The NCAA could learn a thing or two from the Chinese. Too bad this wasn't the UNC team. Of course I'm sure the UNC players have a better understanding of foreign countries with the new and improved African Studies courses they are taking.
Can't believe someone wrote this incident is an embarrassment to Trump!
Loved the interchange between
@whaler11 and
@Hans Sprungfeld. Whale's position: idiot adults should know foreign countries are tough on crime, players are idiots with no understanding of things and will do something criminal so therefore these games should never be scheduled. Hans calls him out and whaler is shocked someone would do that. I guess The Boneyard falls under the category alien world.
@boba is correct about "stupid not having an age limit with The Boneyard proving it". At the top of my bucket list is living to 100 and making a death bed post in this forum. I promise you it will be a doozy.
Never been to China. And yet
@WestCoastHusky, I knew pretty much everything you wrote. I must be pretty psychic.
But not as psychic as
@whaler11 or
@Da_Aisijimo_Gou who prior to Jalen's incident kind of had psychic hits. Whale as I indicated above and Da with this paragraph:
"As I suggested above, UCLA's 3 fools may benefit from President Trump's visit and shared desire by Chinese authorities to conveniently make the issue (them) go away. Not that I'm a gambler, but I'd put some of whaler's money on Beijing pressuring local Hangzhou law enforcement to continue holding the 3 Stooges for a few days in their lakeside hotel. Or, they may be quietly scooted over to UCLA's Shanghai hotel."
Too bad UConn's idiots didn't scoot quietly.