...the rat tail hanging off the back of his head. Seriously, that thing needs to go.
H HuskyBballFan Joined Aug 31, 2011 Messages 2,957 Reaction Score 5,401 Nov 3, 2011 #1 ...the rat tail hanging off the back of his head. Seriously, that thing needs to go.
aceboon Joined Aug 26, 2011 Messages 10,950 Reaction Score 37,670 Nov 3, 2011 #2 lol, seriously, not even sure what's going on his head that told him growing that would be a good idea.
lol, seriously, not even sure what's going on his head that told him growing that would be a good idea.
Dann #4hunnid Joined Aug 24, 2011 Messages 9,901 Reaction Score 7,182 Nov 3, 2011 #3 the ladies love it
Letsgohuskies11 Joined Aug 26, 2011 Messages 6,549 Reaction Score 18,615 Nov 3, 2011 #4 i heard its an antenna that picks up play calls by Calhoun or usually just F Bombs
ctchamps We are UConn!! 6 >>>1! Joined Aug 24, 2011 Messages 17,457 Reaction Score 44,282 Nov 3, 2011 #5 I heard it changes bombs into "you're doing a great job Shabazz!"