Kicking game needs work | The Boneyard

Kicking game needs work

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Aug 29, 2011
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Winnable game and a fail. From following along I was pretty shocked the game wasn't in OT because of a missed FG but whatever. Diaco's nothing if not eccentric, entertaining and consistent.

Kicking game needs work. Navy next and csn't wait to be home.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Special teams were absolutely our worst third of the game (and in our season). If I see any more fracking punts that hit the ground and bounce 20 more yards against us, I'm going to flip. Simple PR lineup. Fair catch everything.
Aug 29, 2011
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Apparently, everybody didn't come out to the field with the appearance of having themselves, and that's good.

I'm on board Diaco's love machine. This team is so much better than last year. The love machine seems to be everything it's made out to be, and so that means that everybody in the program knows they should have won this game. That also means that they're going to get out of bed tomorrow sore as hell, and want to get back to work to get better as soon as possible anyway. A game ends 9-6 with 2 TD's scored?

I can guarantee, without having seen a thing, that there are just as many mistakes to correct in this game, as there were in the first game vs. Villanova. So, you get to work and correct them. To finish a game like this, the problems of last year are gone. Without a doubt.

Now - to the last call, I was sure the field goal had been missed or blocked again, but whatever Diaco made a call and live with it. This is the same guy that decided to scrap an entire offensive play book in the first quarter of a game last year. He's nothing, as I wrote, if not eccentric, entertaining and consistent. Consistently unconventional.

So, he decided to go for the win. Good for him, and the team. honesltly, as Fairfield noted - we've not just missed PAT's, we've had them blocked in 3 consecutive games. What really was the chance of making a FG vs. trying another trick play? THe difference - is playing for the win, or playing for a chance to win in OT, with your defense that is gassed and you've been riding all day. You can't constantly rely on your defense to win games. I got cooked for agreeing and defending Pasqualoni's decision to throw against Vanderbilt and try to to get a first down and win the game, and I still would do it again, and I don't think DIaco made a bad call here. Play for the win. Fine by me.

Perhaps in the future, a better way - would be to not have to take the game down to a trick play with under a minute to go to do it - play for the win.

Now - reality is if the love machine is what i's crackedup to be, these guys are going to be hungrier than ever, they're going to get better this week, and on Saturday - we'll have a chance to compete with Navy, and defend our home field and finish the first quarter of the season at 3-1.

I'll be there, and I can't wait.

and again - the kicking game needs some work.
Aug 27, 2011
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You really should watch the game before providing a hot take on the fake FG call.
Aug 29, 2011
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You really should watch the game before providing a hot take on the fake FG call.
LOL. Must have been emotional.

Where is the degenerate whaler. Playing with house money. I'm done with looking in the rear view mirror. In more wsys you can know my friend. The only thing that matters is identifying the mistakes, learning from them, getting better and getting to tomorrow.

I remember years ago, we couldn't hit the side of a barn with kickers. The guy made a choice, and that is it. He played for the win, to me it's justified, by the course of the season and game, and I will never fault a coach for doing that.

How quickly we forget last season, when we were kicking against BYU for practice instead of trying to win.

Need more practice.

They went, competed, gave all they got and went for the win. Its a loss, and I hate losing, but you move on.

The only thing really lost is the undefeated season.

Next up Navy.


Aug 27, 2011
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The problem was that he had already gone to the unexpected play well too many times before, so Mizzu was ready.

But, for a loss, it was a satisfying effort and this team shows a lot of promise. If the extra point had been made earlier, then the last field goal would have been for the win and the fake would have been off the table.
Aug 29, 2011
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Guys and gals,

With a box score of 9-6 with two TD's, a safety and a FG, I don't have to watch anything to know there are at least 50 plays where mistakes happened, that could have prevented the situation where the head coach needs to make a choice between our kicking game for a tie and trying to get through OT riding the D, or going for the win. Learn from it, probably better to run a normsl offendive set on 4th down instead of fake kick, whatever. He chose to play for the win and I'm fine with it. When it comes to that, I watched 11 games last year (not SMU), and I don't ever want to see Bob Diaco doing anything but playing to win again.

It hurts to walk away with a loss from a game you know you could have won. How you respond to that is important, and I don't think Diaco deserves to be raked over the coals.

I expect, that he always coaches to win, and if there is anything to be learned, it's thst after you run several trick plays during the game on specials, by the end of the game, everybody is going to expect it.

But you play and coach to win, always. Gassing the D anymore, in the 3rd game of the season, non-conference, given our kucking game?

I go for it on 4th every time, it's only a matter of plsy call choice.

Diaco will learn.


Did they burn down the ROTC Hangar?
Oct 13, 2012
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Poor kick blocking and a kicker who hits line drives 3 feet off the ground. Yeah, we need work. I would have let Tarbutt redeem himself late, however. Trust a rusty frosh kicker over Boyle 24-7
Aug 27, 2011
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Guys and gals,

With a box score of 9-6 with two TD's, a safety and a FG, I don't have to watch anything to know there are at least 50 plays where mistakes happened, that could have prevented the situation where the head coach needs to make a choice between our kicking game for a tie and trying to get through OT riding the D, or going for the win. Learn from it, probably better to run a normsl offendive set on 4th down instead of fake kick, whatever. He chose to play for the win and I'm fine with it. When it comes to that, I watched 11 games last year (not SMU), and I don't ever want to see Bob Diaco doing anything but playing to win again.

It hurts to walk away with a loss from a game you know you could have won. How you respond to that is important, and I don't think Diaco deserves to be raked over the coals.

I expect, that he always coaches to win, and if there is anything to be learned, it's thst after you run several trick plays during the game on specials, by the end of the game, everybody is going to expect it.

But you play and coach to win, always. Gassing the D anymore, in the 3rd game of the season, non-conference, given our kucking game?

I go for it on 4th every time, it's only a matter of plsy call choice.

Diaco will learn.

Look, it was downright foolish. I know I'm talking to a guy who still has no problem with McEntee throwing at Vandy, but I'm willing to let go of this as long as nobody tries to rationalize or defend it.


Did they burn down the ROTC Hangar?
Oct 13, 2012
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We had Puyol out there when all know he is mid range. It was like an open book quiz for Mizzou.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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I don't know what I find more mind boggling: that we have had an extra point blocked in three straight games or that we interfered with a punt returner twice in the same game.

I'll take the punt interference any time. Hick's and several others have been beasts beating blocks and getting down field. Every team we play going forward is tentative returning punts.

I'll pisssss off football fans again by comparing it to a center getting goal tending calls. Many of them are low level intelligence plays but it puts the thought in the opponents head. They're getting hit on punts. Put up the hand and take the fair catch.
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