Used to play in league there, and that back 9 was brutal near sunset. Swampy and tons of mosquitoes.
I never had mosquito problems there. The drainage problem affected really two holes, 11 and 12, and usually only after a few days of rain. But we always played on the early side so maybe the flying critters were still sleeping. I think it was one of the more interesting courses around and over the years I played there, was always well-maintained. They had just upgraded their restaurant when the front nine was sold and I think that whole building was going to be torn down. Not sure. I Leo heard the additional new 9 across the street isn’t happening. But that’s info several months old so maybe things are changing.
On Lyman, I like it, especially the Jones course, but it always seems crowded. Ditto Timberlin. Life is full of such problems.