any chance you're orthotist or PT? (I'm an orthotist)
Nope, just play one in real life RE my own extensive injury history. I've played a ton of team and extreme sports in my time, still do, and I've also spent more time than I care to remember doing physiotherapy, MRIs, xrays and what not. Sprained and broke both ankles a number of times; broken collar bone; busted up my shoulder pretty good, tears in both menisci, strained everything under the sun, broken thumb, wrist sprains, cracked ribs, numerous concussions, lower back problems, nerve problems in the feet, and probably other stuff I can't remember. I probably won't be able to walk at 70.
I pretty much do it all my physio on my own at this point, unless I have a major injury or surgery that requires a specific plan, metrics, goals/monitoring, machines etc.
I'd obviously defer to your expertise in terms of giving advise.