The situations are different. Didn't Beard's girlfriend later retract her statement, after he had already been let go from Texas?
Hillsman was just guilty, guilty, guilty about all the revelations regarding his beavior toward the young women playing for Syracuse.
I have extreme disdain for Beard (and I'm nervous that he's about to become the MBB coach at my former employer, which makes me very sad and angry). But I think the situations are different.
Victims of domestic violence often recant when it becomes clear that the person who hurt them may suffer significant harm from the report -- like losing a multi-million dollar job. A recantation and lack of charges filed doesn't change the fact that the (indefensible) behavior occurred - there are photos and cops observed her injuries. Legal charges are dependent on so many factors that they shouldn't be used as a standard of proof or exoneration outside a court. Beard is not someone to be admired or to lead a program for young men, in my opinion.
That said, Beard's transgressions occurred in his role as a boyfriend, while he was the MBB coach at Texas. His misbehavior was not directed at his players. He's still a woman beater that I don't think should be a college basketball coach without evidence of some serious work on himself, but I'm not aware of evidence he is/was a player abuser. (If there is evidence, please correct me.)
Hillsman's misbehavior was directed at his own athletes - those he recruited and promised parents he would take care of and help navigate the transition to adulthood. To hire him into a similar position when there has been no (afaik?) admission of wrongdoing, apology, or work on himself is - in my opinion - even worse than hiring Beard. Hillsman has a higher bar to clear, imo, before deserving any athletic program's trust.