We led from start to finish, and really put the game out of reach before halftime. Although TX narrowed the gap after halftime, they never seemed able to get within single digits.
18 point halftime lead
15 point lead: 73-58 with 4:04 left
8 point lead: 73-65 with 1:15 left
Texas made 4 three throws a three ball over those 3 minutes which was a little too close for comfort. A little nit-picking but gotta close these games out.
Is that accurate? I thought in both cases that ”within 10” would be 9 or fewer.
I would say that technically, within would mean less than 10. In sports I would say that it means less than or equal to. Such as within striking distance. If you are within 10 points, score 10 to tie. Just my opinion.
Checking with Merriem-Webster, I think the announcer may be OK
2—used as a function word to indicate situation or circumstance in the limits or compass of: such as
: before the end of
gone within a week
b (1)
: not beyond the quantity, degree, or limitations of
live within your income
: in or into the scope or sphere of
within the jurisdiction of the state
: in or into the range of
within reach, within sight
(4): used as a function word to indicate a specified difference or margin
came within two points of a perfect mark, within a mile of the town