It seems like Cinci's strategy has mostly been a plan and live for the NOW rather than a build for the future approach. I'm curious if you all think our new coach will come in with a primary focus on the now or the future.
Sep 17, 2011
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We are built right now for a pro type offense. Defense do you go to a 3-4 or a 3-5 or stay the same? If we don't get improved line play on both sides it will be a repeat of this year. Yesterday we had some bad bounces and plays we could have made on offense put playing from behind with a freshman QB in his second game it is what it is. Primary focus is on execution by the skill guys to get us some wins while the lines are brought up to speed. Playing on grass up here I don't see us going to a total commitment to a running QB.
Aug 26, 2011
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The spread has been the great neutralizer of talent. It allows for teams to become competitive much quicker. Defensively, bring back a Don Brown approach. It wasn't perfect, but it beats sitting back and still giving up long completions with a QB that doesn't even get their jersey dirty playing against us.
Aug 29, 2011
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When new coaches are brought in and the dust settles what do you think their approach for success will be. Recruiting is a slow process and results usually aren't seen for several years. I'm assuming the new coaches will evaluate the talent that is on the team and implement simple schemas that will maximize what is available.I think there is some good talent, but I think it needs to be complimented and supplemented in certain areas. I look at the Cinci model, a program that goes through a ton of coaching changes, a ton of QB changes and they continue to compete and win. Is it more a fact that the 'left over' talent in Ohio is that good or do they tend to go for the Juco route more often than normal? It seems like Cinci's strategy has mostly been a plan and live for the NOW rather than a build for the future approach. I'm curious if you all think our new coach will come in with a primary focus on the now or the future.

Don't over think things. Now that the Pasqualoni and his sidekick George show has been removed from the equation, it's pretty damn clear that our offensive line is simply too slow to pass protect well, and we are a team that is undisciplined in the fundamentals of football.

It's actually not that hard to fix the discipline/fundamentals thing - but it takes a coaching staff that knows how to do it in practices and get it to translate to the game field - and I'm not sure if we have that right now. You look at the coaching staff, and it's not very cohesive or experienced. You have a lot of coaches doing things right now, that are relatively new, or inexperienced in doing it.

We have a lot of good individuals in the roster and on the coachign staff, but it's just not a good team right now - otherwise we woulnd't be 0-6.

I actually think, that if Warde Manuel, can really look at things in detail, and go about this in a really smart way, this program can be made very attractive, to some really good coaches.

I think that a really good head coach, and coaching staff, can come here, and start to win really quickly AND have success recruiting.

We were beating Notre Dame, South Carolina only 3 and 4 years ago now, and we were playign Oklahoma in the Fiesta Bowl on New Year's Day.

WE've fallen off the face of the earth very quickly in our wins and losses, but the program can be so much more than we were, only 3 years ago.

This next hire, is big time important, for this school.


Aug 31, 2011
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Is it more a fact that the 'left over' talent in Ohio is that good

I don't think this can be 100% disregarded. Ohio has some crazy football talent. Look at basketball recruiting: tons of talent on the West Coast, and you see the likes of SDSU, Gonzaga, USC, AZ, now Oregon, etc. pulling in decent recruits that don't go to UCLA or leave the area. I'd say those guys are to basketball what Cinci is to football: they still win and have at least decent seasons despite competing with UCLA like Cinci competes with OSU and several other big schools that I'm sure recruit in Ohio. This is also probably why ECU, UCF can be strong teams in the context of this garbage conference.
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