Let's Talk About Some Ugly Areas Yesterday | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Let's Talk About Some Ugly Areas Yesterday

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Aug 14, 2012
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Btw the kid from Houston them at ran the kick back was FAST. If the field had been 200 yards long he could have stopped for coffee before scoring.
You knew they had some speed after seeing Arkell run down from behind on the 1st play from scrimmage. 1 TV commentator, Dan Hawkins I believe said I wouldn't have kicked in his direction since he had already run 1 or 2 back for TD's in previous games. Hawkins and the other commentator were spot on the whole game with what was going on. I didn't realize that our OL as iffy as we think it is, is one of the few in the country that is still intact this late in the season while Houston has had to throw in a couple of D Linemen to replace some injured O Linemen. We caught Houston at the right time and they caught us at wrong time. GO HUSKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aug 27, 2011
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I could find one glaring ugly error. we score a gorgeous touchdown from Anderson and seem to revel in it and forget to tackle the runner taking it end to end to tighten it up once again. It was 20-10 with some breathing room and bingo 20-17 back in sweatsville. Could have been a crushing play, but thankfully it wasn't.
That could have easily destroyed the kids' morale and sent them into a tailspin. There is nothing worse than climbing a huge hill and pulling away to find you're right back to square one with your opponent on your back. That showed a maturity in mental toughness and desire to overcome adversity to win. While I wish it never happened, that single event and what follows marks the beginning of something greater.
Aug 24, 2011
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You knew they had some speed after seeing Arkell run down from behind on the 1st play from scrimmage. 1 TV commentator, Dan Hawkins I believe said I wouldn't have kicked in his direction since he had already run 1 or 2 back for TD's in previous games. Hawkins and the other commentator were spot on the whole game with what was going on. I didn't realize that our OL as iffy as we think it is, is one of the few in the country that is still intact this late in the season while Houston has had to throw in a couple of D Linemen to replace some injured O Linemen. We caught Houston at the right time and they caught us at wrong time. GO HUSKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Until Saturday we had been shockingly injury free this year. Some luck and some clearly due to the better strength and conditioning effort.
Aug 24, 2011
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I am pretty confident with this staff that if you give them a week, they will have a plan. I don't think they had a plan for having Boyle on the field and us ahead the entire game, and they were making it up on the fly.

I don't know how in the world anyone criticizes a staff for being too conservative with a lead and a backup QB that they didn't have a lot of faith in. WHEN WE WON. Yes, I also thought just one play action to start a drive would work beautifully, but being conservative worked thank you.

So when some of us talk about the lack of overall talent on the roster, this is what we are pointing to. Our speedster getting run down from dead behind in the open field and the other teams' speedster pulling away.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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I'll second this. This is a well deserved and thought provoking post.

Chin may have a term that they used in the military, but in Aerospace Manufacturing we call it "Continuous Improvement".

There was all sorts of jargon for this when I was serving. I'm only one degree of separation from the manufacturing end of things. I'm in a "sustainment" type career training users on information systems. Continuous Improvement, Process Improvement, Way Forward are all terms I've heard. The best comes from my sister who works in integration financial information systems- "Even Better Next Time".

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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You knew they had some speed after seeing Arkell run down from behind on the 1st play from scrimmage. 1 TV commentator, Dan Hawkins I believe said I wouldn't have kicked in his direction since he had already run 1 or 2 back for TD's in previous games. Hawkins and the other commentator were spot on the whole game with what was going on. I didn't realize that our OL as iffy as we think it is, is one of the few in the country that is still intact this late in the season while Houston has had to throw in a couple of D Linemen to replace some injured O Linemen. We caught Houston at the right time and they caught us at wrong time. GO HUSKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So when some of us talk about the lack of overall talent on the roster, this is what we are pointing to. Our speedster getting run down from dead behind in the open field and the other teams' speedster pulling away.

Those two plays absolutely brought to light the difference in athleticism between the teams. Other than that though, UConn's CB's matched up with their WR's, our LB's could hang with TE's and RB's and our O and D Line held their own athletically.

KO returner for Houston was a known wild card. He is a one seam and done type returner. UConn tried to pin him to the corner and he still made a play. Reminded me of Robbie Frey. One move and burners.

Funny thing about Arkeel is that he somewhat defies the stereotype of an undersized scat back who is a burner. He doesn't have breakaway speed and is probably average to below average for RB or DB speed. But he sure did move the pile a bunch on Saturday. I'll take that tradeoff.
Aug 26, 2011
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The clock issues are well, a serious issue. They have frustrated me, and I'm sure all of us all year. Given how much we improved from last year to this year, and seeing how diligent Diaco has been in preparing this team on a week to week basis, I fully expect this to be resolved by next season. If it isnt, it will be a serious impediment against reaching our full potential in terms of total number of wins. Houston got an extra possession at the end of the game because they had all 3 timeouts near the end of the game. It matters.
Aug 29, 2011
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There is a problem somewhere in the offense when it comes to communication, pace, and subsittutions. That became even more apparent when the Sheriff went out, and the Deputy came in. Based on the cumulative picture and product we've had now through 23 games, I can only conclude that a long term planning decision is the reason. I don't expect it to change much this season at this point, and the only thing that we can do, that I jokingly but seriously suggested in teh last game - was that Diaco really needs to assign somebody somewhere that will be heard - to watch the frigging play clock constantly and start acting like a maniac everytime it gets under 20 and get everybody's attention on the sideline and field and booth when it happens, and everybody is still standing around wondering what to do. That alone - that alarm on every down and every offensive series - will help things get better. maybe with an extra 15 practices or so (guesstimate) in December - we'll begin to address that. Until then, we're going to run into these issues with play clock running down, and substitution issues - I think.

Given everything that's been said by the diehards around here that were in attendance, the unsportsmanlike conduct penalty I think is a product of noise and environment rather than stupidity. Not acceptable to have that penalty - but understandable if that is correct, and something to easily learn from. Better to keep the QB reapped on his feet in that situation and either drive him out the back of the endzone or pick him up and carry him out as a gang of tacklers - if you don't hear a whistle rather than rip him to the ground. Same thing with a RB stopped in a standing scrum like that again or something anywhere on the field Bi - no whistle? Keep pushing them back on their feet until they go out the back of the endzone. No need to throw them to the ground when you've got it stopped like that. GEt low, legs under, pick em up and drive em back.

As for Bloom's hands. Stick um. Syrup, whatever it takes. LOL. He's just got to get more practice, and look the ball into his hands and make the catch before anything else.

We won the turnovers decisively on defense, and stuffed their run game in such fashion that it looked like we've been used to stopping the fullback dive on the triple option for a few seasons. THe offense has it's problems, but managed to move the ball enough to put the ball in the endzone, and put the kicking game in position to points on the board that we needed to win.

Great game. It's over though. We made far fewer errors in this game, than we've made in the past in all 3 phases - and we needed to do that, to win. They need to have a great week of practice again, and get ready for Temple.

We've got a real opportunity to make a statement type of game on Saturday. For now, I give thanks for Turkey day, for Bob Diaco, showing interest in coming to UCONN to be the head coach, and for Warde Manuel to look past certain things and take a risk on the hire, and for Diaco to demonstrate the learning from the education as a head coach he's had for 23 games - through 23 months on the job, thanks to the players for doing all they do in the program, to get to where they are - n the plus side of .500 at Thanksgiving for the first time in 5 years.

Am I satisfied? Not even close.
Aug 24, 2011
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Those two plays absolutely brought to light the difference in athleticism between the teams. Other than that though, UConn's CB's matched up with their WR's, our LB's could hang with TE's and RB's and our O and D Line held their own athletically.

KO returner for Houston was a known wild card. He is a one seam and done type returner. UConn tried to pin him to the corner and he still made a play. Reminded me of Robbie Frey. One move and burners.

Funny thing about Arkeel is that he somewhat defies the stereotype of an undersized scat back who is a burner. He doesn't have breakaway speed and is probably average to below average for RB or DB speed. But he sure did move the pile a bunch on Saturday. I'll take that tradeoff.

But remember the speed of the guy with the ball in the open field is only half the battle -- the speed of the guys chasing them figures in too.

Summers and Williams are great, but we play very conservatively and give them deep Safety help a high percentage of the time. One question for next year is whether the Staff thinks they do have the speed and strength to be given less deep help and to survive more on an island, the way we played with Branch and Butler or Blidi and Dwayne. Maybe HCBD is just more conservative than Edsall and Co. were. But it's also possible that Summers and Williams are both a bit slower and can't survive being on an island every play.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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But remember the speed of the guy with the ball in the open field is only half the battle -- the speed of the guys chasing them figures in too.

Summers and Williams are great, but we play very conservatively and give them deep Safety help a high percentage of the time. One question for next year is whether the Staff thinks they do have the speed and strength to be given less deep help and to survive more on an island, the way we played with Branch and Butler or Blidi and Dwayne. Maybe HCBD is just more conservative than Edsall and Co. were. But it's also possible that Summers and Williams are both a bit slower and can't survive being on an island every play.

I read it in some of the post-game stuff that Diaco is putting the CB's on an island more often. Even on the TD throw, Williams was right there to make the play. He mistimed the jump. He times it right and it's another INT.

As for the speed demons. In any given game someone has to be the fastest player on the field. Line up all of them by position and they still have a variance. Houston happens to have more of them than UConn. No one UConn's KO team was going to run him down.
Aug 27, 2011
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I watched the game on TV last night.

First, the guy who caught Arkeel grabbed him by the collar of his shirt to slow him down. I'm not sure the technicality of the horse collar call (I think you have to pull the runner down by the collar, which he did not do), but it's worth noting.

The play that Williams got beat on for the TD was just a great throw. He had decent coverage. His speed wasn't the issue there. His height was.

I didn't realize how close to disaster that gadget play was. That could've gone for 6 the other way. Holy smokes.

Boyle made his best play throwing an incomplete pass. On our second FG drive, the play call was a throw back to the FB (Anderson). He was blanketed and Boyle did the smart thing with the ball. If he tries to get too cute and force the action, it could've ended very badly.
Aug 24, 2011
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Those two plays absolutely brought to light the difference in athleticism between the teams. Other than that though, UConn's CB's matched up with their WR's, our LB's could hang with TE's and RB's and our O and D Line held their own athletically.

KO returner for Houston was a known wild card. He is a one seam and done type returner. UConn tried to pin him to the corner and he still made a play. Reminded me of Robbie Frey. One move and burners.

Funny thing about Arkeel is that he somewhat defies the stereotype of an undersized scat back who is a burner. He doesn't have breakaway speed and is probably average to below average for RB or DB speed. But he sure did move the pile a bunch on Saturday. I'll take that tradeoff.

Arkeel has superior acceleration and vision, but his top end speed doesn't blow you away.

Love the Frey comparison. For a long time, we had at least one or two guys on the roster that were either the fastest guy on the field, or close to it, regardless of the competition (Caulley, Branch, Butler, Frey, Todman, and even Deshon Foxx qualified). While I don't think the roster is "slow" by any means, I would love to get one or two true burners.
Jan 12, 2013
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I could find one glaring ugly error. we score a gorgeous touchdown from Anderson and seem to revel in it and forget to tackle the runner taking it end to end to tighten it up once again. It was 20-10 with some breathing room and bingo 20-17 back in sweatsville. Could have been a crushing play, but thankfully it wasn't.
Agree, kick coverage has been good all year, not the time to have a breakdown.
Aug 24, 2011
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Arkeel has superior acceleration and vision, but his top end speed doesn't blow you away.

Love the Frey comparison. For a long time, we had at least one or two guys on the roster that were either the fastest guy on the field, or close to it, regardless of the competition (Caulley, Branch, Butler, Frey, Todman, and even Deshon Foxx qualified). While I don't think the roster is "slow" by any means, I would love to get one or two true burners.

Frey pulled away from the guys chasing him on his TD in the Fiesta Bowl. Presumably because of his skin color, I remember watching the OU starters laughing at the guys who couldn't catch him when they walked off.
Aug 24, 2011
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I watched the game on TV last night.

First, the guy who caught Arkeel grabbed him by the collar of his shirt to slow him down. I'm not sure the technicality of the horse collar call (I think you have to pull the runner down by the collar, which he did not do), but it's worth noting.

The play that Williams got beat on for the TD was just a great throw. He had decent coverage. His speed wasn't the issue there. His height was.

I didn't realize how close to disaster that gadget play was. That could've gone for 6 the other way. Holy smokes.

Boyle made his best play throwing an incomplete pass. On our second FG drive, the play call was a throw back to the FB (Anderson). He was blanketed and Boyle did the smart thing with the ball. If he tries to get too cute and force the action, it could've ended very badly.

As I said in 241, Boyle never should have thrown the ball to Anderson that Anderson then threw. The football Gods were with us on that one. (That having been said, if the play never happens the KO return never happens and how much different is the game from what transpired? )
Aug 26, 2011
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1. It was Adeyemi.

2. I'm still convinced that whenever we have a successful play on offense, it is so unexpected and we celebrate so much that we have to call a TO before we have the ability to get the next play off. I think we called a TO after the first Arkeel run for that exact reason? Very frustrating. On substitutions, I give a partial pass due to losing Myers. Until Saturday, our team had been remarkably healthy (particularly on offense) and hadn't dealt with those kinds of issues before. I don't know if you blame the player or the coaches there but it absolutely needs to improve.

3. Agreed - he just seems to drop some passes without any reason but at other times he has fantastic hands. Can't explain it.

4. (new) Offensive play calling as an adjustment to personnel / defenses. After the initial drive, our offense won the game with smoke, mirrors and TOs generated by the defense. We didn't seem to adjust playcalling to TB's pocket passing style. Run on 1st, run on 2nd and pass short of the sticks on 3rd can't be the solution with him. I appreciate that we were looking to avoid mistakes against a defense that's very good at generating turnovers but I don't think we even ran many WR flares / proxy run plays that we've done with decent success in the past. No play action passes, no deep balls to stretch the defense. I think Verducci is somewhat limited given our pass protection is still questionable (no QB sacks but plenty of hits) but we need some creativity in the passing game to give Tim Boyle a chance.

He catches the high ball with his body facing to QB very well. Its the waist and below ball where he is sideways to QB and has to turn his hands fingers/hands down to grab ball that he is too stiff in arms/hands and doesn't catch it. Same type ball vs. Tulane. Against Mizz. on trick plays similar type balls (think was him and not Meyers) and he didn't "snatch" the ball but let defender have time to slap away - needs to 'snatch" ball like Caron Butler used to do with rebounds.
Aug 27, 2011
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As I said in 241, Boyle never should have thrown the ball to Anderson that Anderson then threw. The football Gods were with us on that one. (That having been said, if the play never happens the KO return never happens and how much different is the game from what transpired? )

If it went for a pick 6 (which it could've)? We lose the game. Football/mojo gods definitely were with us.
Aug 26, 2011
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Btw the kid from Houston them at ran the kick back was FAST. If the field had been 200 yards long he could have stopped for coffee before scoring.

You knew they had some speed after seeing Arkell run down from behind on the 1st play from scrimmage.

The player who caught up to AK, grabbed the collar to slow him and tackled him and the player that ran the kick back I believe were one in the same.
Aug 24, 2011
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Frey pulled away from the guys chasing him on his TD in the Fiesta Bowl. Presumably because of his skin color, I remember watching the OU starters laughing at the guys who couldn't catch him when they walked off.

Frey and Branch had another gear. In this highlight of Frey, nobody runs him down unless they take a near perfect angle.
Aug 24, 2011
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Frey and Branch had another gear. In this highlight of Frey, nobody runs him down unless they take a near perfect angle.

1. Thos are seriousy long strides -- sprinter's strides, as opposed to football strides. Both Robbie and Branch, IIRC, were seriously high school sprinters.

2. What I wouldn't do to even have Robbie Frey back covering kicks and returning kickoffs. Forgetting that if he came back for his RS Sr. year, we probably go bowling in '11.
Dec 28, 2011
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I agree with all of your points. #1 being a Senior no less. Disappointing for sure, but the game ended up how we all hoped it would! Hoping he learns from this!
Nov 2, 2011
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The player who caught up to AK, grabbed the collar to slow him and tackled him and the player that ran the kick back I believe were one in the same.
You are correct, sir.


formerly SeoulHuskyFan
Aug 27, 2011
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Those two plays absolutely brought to light the difference in athleticism between the teams. Other than that though, UConn's CB's matched up with their WR's, our LB's could hang with TE's and RB's and our O and D Line held their own athletically.

KO returner for Houston was a known wild card. He is a one seam and done type returner. UConn tried to pin him to the corner and he still made a play. Reminded me of Robbie Frey. One move and burners.

Funny thing about Arkeel is that he somewhat defies the stereotype of an undersized scat back who is a burner. He doesn't have breakaway speed and is probably average to below average for RB or DB speed. But he sure did move the pile a bunch on Saturday. I'll take that tradeoff.
Second defender in , I think it was McAllister, drifted outside with the kick and opened a lane.. returner made one move inside and found it. Lane discipline on KO coverage is critical. Absolutely awesome though, the way the Huskies refused to let the wheels come off -- that was what HBCD meant by surviving a moment of crack.
Aug 28, 2011
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As I said in 241, Boyle never should have thrown the ball to Anderson that Anderson then threw. The football Gods were with us on that one. (That having been said, if the play never happens the KO return never happens and how much different is the game from what transpired? )
Jimmy beat me to it, but we most likely lose the game. Instead of up 20-10, we'd be down 17-13 as it would have been a pick 6. The team showed a lot of heart, but take away that throw and they only scored 6 points, off short fields, when Boyle was QB. Tough to see us coming back with a touchdown to win the game.
Aug 24, 2011
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Jimmy beat me to it, but we most likely lose the game. Instead of up 20-10, we'd be down 17-13 as it would have been a pick 6. The team showed a lot of heart, but take away that throw and they only scored 6 points, off short fields, when Boyle was QB. Tough to see us coming back with a touchdown to win the game.

Hate to go all lawyer on you, but if Boyle didn't throw the ball -- as I said -- a pick six was highly unlikely
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